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I just told my mom, I ain't comin for xmas

I just told my mom, I ain't comin for xmas

  • stay with MOM

    Votes: 4 8.3%
  • go spend teh day with DAD

    Votes: 44 91.7%

  • Total voters

Big D

You got to go both parents houses. Hell man, I average 5 places every Christmas. Although I don't drink on Christmas (nothin' against drinkin' on Chirstmas cuz lord knows I wish I had one but I can't... I'm drivin' :D

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
dude i am done with all teh driving around places

I cant do it anymore

Big D

BTW none of the 5 places I go, is MY parents. So you are blessed! To me this is a great problem to have ,

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me

maybe... I brought up going having xmas in the domincan one year, i was scoffed at

Big D

really... you go where ever you want. Sincerely. You could start a Dog family xmas tradition and go to the Dominican every year.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
yeah, if my mom and dad only even tolerated each other

restraining order stops that


I feel like its rather silly to get so broken up over all of this. I wouldn't have stayed. She has gotten it the vast majority of the time and you are a grown man.


Active member
no vote here...

parents divorced 20 years ago.

mom went back to Cali...Dad lives in Florida.

we go to the in-laws, and everyone is happy!!

unless my sister-in-law is there!



Active member
Sounds like DAD got dibs!
I remember my sister used to call shotgun (dibs on front seat of the car) SOOOO much...I'd get SOOOO mad... :biglaugh:

But yea... he called dibs... Them's the rules man...
*edit- your poor mom hasn't got one vote yet...aww I feel bad now...

3rd base

I was #19 for Dad...
I know how emotional a woman can get, especially a mom over holidays, but I'd have to see dad this year. He asked first.
Mom will understand when the nerves subside and reason comes back.


:wallbash: I don't but I am :abduct: Sorry that I am of no:1help:
I am with the NO VOTE crowd.
2 tough :dueling: 2 call

Gonna give momma a check on the votes outta GP,
She needs at least one hash mark up there but am still a non vote vote ya heard.​


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

dad gets my vote and it's now at 22 to 1 against mom (poor mom)
so I just gots to know, who in the heck would have voted for mom?

hey doc, how about surprising mom on christmas eve w/a nice meal in hand?



ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
I had this problem too, until my dad passed away last year.. Should have spent more time with him, not just on x-mas, which is over rated anyway, but yea, i'ma vote dad too.

Have a merry christmas Dr. Dog, whatever u do :)


well that had to be one of the toughest things I have ever done

You see my parents are divorced. 14 years.

So for 14 years in a row, I have gone to my moms,
12 of those years with my son
9 of those years with my gf

My parents live about 20 miles apart. But far enough once you have had a few drinks and well quite frankly we would spend all xmas day at my moms.

So every year my Dad asks if we are coming over for xmas, and every year he gets boxing day( day after xmas here in Cannada, stat holiday)

So this year he asked like on New Years Day. So I laughed and said sure, this year is your year.

Well I knew what this meant, My Mom was going to lose it.. So I put it off, and put it off. And well I looked at the calendar the other day and seen it was damn near December and I should break the news...

so I got my brother to tell her. Well I got home tonight and asked my brother what happened, and he said she was fine with it.

well about 10 mins after I got home, the phone rang, after hello, it was 40 mins of crying and saying she was not having xmas this year, I got her to the point I could talk to her, and explained the story, kind of like I have here.

I know she is crying now, and will probably will for the next week, and xmas day watch out she will go loco

What would you guys have done

Stay with Mom

Go see the old man for a change

I did not like just two choices so I did not vote. But here is my vote on how I did it.

Don´t drink and spend time with them both. Smoke one in between but don´t drink.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I had this problem too, until my dad passed away last year.. Should have spent more time with him, not just on x-mas, which is over rated anyway, but yea, i'ma vote dad too.

Have a merry christmas Dr. Dog, whatever u do :)

Thanks man

I did not like just two choices so I did not vote. But here is my vote on how I did it.

Don´t drink and spend time with them both. Smoke one in between but don´t drink.


I will be smoking for sure, but I owe Dad the whole day for a change, I never see him on Xmas day, so this year is his