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jamaican lambsbread?


hemcy sais that their "Jamaica" is the famous lambsbreath ganja - well I had a try two years ago, turned out blue and had a real fruity (mandarin) taste! it is a very nice weed for the day but I think this is not the style of lambsbreath as it is on jamaica...


New member
Just got some Sharksbreath seeds myself :abduct:, pretty excited about this... wish me luck!
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Active member
hey guys, and wa-um.... i just got 100 25 year old lambs breath beans from a canadian breeder who lived on jamaice for 15 years in the 70's, when bm and ganja were in full swing.

i believe all of you are right about the name, and just want to add that in canada, there is a huge population of jamaicans, especially toronto. the jamaican born people(older generation) usually only wanted to smoke ganja born in jamaica.

i used to get it all the time from a jamaican i knew who told me this back in the day. that local indicas were to strong, paranoid and chemical to be enlightening haha.

as well, breeders took seeds from this lambsbreath and inbred on jamaica and beans came in the bud out of jamaice wherever the populace smuggled it, and interbred.

so definitly is high quality inbreeding within the jamaican line of "lambs breath".
hopefully my buddy the med man is willing to sprout em and find a gem. 14 weeks sounds heavy, thanks for the info, d


Dmt if there real do me a flavor don't cull them if they take longer than 14 weeks as the ods are they will go well past 14weeks.

I only ever saw one batch of Jamaican that was in 79 oddest looking mj i ever saw flowers screwed like a cork screw smelt of bleach.

I rember watching a Marley movie and this African American guy was in the Jamaican forests with the Rastafarians and there were cannabis sativa plants every were he picked leaf from one of the sativas that looked to be in veg still standing from memory 7 ft tall he lite his pipe took a few big hits and was high.

Good way to do sats is germ veg and clone then run the clones they come in much faster than the seed plants.

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