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I don't care about my credit score

Am I the only one? I plan to pay cash for my house or build it with my bare hands when the time comes. Everyone is all up on my grill for not caring about my credit rating-- I get collection agents calling me once and awhile for private parking tickets, cell phone bills, etc. but I just am not in a position to pay and I don't really ever plan to. Does anyone else feel the way i do? I just don't care about this imaginary number. and don't get on me with "oh your never gonna get a loan". fuck a loan!!! i'll work if i need money!!!


Active member
how are you gonna pay cash for a house? if the house is more than 10k expect a visit from the IRS.

my credit score is 750 i want to get into real estate so i need a good score...i pay all my CC bills in full on the first month...i have so many friends in CC debt its not even funny.


I dont know, I am young but have maintained perfect credit since I was old enough to get my first credit card. I look at my life compared to others in the same age group and my life is alot easier and I have alot more going for me.

I bought a 30K car no questions asked, based on my work and loan history.

I got a mortgage in the height of economic collapse in america, no questions asked, low fixed interest rate.

I dont know if you are very wealthy but for most of us saving, 250K cash to buy a house would be a very unrealistic dream.

In my eyes credit opens alot of doors and can slam so many more in your face. but hey, to each his own.


I don't give a f about my credit, but I certainly pay my bills and never have had a collections agency call me.

I don't feel like I'm entitled receive a service and just not pay my bills because I don't care if my credit get messed up.
And that "imaginary number" you speak of represents how likely you are to repay these bills, so I'm guessing:

1) You don't care.

2) You have a low score.

3) That low score accurately predicts your likelihood of paying for stuff like a cell phone bill or other responsibilities.
I can understand your frustration from harassment, but Credit is one of the most important things in this life (if you're in America at least)

The days of purchasing a home with bad credit are over. 2006 was the end of that. No income, No asset loans? Over and done with.

Today you need a 680 fico score or higher to get approved for anything up to 80% or over on financing for your home. Median home prices are not cheap so if you can cough up $250,000 in all cash then you've got no problem. Depending of course on how fancy you want to live.

If you want a car, they'll run a credit check on you for financing options. It's the difference between a 0.8% financing or a 14% financing. Again, you could just purchase a car if you had all the money for it but most people don't have all cash to make a purchase.

Credit Cards are ruling the world now. Getting a hotel room, renting a car, booking an airplane flight. But Credit Card companies want to run a credit check on you to see how reliable you are when it comes to credit worthiness. Should we extend you money? Will you pay it back? Previous payment history comes into play when asking for credit but again, if you have cash, you can just get a pre-paid Visa card.

Not everyone has cash or the luxury to afford everything by just buying it outright and so Credit becomes extremely important. Who cares about a 2-year contract for a cell phone. Yeah they run your credit but it's the bigger issues that come into play that we really don't think about until we need them.

Plus, if you're buying everything ALL CASH......... Big Brother is gonna want to ask you at some point how you have a deed to your home, a pink slip to your car, how you're paying your property taxes, (and probably a slew of other things) without showing a verifiable income. Unless you've taken that into account also.


Garden Nymph
I buy my plane tickets with my debit card...YES, money that is already mine. What a concept. And if I ever plan to own a house, I'm not gonna take some BS $200,000 loan when I could build a sizable house for $30-$40,000. Why should I spend money that I don't even have? And pay interest too?

Oh, and isn't it funny that this is what's happening in America? Needing good credit in order to get a job, too? I don't know what's up with that.


Active member
If you can save $200,000 to $300,000 then why can't you pay your bills? You put your name on the line when you signed up for the cell phone and they provided you with a service. When you say that you don't plan to pay for the services you received just makes me lose all respect for you. I would never knowingly do business with you, even if it was cash.
I buy my plane tickets with my debit card...YES, money that is already mine. What a concept. And if I ever plan to own a house, I'm not gonna take some BS $200,000 loan when I could build a sizable house for $30-$40,000. Why should I spend money that I don't even have? And pay interest too?

Oh, and isn't it funny that this is what's happening in America? Needing good credit in order to get a job, too? I don't know what's up with that.

yep you said what i think. i dont even have a proper credit card in my name. im not wealthy and i dont make much but quite honestly i dont see it as that hard to save over the long term to own a house. i know people with $100 monthly cell phone bills, $500 a year gym memberships they hardly use, payments for $30k+ cars, etc. and it makes sense to me that people dont find it realistic to buy their house with cash.

when i was living in the sticks i had a neighbor with no legitimate source of income (i can only guess what he did for money) who had previously bought a nice tract of land and parked a modest trailer home on it. behind the trailer , on his lot, he was building his house . and when i say building he was doing the work, with help from friends here and there. of course people with careers cant really do this as they have 9-5's to go to, but then you start getting into this merry-go-round effect where you trade employment time for time you could spend working on building your house. im reading the chapter "economy" in walden right now and i can really relate to it. i dont think i can live in a box next to the train tracks but the basic ideas are there.
If you can save $200,000 to $300,000 then why can't you pay your bills? You put your name on the line when you signed up for the cell phone and they provided you with a service. When you say that you don't plan to pay for the services you received just makes me lose all respect for you. I would never knowingly do business with you, even if it was cash.

