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I think a chopper saw my 3 plants


just dropping in to say hi and tag this thread.

good move moving them, just make sure you are not seen moving them :)

i bet they will not even look for them under trees as they know about the light needs of cannabis. just sit back now for a while, till you realize the air traffic couldn't be connected to your plants, then put them back to finish in the better spot.

i hope you took a few buds from the broken branch area to get an idea how medicinal they are yet :) always the best way to check viability of harvesting.


good move moving them, just make sure you are not seen moving them :)

i bet they will not even look for them under trees as they know about the light needs of cannabis. just sit back now for a while, till you realize the air traffic couldn't be connected to your plants, then put them back to finish in the better spot.

i hope you took a few buds from the broken branch area to get an idea how medicinal they are yet :) always the best way to check viability of harvesting.

Hi gaiusmarius.

I'm limiting visits to dusk, post sunset and today at least, pre-dawn. I figure it's too late to look in the light, and too early to use FLIR or whatever those circling middle of the night choppers are doing. Any sounds of aircraft and I hop to the nearest safe/dark spot. Try not to move too fast though because I've heard choppers see people more by movement than by color of clothes etc. I imagine good FLIR could distinguish between human and bear though.

Yes, sitting back for now. Last night at dusk I evaluated moving spots and cut a few inner, lower popcorn buds for sampling and stress relief. :) Now, to some extent, I figure it's better to smoke it than to lose it to cops, rippers, animals, mold or whatever. But I'm too nervous to grab much quantity now and have it in the house.

it costs thousands of dollars to run a chopper per hour. They are not worried about your three plants.

Hi dusto2k3,

Yes, but the choppers are mostly military, so it costs the cops next to nothing. For the military, it's training and hidden in other costs. The public never hears how much it actually costs. And why would the cops and military care how much it costs the taxpayer.

I would bet that many of the cops just LOVE all the easy, exciting overtime they are getting. So to them, the more work, the more seizures and busts, the better. And I'm sure smoker cops are grabbing the best colas they can find for their personal use. For the military guys, they are just following orders, and also likely love all the extra air time they are getting.

Yes, most likely THEY are not "worried" about 3 plants. But my wife certainly is, and to a lesser extent, myself also. And that's what matters to us.

Cheers !


"If growing on your own property in the US, they will seize your property. I knew a guy who stopped to buy a dime bag from an undercover cop, they arrested him and thanked him for donating his car to the Sheriff department. I dont know about the law in canada but here I would be super paranoid growing on my own property"

Thats a wide open statment. So I buy a dime...and they take my car in the U.S?
I think not, my state...120 dollar fine...Your buddy may have been raped, but dont post things that are so..."light headed"..


I have an image of local chopper guys in the hanger/office reading this thread and laughing their asses off, LOL. :) If so, knock it off please, yer drivin us nuts...

YES, the choppers were back at it locally today, just as the family and I headed out for the Gatineau Hills around 3:30 PM. We went for a hike up one of the area Gatineau mountains, and sure enough, as we start climbing the escarpment, the ominous "whop, whop, whop" of blades disturbs the air and our nerves.

Jeebus, f.ing cripes ! No I don't really believe they're targetting/intimidating/or god forbid actually following us.... So no need to re-assure me...

BUT, dagnabit this is highly unusual for this area, even in a flight path that gets occasional military chopper formations of 3. I can't imagine it's anything else but pot eradication at a minimum, not at this time of year. That area doesn't even have power lines or any other reason I can see for unusual traffic. Also saw a seaplane again today and starting to think it's part of the force.

SO,... I'm thinking that there may be many hundreds, if not thousands of plants out there. The high traffic COULD be all the different eradication sites, assuming there were many. Or they could be putting extra force in to try and catch anyone tending them.

Not to be too paranoid, but that sorta thing could make tending just one result in being arrested for a very large number. Also, several years ago the provincial cops were publicizing the problems with biker gang grows on farm land. The bikers, or whatever gang type of members, allegedly would threaten the farmers with violence to keep their mouths shut. That, and booby-traps, dogs or armed guards are of course nasty complications that one could end up facing if caught in the wrong net.

