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I think a chopper saw my 3 plants


Damn !

I also have a thread here: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=184397 but my situation is now more immediate. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

First, I'm in Quebec, Canada, and have no record so the legal penalties are a slap on the wrist. The emotional penalties of a bust/raid to my wife and kids could be substantially greater. I can't imagine my kids taken away, even if for just a few hours while being booked.

I'll also say a grow shop guy told me about a grow where the cops just arrived and told them to deal with the smell. Maybe true, maybe not, might be luck of the draw, I don't know.

So right now I'm just trying to calm down and think of any incriminating evidence in my house I haven't hidden yet. I MIGHT move the 3 plants (or god forbid destroy them) after dark tonight. But I REALLY, really don't want to destroy them. If chopper saw them on my property, the move could help prove they were mine.

So here's what happened:

Pull into driveway and chopper coming from my backyard over my house. About 200 feet up.

He turns around some 1000 feet or so across the street, comes back and flies over the perfect position to see my crop !

He came back a third time from different direction. Seems to be gone now. I have no idea how long he was over my backyard before I got home.

I can't believe the above is a coincidence.

Most people say they only care about large plots, but who knows ?

And yes, I should have taken the posters advice who advised me to use camo netting...


I read your other thread, and I didn't see it mentioned that pot is easy to see because of the tricombs they act act like crystals in the sunshine. I see some trichs on your plants but nothing crazy where it would glow yet...

You said one plant might be seeded... Yet you have no male plants? Sounds like someone in your neck of the woods a neighbor perhaps, might have a larger plot? Those plants are pretty well hidden...

Just because you own the land does not mean you planted them... Get rid of all traces at the house of anything related, wipe down the bags for finger prints.

Sending positive vibes for you bro! :comfort:


So now I'm thinking:

(A): nothing will come of this.

(B): they come with a warrant, and I'm screwed unless I move or destroy the plants.

(C): they do a knock and talk. I know how these work, I've read so much on them. Problem is they might actually be telling the truth if they say they just want to take them, or that only I will be arrested and not my wife.

So (1) I have to decide if I will move or destroy, and (2) it might be good to have a strategy pre-thought for a knock and talk.

For moving, I may be able to create reasonable doubt the plants were ever in my yard. Might be hard to hide signs of moving though.

For knock and talk I'm currently thinking to try and send them away at first and see if that works. IF things get more serious, like wife being arrested and/or kids threatened with taking away, I can keep the option of "caving" open.


I read your other thread, and I didn't see it mentioned that pot is easy to see because of the tricombs they act act like crystals in the sunshine. I see some trichs on your plants but nothing crazy where it would glow yet...

You said one plant might be seeded... Yet you have no male plants? Sounds like someone in your neck of the woods a neighbor perhaps, might have a larger plot? Those plants are pretty well hidden...

Just because you own the land does not mean you planted them... Get rid of all traces at the house of anything related, wipe down the bags for finger prints.

Sending positive vibes for you bro! :comfort:

Thanks for your reply and positive vibes mule420 ! :)

I have no males, but possible some hermie parts are hiding. I now don't think I have any seeds. They are just dark spots in the buds for some reason and I don't have my experience with buds lately.

YES, a larger, or even several smaller plots are extremely possible around here. This is Quebec, and land plots are good sized, and many farmers still growing things like connoseur grapes etc.

But 3 crosses of my plot at 200 feet within 20 minutes tells me my 3 plants were likely seen. They are some 4 feet in diameter or so now.

I've done the best I can hiding things for now.

YES, there should be reasonable doubt the plants are mine. They just happen to be at the back of my forest. Lots of little ways to slip up, but we're not talking CSI here for 3 plants. :)


Active member
Awww damn dude. It sounds like they were looking at something. It's just hard to know what. What ever you do- stay calm about it.


5:30, it's overcast and there are still lots of chopper noises in the air, but I don't see him (but I'm not looking too hard so as to be obvious).

Yes, I have found some local evidence of previous grows in the local forests. About 15 minutes walking distance I found an old big RubberMaid tub and several empty bags of soil. That area was one I was considering for a nearby guerilla grow. Who knows, somebody else may be using that area.

Wife wants me to destroy them and reminds me a crim record means she loses her job (unfortunately our only source of income at this time.) Shouldn't really be an issue though since I'd take proper responsibility long before it got to a point where convictions were made.

Funny damn world here in Canada. On the one hand, so many people around here smoke and lots grow, and bunches grow big time.

In theory I shouldn't really be worried. In practice I'm starting to feel like I'm in a police state, thanks to our right wing PM Steven Harper. Previous left wing PM Chretien wanted to decrim and joked about toking in one hand with fine money in other, LOL.

Maybe I'll move to Cali if they legalize. Strangely enough I was born there and lived there for my first year of life. Like going home, sorta... :)


Awww damn dude. It sounds like they were looking at something. It's just hard to know what. What ever you do- stay calm about it.

Yeah thanks.. trying to. Just took one of my prescription anti-anxiety pills as my preferred anxiety medicine is hidden away now.

