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Cacti & Succulents



Right now I got a mid sized san pedro plant, no biggie. Always keep some aloe in the jardin for sunburns. I have some lophora williamasi seeds coming in the mail, if anyone has any tips on how to germ em I'd appreciate it. The site I got it from also sells mature buttons w/root intact but I'm not sure I want to be recieving peyote in the US.

Who else loves cacti?


....wait for it....wait for it.... :wink:

"Like most cacti, Peyote is fairly simple to propagate from seed, although it may take anything from three days to a year for seeds to germinate. Also, even though cultivated Peyote can grow much faster than plants growing in the wild, it may still take more than five years to reach adult size. Thus, Peyote is an entheogen for those willing to wait for their rewards."

from: http://www.plot55.com/growing/l.williamsii.html

I somehow managed to kill my aloe. Have a nice San Pedro going and some succulents including elephant bush and rainbow bush. I like cactus and succulents as houseplants b/c they are so easy to care for ( except for the Aloe which I think was under-watered and planted in too sandy potting soil)

I've said it before, but that San Pedro is the most bitter thing you will ever taste!
I have grown san pedro cactus plants for years and really like them.Sit them in full sun and feed them full strength miracle grow.You can almost literally watch them grow.I have been wanting a peruvian torch cactus.Vancouver seed co. has them but I dont believe that they will ship them to the u.s. Does anybody know if they will?


Active member
Growing cactus from seed can be tricky, don't keep the medium wet, it needs to be kinds dry but not bone dry, judging it is the tricky bit, they will rot and die easy when young.
Coco is an awesome medium for cactii, I have half a dozen cactii, all in coco, sadly someone stole my San Pedro a couple of years ago and I've never got round to growing any more. I have half a dozen succulents too but those are in compost.


Active member


Here a pic of my cactus,not sure what they are.The one in the top pic.,is close to 20 years old.The cactus in the bottom pic is a clone off the one in the top pic.
The site I got it from also sells mature buttons w/root intact but I'm not sure I want to be recieving peyote in the US.
Hey Ocean,I ordered some to the US.,and got them, no problems.


Peruvian Torch :D

I had a bad prob with nematodes a few years back and had to kill every plant in my house move and start over. The torches were the only plants to survive. Since the nematodes attack the roots I simply cut the cacti from the root base. I let the cacti pieces callus over and put them on a plate in a sunny window for like two years:yoinks:before planting them recently. A few died but most made it. The big one I purchased this summer and the little ones are the two year old cuts.





New member
i started some cacti from seed a while back. they are nown almost 3 inches high and i have almost 30 of them. i wouldnt grow a loph because they take forever to grow to a decent size. i went with trichocereus bridgesii. one tip i can give you is to sterilize the soil and remember cactus seeds need light to germinate so dont bury them! make sure to sterilize the soil or you WILL get mold, fortinetly they dont seem to mind it. hmmmmmmmmm if i remember right you arent supposed to bury the seeds i think they need light to germinate but you should double check that.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor


Great post..I didn't know we had an interest for cacti! This solar room I built just for my collection. We drop below zero here so they love this all winter southern sun. No..I'm no expert..I don't even know the names of these othere than the huge Aloe. DD


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Beautiful.. I'm thrilled to see this thread and have been a cactus/succulent collector for too many years. :woohoo:
I would love to swap cacti. Our house burned in 2000 along with my collection of many years and I have moved many times since but have managed to collect up a few cactus and succulents.
(Also love the mushrooms. Not the magic ones but mycology in general. just fascinating. Mushrooms are actually a great environmental cleaner.)




Longtime San Pedro cultivator here - currently down to two of those plus another one that I'm pretty sure is a peruvianus, aka Peruvian Torch.

Looking to get some bridgesii cuts, especially them dirty-lookin' monstrose varietals...



young san pedro

young san pedro

Got this San Pedro a few months ago. This is my 2nd one, the 1st has been ground up and is sitting in capsules. I'm keeping them for a special occassion. Maybe Moondance Jam in 2010? Nice outdoor music festival in Walker, MN. Skynyrd, Buckcherry are the bands signed up at this point.


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ICMag Donor
Love cactus ...they are so forgiving for lazy people..For your lophophora seeds a great candidate for grafting is the Pereskiopsis (see pencil shaped pic) plant....Grow the seeds for a month or 2 ..when their big enough to slice..bout the size of a tiny teardrop...you can graft em...Pereskiopsis will grow a lophophora seed to giant button in about 1 1/2 - 2 years.and full size in about 3-4 years .Normally takes 8-10 years ungrafted..

Have a few san pedro cristates..they say the deformity happens in about 1 in 100....a beat up deformed mother plant produces strait pups witch start out normal ..then mutate in to pedro sculptures.Cactus's are such fun plants... Sacred Succulents of sebastopol ca, has some of the hardest to find san pedro varieties ..they give you awesome tecniques and instructions in their catalogs


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cactus's are cool i have a few my self.nice thread. what kinda soils do yall transplant in? ive got a lil cactus i dont know what kind it is but its got lil cactuses coming out of its roots.there deviding and some are coming out of the top and others are still in the soil. any advice?

Laugan Gaucher

I have heard that some eat those cactii for hallucinogenic issue ?

that's chocked me lol


I have a aloe plant I call Igor. It has moved from Floridia to here with me. I set it out in the summer time and it now has dozens of babies all through it.In the winter I set him up in the bedroom window and water him once a month.He is a monster and I wait till spring and set him back out in 50/50 sun/shade. Almost more the one person to carry without getting hurt. I picked it up from in a tree in floridia half the babies now are hanging in the air not touching soil and doing fine. Kind of hard to get water in him now without making a mess easier to give him about 24oz bottle to the tray under him and let him suck it up from there will get photo if possible