I could care less what respect you may or may not have for me based on my decision to cancel my phone and stop paying my contractual obligations to a meglo-corporation who has questionable business and environmental practices in the first place. i would never forsake a contract with an honest and good individual but corporations aren't people and they generally aren't good. what i knew yesterday and what i know today are two different things and my mindset when i signed that contract for a cell-phone is entirely different today once i learned of their shady business practices which include constructing cellphone towers in areas where residents unanimously vote against it. i spend my dollars as i see fit and i find it reason enough to dishonor a contract when the other party displays such abhorrent tactics. if i made a business contract with an owner of a sawmill for 2x4's to build my house and signed it and then found out 2 months later he was hiring illegal immigrants and not offering proper safety measures and the way the mill was run was questionable, i would have no qualms about negating on payment (and of course stopping receiving services and products) depending on their power to pursue me legally.

and as far as parking tickets go i havent had the time to formulate an argument for not paying them. i pay city tickets in order to avoid a night in the slammer but nobody is ever under any obligation to pay private parking tickets. well one argument may be that i disagree with the fact that local insurance agencies are complicit in giving out driver information to private parking agencies when requested. that is extremely shady


A foot without a sock...
wait 7 years and its not on there anymore. works everytime:)

Couldn't be further from the truth.

It's seven (7) years from date of last activity, in some cases ten (10).

You actually don't have much control about how and when it gets reported last, I mean aside from paying your bills on time.
I don't care about my credit score, but i still have a good one. I use my apathy to my advantage though. I canceled my att contract because i got shitty service in my house and they charged a cancellation fee of $250. Waited for it to go to their collection agency, when they called i said i'd pay 30 cents on the dollar. They said no and that it would go on my credit report. Long story short i paid 25 cents on the dollar, including my last months phone service. If corporations get the same rights as people, ill pull the same dirty shit they do to save money (not against people though).


Active member
I could care less what respect you may or may not have for me based on my decision to cancel my phone and stop paying my contractual obligations to a meglo-corporation who has questionable business and environmental practices in the first place. i would never forsake a contract with an honest and good individual but corporations aren't people and they generally aren't good. what i knew yesterday and what i know today are two different things and my mindset when i signed that contract for a cell-phone is entirely different today once i learned of their shady business practices which include constructing cellphone towers in areas where residents unanimously vote against it. i spend my dollars as i see fit and i find it reason enough to dishonor a contract when the other party displays such abhorrent tactics. if i made a business contract with an owner of a sawmill for 2x4's to build my house and signed it and then found out 2 months later he was hiring illegal immigrants and not offering proper safety measures and the way the mill was run was questionable, i would have no qualms about negating on payment (and of course stopping receiving services and products) depending on their power to pursue me legally.

Well you didn't explain it like that in your first post. All I saw was "I get collection agents calling me once and awhile for private parking tickets, cell phone bills, etc. but I just am not in a position to pay and I don't really ever plan to."
Couldn't be further from the truth.

It's seven (7) years from date of last activity, in some cases ten (10).

You actually don't have much control about how and when it gets reported last, I mean aside from paying your bills on time.

if you ignore them it is whatever length of time specified in your laws. all you have to do is not participate in communications or acknowledge them. if you acknowledge the debt it gets started all over again.


A foot without a sock...
if you ignore them it is whatever length of time specified in your laws. all you have to do is not participate in communications or acknowledge them. if you acknowledge the debt it gets started all over again.

This use to be the case, these collection agencies are getting very slick and setting up affiliates, or "sister" sites and "transferring" or "selling" the debt if it's worth their while to do so.Hence the continuation of activity.It doesn't necessarily mean your activity.

I deal with people's credit everyday.
This use to be the case, these collection agencies are getting very slick and setting up affiliates, or "sister" sites and "transferring" or "selling" the debt if it's worth their while to do so.Hence the continuation of activity.It doesn't necessarily mean your activity.

I deal with people's credit everyday.

yes they are shady. i just send them cease & desist letters and that usually works

good drown

Couldn't be further from the truth.

It's seven (7) years from date of last activity, in some cases ten (10).

You actually don't have much control about how and when it gets reported last, I mean aside from paying your bills on time.
i had over 20k in dedt from docs and shit. after 7 years, bam, all gone, bought me a house