I just find all this traffic so incredible. At a minimum, just in my "local area", say several miles by the same, they must have spent 100s of thousands of dollars.

So I've almost lost track. At least 3 days of intensive (over an hour a day it seems) chopper activity, including what looks like night operations.

So, hmmm. I'm starting to think I should wait at least until I see 36 hours with no activity before visiting the plants even quickly.

But yeah, chillin tonight, puffin some popcorn and enjoying the last 4 hours free of chopper noises. Hope it lasts all night. Heck, hope they're done for the season, cause my nerves are gettin toasted. :)


Thats a wide open statment. So I buy a dime...and they take my car in the U.S?
I think not, my state...120 dollar fine...Your buddy may have been raped, but dont post things that are so..."light headed"..

As far as I've heard yes. In many places at least, in the US, one could lose their car, even if it's worth millions, for the illegal actions of the driver. Say you lend your car to your son, and he picks up a hooker. AFAIK, the cops could take that car, even if the owner isn't driving.

Now I may have misunderstood or things may have changed or different states etc. are different, but that's what I've heard. Under Reagan in the 1980's expensive planes, boats and cars were lost due to a few seeds. But that may have been some war on drugs law.

In Canada so far, we USUALLY only have to worry about asset seizure if we are making "a living" from crime or have gang/mafia type ties. That said, I haven't heard of street dealers losing a home or car yet, mostly big commercial growers are loosing their houses.

I said USUALLY above because there are some exceptions. "Stunt driving" (like going 40 mph over limit etc.) can lose you your car.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Please be careful...I can soon find your location based on what you've said...I already know you are within 20 mins of me...btw....we have more plants than that in the backyard and I'm not worried about anything...


I hold El Roacho's
Not another Chopper Alert!

We get a few every month here at ICM

Don't stress over 3 plants - the fuel to take
flight using that chopper wouldn't be worth
their resources for 3 plants.



Please be careful...I can soon find your location based on what you've said...I already know you are within 20 mins of me...btw....we have more plants than that in the backyard and I'm not worried about anything...

Umm, OK. I decided I'm taking a stand against anything that involves "internet cops" for a measly 3 plants for self professed 100% personal.

But aren't you giving away your location almost as much as I have or will by saying "within 20 mins ? And perhaps now I shouldn't say more cause that would jeopardize you a bit ?

I have come to realize internet pot people don't necessarily share much info about chopper patterns, times, etc. probably because that jeopardizes location to some extent. I was hoping to find more info on the net, but haven't, particularly not for Canada, or my province/city. Some places are nice enough to have FM radio reports of local activity, LOL.

So I guess you are implicitly confirming the crazy level of chopper activity I'm reporting is true and not made up by some internet attention junkie or paranoid delusional ? Cool.... :)

Ummm, so have they found lots of plants, or just targetting the area hard for whatever reason ? Keep waiting to hear some media news, but nothing yet. Sometimes they delay find reports for as much as a week.
Ok I can understand your anxiety.
In Canada you stand to use your land and home but only IF they can prove that you are trafficking.
If you are your wife are using strictly as medicine then it most likely won't even make it to court.
AND that is if they take the time to actually come and take them.
All kinds of planes and copters fly around all the time
Since it was bringing you down so much it is good that you moved them over the fence

I know it probably doesn't help but there seriously are no convictions for medical marijuana use in Canada.
It just doesn't happen.
Mark my word.
People that get into trouble have been proved trafficking


Since it was bringing you down so much it is good that you moved them over the fence

I know it probably doesn't help but there seriously are no convictions for medical marijuana use in Canada.

I checked on the plants at 2 AM. All is cool; buds retrieved and tested... haven't had a good sativa in a while... :) Got them pushed a bit better under trees.

I'll feel fine as soon as I don't hear choppers for a few days. I don't care TOO much if they just go over one way. It's when they circle around and fly over your own property 3 times that it really gets me.