Last thing I want to do is run out there to move or destroy. Luck would have it they would suddenly appear and take pictures of me and the plants.

I've read a few news stories via my Google news "Marijuana" searches where the guy freaked, ran outside to destroy or whatever and was caught in the act.

Must. Stay. Calm. Rational. Ommmmm... :)


New member
Stay calm

Stay calm

Hey brother just stay calm ! a few plants are not worth the cops time! trust me on this they want the bigger grows so they make the news!! and justify their MJ eradication budget. ? how long till harvest. :comfort:


Hey brother just stay calm ! a few plants are not worth the cops time! trust me on this they want the bigger grows so they make the news!! and justify their MJ eradication budget. ? how long till harvest. :comfort:

OK, then... :)

In general I agree, they want the numbers. 3 plants is piddly.

But in neighboring province of Ontario, they HAVE recently done 2 small busts that made the news. Both for 4-6 plants. Thankfully I haven't noticed that here in Quebec.

Also cops are sometimes driven with the idea that a few plants outdoor could lead to 100s or 1000s indoor, along with all manner of other criminal activity. So like a minor traffic stop that can go bad, a few outdoor plants could result in a much bigger bust.

Perhaps if the cops are bored, and have nothing else to do, they might knock and talk if nothing else. As a plus the local cops have been having a labor dispute for 2 1/2 years; they wear jeans, LOL. So they might be more lenient than usual.

Mysterious vandals recently spray painted "2 1/2 years" on cop cars recently. BIG LOL. Nobody was caught of course.

No chopper noises for 2 1/2 hours now; feel a bit better. :)

Now that I think of the whole experience, I'm realizing that while the chopper went pretty much directly over my plot 3 times in 20 minutes, he did not seem to slow down, hover or descend for a better look. So that's a positive.

My chopper experience 4 years ago involved the chopper appearing to hover right over my plot for at least a minute. I've wondered if they keep a database of even the small grows and visit them in future to see if more appear.

Sitting outside tonight having a few discreet tokes I saw a cop van go by, LOL. That's relatively rare here, but he didn't slow down which he'd need to do to see anything here.

Garbage, recycling and biowaste night so I put a bit of tape on each bin to see if any overnight tampering, LOL. I figure they'd have enough for a warrant by now so no need to garbage pick anyway.

Big Country

If growing on your own property in the US, they will seize your property. I knew a guy who stopped to buy a dime bag from an undercover cop, they arrested him and thanked him for donating his car to the Sheriff department. I dont know about the law in canada but here I would be super paranoid growing on my own property


If growing on your own property in the US, they will seize your property. I knew a guy who stopped to buy a dime bag from an undercover cop, they arrested him and thanked him for donating his car to the Sheriff department. I dont know about the law in canada but here I would be super paranoid growing on my own property

Hi Big Country,

Yeah, I'm aware of that. From planes and boats seized for a seed or two in the eighties, to a cop Mustang I saw in Key West in 1996 that had "Seized" emblazoned on it.

We in Canada have something recently added that's like that, but for the most part it's only used against "proceeds of crime", or when gangs are involved. So if they decide you've made $50k a year in some criminal enterprise for 10 years, and you have half a million in assets, they will seize it. And likely assess you on it for taxes. AFAIK, no business type deductions like costs of growing allowed, LOL.

So far, AFAIK, there have been no such seizures from poor shmoes who are just growing a few for personal usage. That could change though; just read an article where they said "used in crime", but that involved a gang clubhouse.

Believe me, I looked into it when pondering the house and cars we own with no mortgage (Should shut up here, any cop reading that would likely salivate, LOL)...

The skies seem clear of choppers tonight. Perhaps when they are searching locally they won't be seen late at night heading home.

Wife is kinda freaked. I am considering moving the plants about 25-30 feet to the farmers property adjacent to mine. Might not get such good light, but that'd be fine for a week or two.

Even with GPS though, I'm not sure the chopper pilot or the ground guys would be able to figure out which side of property line they are on. And anyway, the precise property in and of itself doesn't prove who'se they are.

Daytime seems too risky to move, although maybe I could do it pretty quick. It's late and I really don't feel like "returning to the scene of the victimless crime" right now. Almost feel safer just leaving it be. Peace all...


its 3 plants. How much will they yield?

Is that yield worth the hassle?

Your wife could be charged, as the property belongs to both of you. You taking the blame means nothing. It may when it comes to trial but she could still be arrested and be drug through the system.

If the property is big enough, and the plants are far enough from the home to not be in the curtilage, they don't need a warrant.

Normally I would say fuck seizing the house but since you own these things outright, you take a bigger risk. In the US you would have to prove that the house was not paid for with drug profits. The burden is on you. Not sure if they can say it was used to commit a felony

3 plants may not be worth all the stress and future aggravation


its 3 plants. How much will they yield?

Is that yield worth the hassle?

Your wife could be charged, as the property belongs to both of you. You taking the blame means nothing. It may when it comes to trial but she could still be arrested and be drug through the system.

If the property is big enough, and the plants are far enough from the home to not be in the curtilage, they don't need a warrant.

