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I don't care about my credit score


Active member
Fuck a credit score! I chose to take out my own bail out package and purposely maxed out all of my credit cards and lines of credit. I took well over 50k and blew it at the casino. I pay cash for everything so fuck a credit score. They can only go after you for 6 years in my state so a few more years I'll do it again. You want to buy a house straight cash it's not hard to do. You just pay taxes on the money and set up a trust for the house. If you're scared to do that, that's what girls are for.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
My credit is quite well. I have three CC I take care of. I have a car under my name cosigned by my mom and another car loan under my moms name that I cosigned. Both are well taken care of too. Why wouldnt you get your credit score good when its reasonably easy to do... Just takes time and a little common sense....


I didn't care about my credit during my younger years and it has caught up to me! I had great credit, but fucked it up and now I regret it.

I applied for a couple of new jobs, which they all require travel, but they all require good(excellent) credit. I seriously regret it.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Am I the only one? I plan to pay cash for my house or build it with my bare hands when the time comes. Everyone is all up on my grill for not caring about my credit rating-- I get collection agents calling me once and awhile for private parking tickets, cell phone bills, etc. but I just am not in a position to pay and I don't really ever plan to. Does anyone else feel the way i do? I just don't care about this imaginary number. and don't get on me with "oh your never gonna get a loan". fuck a loan!!! i'll work if i need money!!!

As long as you understand that your gonna require yourself to pay cash for everything in life I say good for you. You sir have chosen the older less stressed path of life.

For anyone to say it cannot be done makes little money and or wants to much crap. A house a car or truck utilities a dog and some food and really nothing is absolutely required.
Oh yeah taxes but that's a given.

As long as down the road you don't need to go back because as long as they are not judgements a strong down payment 30 or more percent will still get you out the door but you will pay the exorbitant get me done type interest rate.

But You Will Live Longer


Credit ratings are junk. All there should be are two types, those that pay what they borrow, and those that don't. Rating debtors from 0-850, is just lame. And consumers are lame for allowing lenders the leverage to sully their name. And society is flip'n retarded for letting that crap be standard indoctrinated brainwashing to youth.

Whats worse though is this culture popping up around the ratings. People thinking they're better individuals for having a higher score than someone else. lol...ya, get over yourself if you're one of those. And companies that use the rating to come to some absolute conclusion as to a person's entire character...is just shamefully shortsighted and straight up ignorant.

I don't know why anyone tolerates that. Especially when most of the time, the company intruding into your life has all the ethics of a parasite and has debt of their own they're in arrears on.

Cash and carry...for life.


Active member
It won't disappear if they keep sending it to different collection agencies.
I know all about this because I've been going through it. Depending on the state, it goes away 6-7 years from the date of the acknoledgement of the debt. If a credit agency calls you and you tell them you're going to pay them, then it's 6-7 years at that point. This is why you never say shit to them at all. You treat them like you treat cops, don't say shit. They will fuck you just like the cops will fuck you. If you keep saying that you'll pay them, then it will continue to follow you through life but if you never tell them anything, it goes away 6-7 years from the date of your last payment. I have people calling me all the time trying to trick me but I know the laws. I had a $30,000 debt go away after 6 years of not saying shit and they couldn't do anything at all. They would call me all day long and want to work out a payment plan and I would just hang up the phone and not say anything. I only have a couple more years to get rid of another 50k that they are chasing me for and then I'll do it all over again. Gotta love the system!


I know all about this because I've been going through it. Depending on the state, it goes away 6-7 years from the date of the acknoledgement of the debt. If a credit agency calls you and you tell them you're going to pay them, then it's 6-7 years at that point. This is why you never say shit to them at all. You treat them like you treat cops, don't say shit. They will fuck you just like the cops will fuck you. If you keep saying that you'll pay them, then it will continue to follow you through life but if you never tell them anything, it goes away 6-7 years from the date of your last payment. I have people calling me all the time trying to trick me but I know the laws. I had a $30,000 debt go away after 6 years of not saying shit and they couldn't do anything at all. They would call me all day long and want to work out a payment plan and I would just hang up the phone and not say anything. I only have a couple more years to get rid of another 50k that they are chasing me for and then I'll do it all over again. Gotta love the system!