I don't have the ATP MMJ card. Might ask my shrink this coming visit for a written rec at least. He seems pretty young, upbeat, experimental and "crazy" LOL. Unfortunately Quebec specifically is hard to get doc authorizations.

When I was reading about all the paperwork for Canadian MMJ especially to grow yourself, I was put off the program. I end up on the cops radar, and outdoor doesn't seem secure enough, and indoors home insurance is an issue and who knows what else. That said, my grower buddy got his designated grower card after his bust.

Often seems to be among the best ways to handle a bust, to get official MMJ recognition after the fact and use that to try and get some leniency or dismissal due to medical need that was just missing the proper paperwork. Health Canada is what, backlogged 6 months or so now ? Any only 4000 some odd usage licenses.
I checked on the plants at 2 AM. All is cool; buds retrieved and tested... haven't had a good sativa in a while... :) Got them pushed a bit better under trees.

I'll feel fine as soon as I don't hear choppers for a few days. I don't care TOO much if they just go over one way. It's when they circle around and fly over your own property 3 times that it really gets me.

I don't have the ATP MMJ card. Might ask my shrink this coming visit for a written rec at least. He seems pretty young, upbeat, experimental and "crazy" LOL. Unfortunately Quebec specifically is hard to get doc authorizations.

When I was reading about all the paperwork for Canadian MMJ especially to grow yourself, I was put off the program. I end up on the cops radar, and outdoor doesn't seem secure enough, and indoors home insurance is an issue and who knows what else. That said, my grower buddy got his designated grower card after his bust.

Often seems to be among the best ways to handle a bust, to get official MMJ recognition after the fact and use that to try and get some leniency or dismissal due to medical need that was just missing the proper paperwork. Health Canada is what, backlogged 6 months or so now ? Any only 4000 some odd usage licenses.
I'm glad that you feel much better.
I've cut down plants and done things plenty of times merely out of paranoia and later regretted it but it is best to be safe than sorry.

I wasn't even talking about being a legal patient. As long as you are growing for yourself as medicine then you wouldn't be convicted.
A good idea that many people do is get a card from a compassion club as proof. All you need for a card is a LOD (letter of diagnosis from your doctor)

I doubt your friend was convicted of an offence because to get a designated growing license you haver to have a 10 year clear record with no convictions. To get a personal production license, you can have them though.

Yes there are approximately 4000 hard holders but most of them are for possession only.
There are only about 500 designated growers and about 1500 to 2000 people with a license to grow for themselves.

There is a lot of paperwork. YOu are in the system BUT if anything were to happen like an emergency at your house where you needed assistance, you can't even call for fear of being CAUGHT. Ya can't have any service people over either or anything else for that matter SO it is added protection.
You can get insurance for your crop as well as your home PLUS if you don't wanna grow in the house, grow in a greenhouse.
It is then considered an indoor grow if it is a permanent one and there are all kinds that offer discretion as an added bonus.

Its worth looking into so you don't have to go through this each and every time but even if you dont, growing a few plants isn't going to bring about jail time for any Canadian unless the law can prove that you arte selling it to others.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
But aren't you giving away your location almost as much as I have or will by saying "within 20 mins ? And perhaps now I shouldn't say more cause that would jeopardize you a bit ?

