Also, the information I provided is for optimum results. I always tell people to use what they have. I have many pointers for making your own brewer on my webpage.
I give this information away freely after spending lots of money researching. I think the bigger dick comment belittles you.
The tests are very similar at 2400 feet above sea level where I live and Yelm, WA which is close to sea level. The larger variance is with higher TDS water. But buy a DO2 meter and check it yourself by all means.
I give this information away freely after spending lots of money researching. I think the bigger dick comment belittles you.
The tests are very similar at 2400 feet above sea level where I live and Yelm, WA which is close to sea level. The larger variance is with higher TDS water. But buy a DO2 meter and check it yourself by all means.