This is correct...well in TX anyways.


Active member
Snype, thats some pimp shit right there.

I hate credit, it shouldn't be so NORMAL to go into debt of any kind. Not to mention the fact that over 30 years you will pay $400000, for your $200000 loan. Fuck that, live within your means, and pay cash.


Active member
Snype, thats some pimp shit right there.

I hate credit, it shouldn't be so NORMAL to go into debt of any kind. Not to mention the fact that over 30 years you will pay $400000, for your $200000 loan. Fuck that, live within your means, and pay cash.
I know what you mean Danks! The system wants it to be normal for you so they can get you to be consumers and make more money and have to work to pay for your debt. Credit can turn you into a slave and run your life. It makes it easy for you to go into a store and buy something that you can't afford and pay many times more than the item cost you over 30 years of minimum payments. When you get a 30 year mortgage at 6.5%, you pay more than twice for the house. That money would normally be in your pocket but most Americans are too stupid to realize it. Big corporations and the government want it to be this way. They like all of the money that they are getting from everyone. In the land where my family comes from, they save cash for years to buy a house. The kids still live with their parents in their 20's until they have the cash to buy a house. If all of us said fuck the credit system and saved for years to buy things, it would drop the prices of homes to affordable prices. Because the banks can give you lines of credit, it makes everything cost more and drives up the prices. Think about it. Take all of your credit cards and get rid of them before it's too late. Let us run the system, not the banks, government and corporations.


Active member
Excactly Snype, I see people take out a 30 year mortgage on a $200k-$300k home, then talk about the $50-$100k in equity, the reality is they aint got shit, but an excuse for another loan, that will cost them double. There is no reason someone can't save for a home, but you gotta leave the bmw at dealership, and don't ever buy something you "want" on credit.


Active member
P.S. I pay my mortgage directly to the previous owner with no interest. How you like them apples, and even if there was some interest I would rather it go to a citizen than some fucked up corporation.


Active member
P.S. I pay my mortgage directly to the previous owner with no interest. How you like them apples, and even if there was some interest I would rather it go to a citizen than some fucked up corporation.
I do the same thing Danks, on multiple houses. A lot of Americans don't know about these types of transactions. They are not hard to do, but you can't do it with all homes but I've been doing it this way since 1999 and it is truly a great thing! Nice work Danks!


A foot without a sock...
P.S. I pay my mortgage directly to the previous owner with no interest. How you like them apples, and even if there was some interest I would rather it go to a citizen than some fucked up corporation.

I do the same thing Danks, on multiple houses. A lot of Americans don't know about these types of transactions. They are not hard to do, but you can't do it with all homes but I've been doing it this way since 1999 and it is truly a great thing! Nice work Danks!

Well, if folks aren't familar with previous owners "holding paper", they've been living under a rock.

The down-side is if the guy holding the paper get's in a pinch, guess who gets fucked first ?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Your credit score is actually really important these days. Lot's of good advice already given in these threads.

If you don't give a fuck about your credit score then you are probably already fucked like Hogan's goat. A bad credit score can make a person's life miserable and cost you tons more money than a person with a good credit score.

Pay your bills on time and don't use credit cards unless for a real emergency.

Credit was designed for big and emergency purposes. Not for cigarettes and beer.

The most important things is to LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS. We must get out of this buy it now and HOPE to pay for it later mentality. It's killed the country. I got swept up into this real bad in college, but now my score is right around 800.

Leave the HOPE bit for your boy in the White House. Hope is not a plan.


Active member
A Private Mortgage isn't just a trust thing, it is drawn up at the attorney's office and handled just like any other mortgage.

Having a credit card on hand for emergencies ain't a bad idea, but I'd rather have cash for my emergencies.