I've never hidden where I am, I'm proud of it and I'm not paranoid. I never said anything about choppers....I'm over many of the airports flights paths so I get planes, commercial, private, choppers, emergency life rescue...going over my place every day.
The great thing about applying for a card from a compassion club is that you do not have to have your doctors permission to use.
All that is needed from these compassion clubs or dispensaries is confirmation that you have some type of disorder that can be holistically treated. It doesn't even have to be listed under either the B1 or B2 classification.
Getting a 'letter of diagnosis' from your doctor can be easy since they are needed for any type of insurance. You don't even have to tell your doctor what it is for if you are worried about it.
No these cards do not make you legal BUT they certainly are a step in the right direction as far as the law is concerned.
It doesn't legally give you the right to possess but most authorities honour it as a legit card for medical coverage.
It also doesn't cover anyone for growing BUT it does show that you are growing for use as a patient which makes a big difference under our Canadian law.
You also get the added bonus of a nice selction of strains to choose from if ever needed.
They can be a bit pricey but for the selection, convenience and safety it offers, it is WELL worth getting one.:dance013:
From there if you are still interested, you can look into applying for an MMAR exemption. If you cannot get one for yourself; perhaps a friend or family member might need a grower. There are many Canadians that are in need of good compassionate growers.
It also doesn't mean that you have to work for nothing if you decide to do so.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
in michigan if they find plants outside your house or on your property they do not raid your home... they land kill the plants and leave a card at your house... sometimes they call you and try to get you to tell on yourself sometimes not....

if it not like in your garden you can always say hey i had no idea... some kids i have a big property... DENy deny deny... anyways if your plants are still there chances are they didnt see them... hope it helps...


~Resident Puck Bunny~
The police seriously don't care about 3 plants....not with this happening down the road...

More than 800 marijuana plants seized in two West Quebec drug busts


OTTAWA — A 31-year-old man was arrested and police seized more than 800 marijuana plants in two separate drug busts in Val-des-Monts on Sunday.

The MRC des Collines-de-l'Outaouais seized 345 plants on Chemin de la Lievre in Val-des-Monts. After a 31-year-old man was arrested, police were led to another 215 plants in the same area.

In a separate incident, police were called to a fire on Chemin du Moulin in La Peche where they found 300 marijuana plants. The fire was caused by an electrical problem in the home, police said.

The owner of the home left before he could be questioned, police said. No charges have been laid.

Read more: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/M...c+drug+busts/3496767/story.html#ixzz0zK7oCYvl

That's why the choppers come out in the fall...not for 3 plants..
The police seriously don't care about 3 plants....

That's why the choppers come out in the fall...not for 3 plants..
Exactly! They aren't going to spend that much time and effort on three plants. That is peanuts to them.
And I don't put it past some of these pilots, who 'might' know, to purposefully do it just to scare you. They are highly skilled pilots but they also have a sense of humour. Flying real close past your property to see if you would come running out and cut them down would be a blast to some of these guys.
It might be at your expense but they are only human too, and often take their ranks a BIT too seriously.( if ya know what i mean)


Active member
it sounds like the police, military and civilian air patrol have combined forces to bring down your 3 plant empire. have you considered turning yourself in ??


i also think you are being overly anxious, but i understand, specially when you have family worrying even more. so basically do what you feel you should to allow you to sleep well. in the end it's very likely that all the air activity has no connection to your plants what so ever. they would not fly over to look at them again and again, it's just too costly. also the angle makes it very hard to really be sure where exactly they are hovering. so just try stay calm, the cameo net over them might be the best bet for your health and nerves. that way you know they can't see them.


I've never hidden where I am, I'm proud of it and I'm not paranoid. I never said anything about choppers....I'm over many of the airports flights paths so I get planes, commercial, private, choppers, emergency life rescue...going over my place every day.

Oh, OK. I guess 20 minutes by car from here can add up to a pretty good distance. At 70 kmh average, that could be over 20 km (12 miles). So I guess you haven't noticed the choppers here (or don't want to say).

To all those who think I'm "freaking out", I am not. If I was freaked the plants would be chopped and perhaps even tossed. Just trying to be extra cautious as I generally am in all areas of life. I'd say I'm "concerned". After 3-5 days like the last several, I REALLY think (to some extent hope) the chopper risk has passed.

BTW, yes I read that Ottawa Citizen article. I've been reading all the Google news articles related to grows by searching for "marijuana" in pages from Canada. Trying to see what REALLY happens. I see 2 small 4-6 plant grows busted in Ontario, but this area the smallest bust was 44 plants inside at a daycare house (I presume likely the reason they hit it.)

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