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Hygrozyme Info


Voluptuous Trichomes
Not sure is this has been mentioned....

Not sure is this has been mentioned....

If so....please forgive and excuse the redundancy....
One of the things that sets Hygrozyme apart from the others is that is has NO BACTERIA...

Thus....Hygrozyme can be used in conjunction with H2o2, SM-90, & Zone (or like products)



hands down some awsome stuff..

I use it start to finish at 8-10ml per gallon as the bottle recommends.

The label speaks the truth!..and the smell of my res now makes me thirsty.

Some powerful zymes here. Made by a medical company which makes a lot of medical detergents. I guess the stuff can really clean up a crime scene..jk



Havn't tried to foliar with it, but have a buddy who grows under 1k in Bcuzz Coco Fiber. He tried it and said that he got a nice response from his girls. Was not foliar spraying previously. :chin:

Sprayed according to label directions using RO water.

I wonder how Hygrozyme as a foliar stands up against Dutch Master's Penetrator + Folitech. :dueling: Any takers on a side by side?

Would mixing Hygrozyme with the DM Penetrator (delivery agent) be beneficial?

Catcha Later,
PL :joint:


Voluptuous Trichomes
I have used it in a foliar application. I noticed a "sheen" on the leaves...but I cannot directly attribute any metabolic benefit to it. The bottle has a dosage for foliar application. Honestly, my surmise is that it's there to encourage more usage and increase $ales :D I emailed SIPCO (months ago) and asked....no reply. But I will maintain that my plants looked good after the foliar application...didn't get the same results with BN-ZYM or Cannazyme (in foliar application)....

I used BN-ZYM for a while...now Cannazyme...I'm going back to Hygrozyme
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Active member
well kokua turned me onto this.. and after reading a lot about it and all the great success people have had i'm going to pick it up..

hopefully it can help straighten out these root issues i've got with my 2 month old vegging plants..


yes you do bart. :yes: mycorr is a fungi innocullant....hygrozyme is enzymes that break down dead organic matter in your rootzone. Two totally different but equally important products.


I used hygrozyme from the start on 4 of the plants I have in flower right now and there is a huge difference between them and the rest of the plants in my flower box that did not get such a strict regimen of hygrozyme feeding. I can't believe the difference in stem thickness, and root mass. The plants fed hygrozyme at every watering are easily 3x bushier and had almost twice the root mass as the others at similar ages. All other conditions are the same, same soil mix, same nutrients, same transplanting schedule etc. This stuff is amazing for transplants as well, everytime I tranplanted and fed hygrozyme it was very impressive, no downtime or stress, just more and more growth. After seeing the effects of cutting back the hygrozyme feeding I am kicking myself and will be keeping this in my feed schedule from now on.

One question though, I am switching from promix/ewc/perlite/foxfarm nutrients to coco/perlite/canna nutes and if I am feeding cannazym in watering, would it hurt if I still did foilar feeds with hygrozyme? Would the 2 enzymes cancel each other out/be bad for my plants? I figured for veg I would water with the canna nute routine (a/b/rhizotonic/cannazym) and my foilar feeds would be with hygrozyme and liquid karma. I too found the hygrozyme works excellent combined with LK, they seem to be very fond of each other.


Bakin in da Sun
thanks kokua for the quick response. I'll have to add this to my nute lineup (its startin to get crowed)....

Here what im thinkin:

PBP, Silica Blast, Cal Mag, Liquid Karma, PK 13-14, EA/EN, Sweet, Hygrozyme

any suggestions?


I'd say your covered...no redundencies. Some might say to use hydrogaurd, but it isn't necessary when you use the hygrozyme :) Looks like a solid lineup to me :)


Active member
Do any of you have experience with both SensiZym and Hygrozyme? If so, how would you compare/rate it?


These plants get Hygrozyme AND hydrogaurd at 5ml/gallon from clone to chop.

These are my only 2 additives to the GH 3 part, (2part) Lucas Formula.
I get 450+g per 600w



I just started using hygrozyme and the root growth is crazy!!!! I did notice my rez starting to smell like an old fish tank after using this stuff. also stuff growing on the sides of rez. Any one know if this is from hygrozyme?


As Buckwheat say...Oh Tay. I'm fairly new to hydro so please bear with me. Currently using GH nute program with Diamond Nectar and finish with Kool Bloom. Results are just awesome so far. After reading through it appears that Hygrozyme is a fantastic preventative AND keeps the root zone at optimum health which results in optimum results. I don't use H2O2 or Hyrdoguard. I've been an organic soil grower using myco and bacterial innoculants. With a chemie GH program does it make sense to add myco and bacterial innoculants when growing in rockwool??? If so how do I apply...to the res or heavy concentration manually at the base of the stem???

Anybody have any suggested additions to my program that, for the $, would actually be of benefit?
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great info Tex and Co :D

just wondering,i regularly use ryzotonic.with great results.
now thats $80 AU for 1 litre, im wondering if maybe i too should try this hygrozme
instead? opinions? they claim to do similar things right? improve root systems etc.

and secondly the use of silica or similar would be fine to use along with hygrozyme?

thanks in advance

keep em green!


Active member
rhizotonic is very good, at transplanting and establishing root system at start, very good but very expencive!
you say hygrozyme is the same but cheaper?
good day!

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