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I am also doing a 12-12 from seed grow.


why no more comments?

no more comments because nothing new is happening. Your plants are flowering, yeah, but it's not our job to comment on every single picture. If you want people to appreciate your pictures, take them to the Flower-Pix sub-forum. The main reason people post pictures here is to show their methods/results so other people can see what to expect when they re-build your setup.
Imho, focus more on your cab and on HOW you grow in this thread here, and take the pictures to flower-pix. This thread is completely lacking information about these two things. e.g. how did you design your cab, what is your feeding schedule / strategy, what are your goals in this grow, etc...


I really dont like 12/12 from seed, because you get a plenty less on plants if you grow that way. Build a veg cab and let the babies grow for 2 monts and then put them in the flower box...you will have harvest every two months, but you will have a lot more weed to smoke :D my 2 cents!!


Sure, that is a good idea, if you've got enough growing space. But for those of us, who grow in a cab, 12/12 from seed is probably the best way to grow.


Active member
yeah, if i vegged my plants for 1 month i could only fit 2 maybe 3 in there.. i veg mine 0 -1 week. then flower. i can fit 5-6 in the cab.


Well-known member
thanks for the comments guys.

This thread is completely lacking information about these two things. e.g. how did you design your cab, what is your feeding schedule / strategy, what are your goals in this grow, etc...

ok So u want some info on her. she is in some good bagsoil and I forgot the name of it. and she is 1 1/2- 2 weeks in to flower.

I am feeding her with: pure blend pro veg forumla 3-2-4 when she was still small. every other watering.

and 2 days ago I started feeding her with GH florabloom 0-5-4.
and I read the directions over and over and over agen to make sure that I give her the right amount.

also they r under 425 watts of cfl lights. and it stays in the low 80s
1 fan putting air in the closet cab and have 1 side by side fan fo suck lots of air out of there.

Ill take a pic of the whole closet cab when ever I get around to it.

so! is this enought info for now.

my gols for this grow is to get around an ounce off each of my 2 plants.

and I have been fully aware for 7-9 years now that I won't get super tight buds mk.
but I am cool with that. cuz if they turn out as good as my last plants did I will be a very happy camper.

so do sativas like more or less nuts. I can never figer that one out.


Well-known member
ooppss. did I fuck up my soil plant cuz I accidentaly gave the soil 12-12 from seed plant hydro bloom nuts insted of soil bloom nuts?

can I go get some bloom nuts for soil and use it and still be ok?

also lastnight I gave then some 5.9-6.2 phed water with some mollassas blackstrap.


here is some new pix. thats if anyone cares to even see or comment my grows anymore.:puppydoge

literally lol.

From my experience, it's ok to use hydro nutes for soil, but I am not familiar with every type of nutrients. So I can't say for sure exactly. I know GH hydro nutes are ok for soil.

Don't you think it might help a little to just veg for at least a week before 12/12 ? Do you think you'll have to flower for longer because of the lack of veg time ?


so do sativas like more or less nuts. I can never figer that one out.

Not sure about all sativas but from examples ive seen they seem to live on less. my nev hazes are fussy bitches they have certain weeks where feeding just makes them curl all depends on the genetics though Goodluck :)
Those are coming along nicely, great job bud, nice and healthy. That bud structure should give you and full oz/plant no problem with that kind of vertical, somethings telling me they're gonna fill out nicely for you. JUST BE PATIENT! haha I wish I had gotten some more sativas out of my seed run to find a keeper on that end (not saying I wont, but I only have so many to choose from), as most of the family is way on the indica side. I've found my weightpacker/noxious stinker, but I would love something potent to keep the head ringing. What are you using for bloom ferts? Any idea how many days since they showed flowers for ya? Keep it commin', I'll be here for the show. :joint:


Well-known member
she is around 3 weeks 1 day since start of 12-12.
I am using gh flora bloom. the hydro guy said I can still use it for soil.

thanks for stopen by kid28


New member
lookin good man, sucks about how long it took to show sex, had that happen to me with the g13 power skunk that i have growin right now. That grow is getting scrapped and i'm unfortunely moving to a pc case grower, and thinkin about getting fast blast from afropips. Lookin good man, i'll be following the grow.


is that 3.5 weeks since the day ya saw hairs, if so nice, anyhoo, i 12/12 from seed and mine usually show sex around day 27 , 28 or so, 78 days from sprout was my fastest harvest most got 85 days total or so, i think the norm for 12/12 from seed is to add 2 weeks to the flower time, so if a strain says 70 days then add 2 weeks so 85 days from seed to harvest, peace and nice thread