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I have a chest full of mad jars and it has a lock on it, someone has been stealing


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
That sucks, but it begs the question to be asked: Why the fack did you tell ANYONE the combo?


Even your moms will set your ass up, set you properly gassed up, be duckin in the bushes to light ya ass up - biggy
put a new jar of bud and label it something like "atomic butthole"

put the nugs in your underwear and go jogging for a while. make sure and wear speedos

see if they wana smoke that DANK


Active member
As sad as it sounds, when it comes to drugs and/or money, even your closest people will abuse your trust. I have seen it again and again. Best not to trust anyone you don't have to with the temptation. It's sad.

I dont think anyone can hear this enough.

if you think you can actually "trust" (i mean it in 100% of the word, not a single doubt in the world type of stuff) someone in this game, you are just WAITING to get fucked left and right.

I dont care if its your mother your brother or your friend from first grade, you SHOULD have doubts, you should have concerns, if you don't, you've already started off with the wrong foot. Telling yourself "oh they would never do _____".... never say never, especially in this business.

People can last for years in this game, all without ever trusting a soul. Its called respect.

as someone else (mis)quoted
Notorious B.I.G said:
Your moms'll set that ass up, properly gassed up
Hoodie to mask up, shit, for that fast buck
she be layin in the bushes to light that ass up


I trust three people on the planet,ME,MYSELF,AND I!!!!!!!
Trust no one!!!! EVER!!!!!!If you grow,you should live by this rule.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
You really couldn't read the whole 15 posts in this thread to see it's already been asked and answered?...


I actually didn't see that someone had asked, and it had been answered. I was slightly distracted when responding to this thread, my bad.


Get one of those refrigerator toys that say something rude when the light hits it.
"Hands off Mutha Trucka" there are recordable ones too. ;)
the only way to make it right is to beat their fucking asses. no fucking excuses, do it if you're not a pussy.

just make sure you have absolute proof first.


St. Elsewhere
Step 1: Go to the hardware store and get some pepper spray that contains Capsicum extract of some sort.

Step 2: Soak buds in diluted extract and let them dry.

Step 3: Hope you are not responsible for an allergic reaction in your friends' lungs. Capsicum poisoning would be a bitch.


Put a few nugs in a cat litter box and cover with litter... Leave for 3 days with kitties.

Remove from box, dust off with air in can!...

Serve with smile...... True Catpiss weed..... :biglaugh:

I hate it when people steal and lie... I say cut em off from your weed... Lifetime BAN!

NO WEED FOR U! heehee that's gonna get em where they live...


Put a snake in the box... So when they open it they will get freaked out... Make sure it's big.. That way your family dosen't get hurt and it sends same kind of message... HAHA whoever said go jogging with the nugs in your crotch had a hilarious idea... Make sure you videotape it.. There are also some other very very nasty things you can do to the buds that I won't say on here but if you imagion alittle you get the idea haha...


all praises are due to the Most High
i cannot imagine hurting any of the buds... no way... nor hurting anyone over this either... just get your shit safe elsewhere.


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
I had the same impulse as the people who suggested peeing in the weed you leave to steal... except instead of piss, I thought maybe you could simmer a couple habaneros in some oil, and then spray said oil on a bud or two.

That would be a lesson never forgotten... :D

Offer them some free bud from your stash to smoke on their own, but you should lace it with whatever you like. I recommend some pcp or such and let them smoke that nug with the knowledge that they are going to be real f*cked soon. Tell them about how good it is. Change your stash & locks also. Trust nobody & be ready to pounce on them if you have to. A little violence isn't right, but necessary sometimes.


pure dynamite
I's use a lock that has a key and keep that key at me all time. But when you have that type of relatives and friends, I'd be afraid they might steal the whole chest...
So... find another spot for keeping your stash.. :joint:

h^2 O

get a black hooded robe and put a ZODIAC symbol + on it and put a flashlight and like a single high-heel and a knife inside. Of course, take all the weed out and move it.

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