Normally I would say fuck seizing the house but since you own these things outright, you take a bigger risk. In the US you would have to prove that the house was not paid for with drug profits. The burden is on you. Not sure if they can say it was used to commit a felony

3 plants may not be worth all the stress and future aggravation

Hi Marshall. I've been hoping for a pound a plant, but 1/2 pound or so might be more realistic, I dunno. 1100 grams or about 2 1/2 pounds would fill my yearly consumption. That would cost me around $5000 on a good deal from my grower buddy.

I'm now feeling that outdoor growing, under current laws, is not worth the chopper/plane anxiety it's causing me. I started construction of a stealth grow cabinet a few days ago and this is my plan going forward. I'm pretty sure that with smell controlled, my risk with a cabinet in the garage will be very minimal, especially in my area.

AFAIK, property ownership is not the issue, regarding arrests, court proceedings etc. AFAIK, it's SOP to charge all adults living in the dwelling, and letting the courts and plea bargaining sort it all out. I'd guess they love this situation because the wife can be threatened and the husband pretty much has to admit guilt to prevent his wife from going through trial.

I can absolutely prove every penny over the years came from legitimate sources.

Thanks for your thoughts.
OK, then... :)

In general I agree, they want the numbers. 3 plants is piddly.

But in neighboring province of Ontario, they HAVE recently done 2 small busts that made the news. Both for 4-6 plants. Thankfully I haven't noticed that here in Quebec.

Really? All that trouble for a paltry 4-6 plants and crapping on the growers' lives. There are bigger fish in the sea for them to catch and yet they settle for the small fry. As if shutting down small-time growers could reduce crime and funding of illegal activities.


ICMag Donor
Sorry to hear about all your anxiety ,If its gonna bother ya that much.Why don't u just wait till midnight-3am ,and take a few mile walk deep into the woods and move them .
Could make 3 trips if ya had too,Could put em up a tree somewhere to hide from rippers .,just a thought


Really? All that trouble for a paltry 4-6 plants and crapping on the growers' lives. There are bigger fish in the sea for them to catch and yet they settle for the small fry. As if shutting down small-time growers could reduce crime and funding of illegal activities.

Yep. I had thought/hoped my Canada was more progressive than that by now. So many politicians have admitted smoking, at least a few times, and the former PM joked about smoking when his decrim bill passed (but it never happened due to election).

Some provinces and areas are worse/better than others. Metropolitan BC and many areas here in Quiebec are often relatively lax.

Here's the stories for those who think all of Canada is green. Read em and weep:

Four, five-foot tall marijuana plants were found growing on the back deck of a Talon Street residence on Saturday, Greater Sudbury Police said.
A 52-year-old woman and a 54- year-old man were charged with production of marijuana and possession of marijuana. The value of the drugs seized was more than $5,000, police said.

It is alleged that police located a small grow operation involving several marijuana plants as well as trafficking items. A small quantity of cannabis marijuana was also located.

The accused was charged with production of a controlled drug and possession of a controlled drug for the purpose of trafficking. The street value of the seizure is estimated at $6, 200.00.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I think an indoor grow would be less stress on you in the long run, though it's always a challenge to get an indoor environment spot on. I hope everything turns out fine for you...what a scare! Good luck with your grow:)


Sorry to hear about all your anxiety ,If its gonna bother ya that much.Why don't u just wait till midnight-3am ,and take a few mile walk deep into the woods and move them .
Could make 3 trips if ya had too,Could put em up a tree somewhere to hide from rippers .,just a thought

Thanks Snagglepuss. Midnight is too early, I've seen choppers circling at 1:30 AM, LOL. No idea why.

Yesterday there was chopper activity from 10:30-11:30 AM. Then at 9:40 PM my wife heard a chopper again. Sure enough he seemed to be flying back and forth, or perhaps round and round somewhere behind my property for a half hour.

My wife was pretty insistent I move them, after I bargained her down from chopping them.

So this morning at 6:00 I awake on the couch and the pre-dawn light was perfect. I moved them about 50 feet over the fence and on the farmers side of the forest. The light isn't great I'd guess but the cover is much better.

Hopefully the chopper noises will stop for a few days and I can reconsider their position, with regard to the sun. I'd certainly feel pretty bad if they gave the farmer any grief, but cops DO seem to understand this happens on farmers land regularly and would likely not be his. And 3 plants should be nothing to worry about for him either.

Unfortunately the sativa took major damage from a branch tie I didn't notice. About 1/3 was mostly severed from the rest of the plant. I twist tied it back together; don't know if it will hold and repair itself. Sativa is much farther along in flowering though, and makes for some very nice sample buds, so premature harvest would be OKish now.


I think an indoor grow would be less stress on you in the long run, though it's always a challenge to get an indoor environment spot on. I hope everything turns out fine for you...what a scare! Good luck with your grow:)

Thanks Miss Blunted.

Yes, yes, yes. Until the pot laws disappear or become more humane I am going with a perpetual indoor stealth cabinet grow. I'm building the cab right now and have legal plants in there until harvest time at least.

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