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I don't care about my credit score


A foot without a sock...
i had over 20k in dedt from docs and shit. after 7 years, bam, all gone, bought me a house

AS I said, in the past, if you chose to go that route it may have worked.

It really depends on the creditor and and how far they're willing to go to collect on a debt.

Just injecting some truth into the matter :joint:


cannabis enthusiast
have never had a credit card, bought my house on a land contract in 10 years its mine. buy my vehicles with cash.....for ya fellas gettin into these young guys heads that think they need credit go bite a stick


Garden Nymph
The few times we have skimped on a bill, it was due to the company's faults:

1) The hospital charges for procedures that should not have been done..like chest x-rays instead of just letting the person use a nebulizer. So, tack on another $200 for that x-ray even though you don't need it!!

2) Cell phone company jams a dildo up your butt, then asks you to pay the bill. You try to reason with them, they don't understand, and so why should I pay the bill if I didn't incur those charges and they're not willing to listen?


Active member
credit scoring isn't 100% accurate all the time (and which one? i can't seem to find my real FICO score anywhere, i can get ones that are super super close, but it's still not the same thing the loan people see when they pull my score so i can buy a house!)

it is still a pretty good representation of how well you pay things off

my beef is with old junk i paid off, shows up years later as derogatory with a $0 balance, and it negatively impacts my score, so i have to check periodically and pull my report from all 3 bureaus to check if they came back, if so then i get to file a dispute, they usually drop off the report in 1 - 2 months, but can come back again at any time...that part is driving me crazy lol

it's a game that we play, if you want to get loans and use credit then you got to play along

if you got liquid to just plop down, well then, imho you aren't in the same game and all this need not apply! hopefully all that liquid cash is a-okay as far as the tax man goes!


A foot without a sock...
have never had a credit card, bought my house on a land contract in 10 years its mine. buy my vehicles with cash.....for ya fellas gettin into these young guys heads that think they need credit go bite a stick

Needing to use credit and having good credit are two entirely different issues.

I'm not advocating running your credit up beyond your means or beyond your ability to pay it back.

If they grew up 20 years ago when it wasn't that big a deal, it wouldn't matter nearly as much as it does today.

Take it for what it's worth from someone who knows.

FTR - the whole "fuck the corporations" rap sounds like a cop-out from paying your bills...If you really felt that way you wouldn't have given them a nickel to begin with.


love machine
ICMag Donor
I used to have bills and cc's, after i paid them off i threw them away, i can tell you that i've never been happier. :D

There are a lot of ways you can buy things with cash and not get in trouble with the IRS, you just have to be smart about it ;)


El Diablo

i am on the path to building my credit back up. hit a few bumps on the rod and my score dropped 100+ points from various things. i wish i would have payed more attention to it because it really does matter. i can't get a loan for a house, can't get a good rate on a car loan. shiet they run your credit if you want to rent an apartment.

there is a for credit report info and how to fix. some really good reads on how to understand your report to how to get rid of baddies on your report. if interest i can send don't want to spam ;)


Active member
I didnt read this whole thread yet but i do care about credit score. I worked my ass off and paid my dues for perfect credit. I want to keep it that way not wait 7 years for something to "drop off." To me credit is useful for the opertunity buy. You know that income earning property that could pop up or another great investment that you might not have cash for at the time.

On the other end of the spectrum my Super Stoned brother had a job as a census taker for 2 days. They ran his credit and he no longer had the job. LOL


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
i fix credit for a side thing for my boys.

the most ridiculous shit about credit is that its YOU, the consumer who has ALL the right when it comes to credit. you can easily fix your own credit by yourself with just a little know how and time. i found out everything from being on a forum and reading for almost a year before i attempted anything.

if you have collection notices and collectors calling you, you can stop it all within minutes of doing a couple simple things. remember, you have ALL the power, not the collection agencies or collectors in the least bit.

my first round of fixing my credit, i got almost 40k in delinquent credit off my credit report from writing letters, score jumped 200 points in the first 45 days. thx for the free lasix surgery!

you can fix most your credit problems by simply sending letters to the original collectors and credit bureau. and it will cost you nothing but some postage and time. just start reading on creditboards.com and pull your credit from truecredit.com and your good....

saying you dont give a fuck about credit really means your credit is beyond fucked and your hopeless about doing anything about it. i used to think the same thing because i deal in 95% cash. but when i went to buy a truck and got stuck with a 24% apr, i figured i needed to do something about it.

credit is necessary and its really hard to get a car, house, ect without a decent score. you can, but will pay dearly for it.

and please guys, i wont fix your credit, so please dont ask....


Active member
i fix credit for a side thing for my boys.

the most ridiculous shit about credit is that its YOU, the consumer who has ALL the right when it comes to credit. you can easily fix your own credit by yourself with just a little know how and time. i found out everything from being on a forum and reading for almost a year before i attempted anything.

if you have collection notices and collectors calling you, you can stop it all within minutes of doing a couple simple things. remember, you have ALL the power, not the collection agencies or collectors in the least bit.

my first round of fixing my credit, i got almost 40k in delinquent credit off my credit report from writing letters, score jumped 200 points in the first 45 days. thx for the free lasix surgery!

you can fix most your credit problems by simply sending letters to the original collectors and credit bureau. and it will cost you nothing but some postage and time. just start reading on creditboards.com and pull your credit from truecredit.com and your good....

saying you dont give a fuck about credit really means your credit is beyond fucked and your hopeless about doing anything about it. i used to think the same thing because i deal in 95% cash. but when i went to buy a truck and got stuck with a 24% apr, i figured i needed to do something about it.

credit is necessary and its really hard to get a car, house, ect without a decent score. you can, but will pay dearly for it.

and please guys, i wont fix your credit, so please dont ask....

