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I wanna Micro grow too!!!!


btw you need to pop those extrema and chemdxafghaan. im waiting for that day -=D

edit: just blazed up some ppp in the bong. o man i really am sad losing my mothers. this stuff is great. brokenup it smells like pez candy and smoked it is spicey with candy aftertaste. very sweet. very nice uplifting positive high. very sativa.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Very interesting sounding afghan diesel. I believe theres a possibilities of some "oddities" in the NYCD portion of the cross. I bets going to have crazy yield.

Well lets see: KO Kush= Killa Kush x Herijuana were as Killa Kush = Pre98 bubba kush x Killa Queen , where killa Queen= G13 x C99. So thats a lot of indica action with a hint of c99 somwhere.

Uber kush= Ko Kush x Subba Kush, were Skubba Kush= pre98 bubba kush x Cheese

So you can look at it like this Uber kush =(pre98 bubba x herijuana) x (pre98 bubba x cheese) vs KO Kush (pre98 bubba kush x Herijuana).

You can have "single" or kush or "double" your kush and get Uber Kush.Any way you go you will be satisfied, if your interested in bubba kush, go with the uber.

Extrema, uber kush , and sour turbo, your filter is going to implode :tongue:


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
btw you need to pop those extrema and chemdxafghaan. im waiting for that day -=D

edit: just blazed up some ppp in the bong. o man i really am sad losing my mothers. this stuff is great. brokenup it smells like pez candy and smoked it is spicey with candy aftertaste. very sweet. very nice uplifting positive high. very sativa.

Well i wanna do the Extrema,SSSDH, and Black Widow whenever i get a rubbermaid going. I forgot i have those chemd x afghan freebies, ill save those for a rainy day. :D I bet you can still get them as freebies with extrema ;)


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Thanks cheesebuds

Today my 3rd KM seed popped up,so that works for me:jump:

Two shots of what i believe is Star Kush before transplant


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yeah your right about the nycd being the weird ones with multiple growth tips per nodes. inow yo uremind me i did see that in a post that was with NYCD and it was soma's seed stock. as for the kushes i dunno ill prolly get them both but im gonna get the uber kush first just because it would be easier to throw in a couple plants that i don't have to sex. mayble ill order em today. i wonder if theyr limited or not


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Yes there limited stock but they wont be gone forever when there gone, but it will be a while before restocking


666th post in this thread spooky
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edit: i ordered the uber kush =]. things gone be stinky up everywhere. i think you are right when you say my filter is going to implode lol
hey fuzz, hows it going over there? those roots look hawt!

i've just got some bud, and found over like 50 seeds! and they are all great looking. stop by my thread sometime man! i'de love too hear from you soon:p



Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Nem-you already ordered, lol that was quick i dont blame ya. Im refusing to by more seeds until i can get the rubbermaid setup.I need those few $$$ here and there. Are you gonna start them immediately when you get to the new location.

christoph-I stopped in check that link i provided in your thread. It helps me a lot

Im doing much better clone work as you can see, just had to find the sweet spot.Too bad i dont know what strain it is:kos:


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Slight Little update. Somewhere along the lines i mis counted clones, so im pretty much at capacity. Where i messed up was my impatience and i cracked thos 3 kali seeds. No biggie, but those are taking up space that could be used for known females. So what ive decided to do was some switching around. In Flower I removed the Violator Kush, she went back to veg.I would like to take cuts off her since its a fem seed and known female. Next i had 3 kali young seedlings in the box, so those went back to veg. Ill let them flow for a few weeks in the veg box,and ill just sex them manually by putting them in a darkspot every night.

So now that only leaves 1 KM clone and mod bx #1 clone in flower. I tossed in 3 star kush clones, and 2 MOD bx #2 clones.Like i said i said earlier i missed counted, but i was lucky to squeeze another cup in for a total 7 cups. Ill be honest i never test to see in my preliminary setup how 7 cups would do, only 6.Right now its relatively tame in there, but it should be interesting once every thing gets into flower.So this would be called a "Micro High Intensity SOG."

Im confident in this run,from my small PC that i will get close to matching what PLL's and SCrOG setup pull.This no easy task, check any PLL scrog grow, and see what these guys are pulling down and its quite impressive IMO. Im running 92w now down from 132w in this setup, but i feel i have more control now.I also average about 5grams dry per 16oz cup.Im still trying to hit 7grams per cup, but as close as it seems its so far away.Well thats enough of my ramblings, i cant wait to give these strains a second look:watchplant:


i suppose illl throw a lil update in here. had to take everything down for a day for some stupid reason. i have everything under the 6500k 4 foot fluros and 1 46 watt soft white cfl for the moment. stil progressing quite nicely.if all works out as planned i will have a new place very soon and as soooon as i mvoe i am getting these flowering clones under the 600wat hps in the tent. then once my uber kush gets here ill prolly pop like 2 or 3 of em and start veggin em out. the sour turbo at first didnt seem that it would be as good as the afghan now im assuming it seemed its cause the turbo will take a couple weeks longer making the triches take a bit more time to come out. now the sour turbo is starting to smell real nice. the nycdxafghaan smells amazing. anyhow everything is just about 3 weeks i am guessing.

NYCD x Afghaan


Sour Turbo


Group Shot


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Very nice.They look great. Looks like there about ready to blow up in the next 2 weeks or so.


yeah man hopefully i never pollinated my ladies b4 so this is my first time lol. i dunno what to expect as of growth or when the seeds will mature.


good news got my uber kush. very excited =]. ive been wanting a kush strain for awhile now. hopefully ill be satisfied with this one.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Damn you got those pretty quick. Well you wanted kush, you got it. Its got tons of pre98 bubba in there. It may offer up some good colors as well late in flower :)


as for colors i got some killing field f7 x NYCD so i was lookin at the killing field they got asnd it seems to be very purple. should be a killer cross. pagae says special freebies i dunno if that is actually like prized freebees lol. they even screwed up n slipped me an extra seed so i got 6 of em freebees. well im siked i will have my new place next week. once i move in i will order the can 75 filter. 6 inch duct muffler and maybe the extrema? lol as well as coco,flora micro and ph tester and im set.