Well said krunchbubble.


Active member
so i can put a 4k lasik surgery on credit...and then not pay it off?

please tell me more...lol

hey apartmentblower you said you can stack up 200k, but thats alot easier to say than do. Have you stacked your first 50 yet? or 20k? Its hard work, especially when you got monthly spending of a couple thousand a month (unless your shoplifting all your groceries).

its gonna take so fuckin long to stack 200k, unless i manage to get some serious outdoor guerilla shit down.
so i can put a 4k lasik surgery on credit...and then not pay it off?

please tell me more...lol

hey apartmentblower you said you can stack up 200k, but thats alot easier to say than do. Have you stacked your first 50 yet? or 20k? Its hard work, especially when you got monthly spending of a couple thousand a month (unless your shoplifting all your groceries).

its gonna take so fuckin long to stack 200k, unless i manage to get some serious outdoor guerilla shit down.

of course its relative man. when i say its not beyond me im not saying its the easiest thing in the world, that would be silly, but you can do it especially if u have side cash-flow under the table. i dont spend a dime of my taxable income and pay for everything i purchase with cash. doctor visits, groceries, gas, rent, etc. if i make 50k a year from a legit job and pay for everything else with under the table cash i can have 200k saved in 6 years, maybe 7. i keep my real money in trading accounts and make a bit on them that way to beat inflation.

i.e. i bought my motorcycle with cash. i plan to buy a used automobile with cash too. im just a cheap mofo i dont like buying expensive new shit and then worrying about how much value it lost once i took it off the lot. i dont have fancy clothes i wear the same shit i had 4 years ago.

the big disadvantage is not being able to buy a house right now. im stuck pissing away money on rent. but my bros thinking about buying a house for us soon and his credit is top notch , he will have no problems getting a loan, just gotta figure out if i can get my name on the title with the mortgage in his name. then its easy to pay him in cash for half the mortgage every month

Stoned Crow

Am I the only one? I plan to pay cash for my house or build it with my bare hands when the time comes. Everyone is all up on my grill for not caring about my credit rating-- I get collection agents calling me once and awhile for private parking tickets, cell phone bills, etc. but I just am not in a position to pay and I don't really ever plan to. Does anyone else feel the way i do? I just don't care about this imaginary number. and don't get on me with "oh your never gonna get a loan". fuck a loan!!! i'll work if i need money!!!

I view it like ripping off one of my arms. Yeah, life is easier, more comfortable and a lot less work with two arms, but, I can get by with one. Sometimes it's a pain in the ass, but I like rollin' with one arm....SC :pimp3:


Active member
of course its relative man. when i say its not beyond me im not saying its the easiest thing in the world, that would be silly, but you can do it especially if u have side cash-flow under the table. i dont spend a dime of my taxable income and pay for everything i purchase with cash. doctor visits, groceries, gas, rent, etc. if i make 50k a year from a legit job and pay for everything else with under the table cash i can have 200k saved in 6 years, maybe 7. i keep my real money in trading accounts and make a bit on them that way to beat inflation.

i.e. i bought my motorcycle with cash. i plan to buy a used automobile with cash too. im just a cheap mofo i dont like buying expensive new shit and then worrying about how much value it lost once i took it off the lot. i dont have fancy clothes i wear the same shit i had 4 years ago.

the big disadvantage is not being able to buy a house right now. im stuck pissing away money on rent. but my bros thinking about buying a house for us soon and his credit is top notch , he will have no problems getting a loan, just gotta figure out if i can get my name on the title with the mortgage in his name. then its easy to pay him in cash for half the mortgage every month

yea man good idea if you got family thats not stacking illegally definately try and put in some property for them. best is if they make a legit taxable income too,...hustle the system


Am I the only one? I plan to pay cash for my house or build it with my bare hands when the time comes. Everyone is all up on my grill for not caring about my credit rating-- I get collection agents calling me once and awhile for private parking tickets, cell phone bills, etc. but I just am not in a position to pay and I don't really ever plan to. Does anyone else feel the way i do? I just don't care about this imaginary number. and don't get on me with "oh your never gonna get a loan". fuck a loan!!! i'll work if i need money!!!

If you can get 200k-300k cash for a house........ why wouldnt you pay off piddly parking tickets & cell phone bills?:comfort:


Active member
i got a 45 dollar parking ticket today...in front of my own damn house that i paid 4k in property taxes to the state on. now they want to tax me more? fuck the sherrifs department! i could piss 45 dollars but its the principal that counts. my 45 dollars and everybody elsese 45 dollars is gonna go towards the alameda county sherrifs department getting more brand new Dodge chargers and other toys they dont need. fuck the police!