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Humbolt Co.'s Own 'Bushmater' questions???


Is there anyone out there with experience with 'BushMaster'?
I recently used the stuff at 1tsp/gal to slow the lateral growth of my ladies.
Now I have spots, much like I see whenever I use 'Gravity.'
I am thinking a slight K overdose. I can't tell what's in it as they don't list ingredients.
Any similar experiences?
Thanks in advance for any insight. +rep:1help:


Is there anyone out there with experience with 'BushMaster'?
I recently used the stuff at 1tsp/gal to slow the lateral growth of my ladies.
Now I have spots, much like I see whenever I use 'Gravity.'
I am thinking a slight K overdose. I can't tell what's in it as they don't list ingredients.
Any similar experiences?
Thanks in advance for any insight. +rep:1help:

i don't have the experience that you require, but how about posting a pic so those who do can see exactly what you mean :2cents:
Just to let you know I have used bushmaster at the same dosage and never noticed anything like that. I am a soil grower but I'm not sure if it the same with you. It could be something else.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
sorry the only bush master I have experience with is a rifle.

however I do know the squirl master.


Next Stop: Outer Space!
Does anyone know exactly what is in Bushmaster or Gravity? I use kinetin right now, and get great results with that, but I have never tried either of these. I don't like how hard it's been to Google answers on it's ingredients....


Have you ever used Gravity too?
I'm pretty sure that you have...It's similar to the spots I have gotten when I use Gravity.
I don't think it's a problem per se, but I have noticed little spots on my leaves.
I'll try to show you a picture in a little bit.
I like HCO's stuff, this isn't a product problem. I just wonder if others have similar experiences. Looks like you haven't. Coolbeans.


Does anyone know exactly what is in Bushmaster or Gravity? I use kinetin right now, and get great results with that, but I have never tried either of these. I don't like how hard it's been to Google answers on it's ingredients....
I think they're trying to keep it a 'proprietary' concotion.
That has happened to me before (small necrotic spots on the fan leaves) if I used a little too much. Every strain/pheno with which I've used it has had a different tolerance and a different response to Bushmaster, so you might have a sensitive pheno or something. I don't use it regularly, just when one of my plants is gonna be too big, but I've used it on a variety of strains.

Also, I strongly suspect that Bushmaster has paclobutrazol in it, maybe with some other stuff. It's a pretty strong chemical, but has a history of use in agriculture. I've used a similar (older) product called Dr. Nodes, with similar effects, but it actually lists paclobutrazol as an ingredient.



The active ingredient in bushmaster is sea kelp. I use it at 1/4 teaspoon/gal. I find 1 tsp is too much, unless i'm only gunna leave it in for 1 day, then switch out the res. (Hydro) Like it says on the bottle, less is more and the duration of time you use it for is more important than the dose. I know some people will use it with just plain water no nutes. I've over done it before, like you are describing. Interesting what someone said about the cal mag deficiency with it. I noticed that once with heavy use of it. Also, i noticed it works much better with indica's than sativa's/


That has happened to me before (small necrotic spots on the fan leaves) if I used a little too much. Every strain/pheno with which I've used it has had a different tolerance and a different response to Bushmaster, so you might have a sensitive pheno or something. I don't use it regularly, just when one of my plants is gonna be too big, but I've used it on a variety of strains.

Also, I strongly suspect that Bushmaster has paclobutrazol in it, maybe with some other stuff. It's a pretty strong chemical, but has a history of use in agriculture. I've used a similar (older) product called Dr. Nodes, with similar effects, but it actually lists paclobutrazol as an ingredient.

I think you're right. It only affected the OGs and the OG cross. The Bubba was okay with it as was the chem D and the Chocolope.

Illadelph said:
The active ingredient in bushmaster is sea kelp. I use it at 1/4 teaspoon/gal. I find 1 tsp is too much, unless i'm only gunna leave it in for 1 day, then switch out the res. (Hydro) Like it says on the bottle, less is more and the duration of time you use it for is more important than the dose. I know some people will use it with just plain water no nutes. I've over done it before, like you are describing. Interesting what someone said about the cal mag deficiency with it. I noticed that once with heavy use of it. Also, i noticed it works much better with indica's than sativa's
I got that from the bottle, which is why I suspect it may be a K overdose. It's those little secret ingredients that I wonder over. Thanks folks!:joint:


Not the greatest picture, but the spots have really shown themselves on the Chem Valley Kush, lesser with the OGs and the ever so slightly on the Bubba. The Chocolope is unaffected. They're all related except for the Chocolope--I think.

I thought that a contrast pic with my hand would help, but I guess not.

Things are going nicely in my test tent.

I have 2 ChemD, a pre98 Bubba, a Chocolope, 2 SFV OGs and a Chem Valley Kush (SFV OG x ChemD) going in my 2009 test tent.
Bushmaster has something WAY stronger than sea kelp in it. They just don't list it. Sea kelp helps, but there is some other chemical in there capable of completely stopping stretch. 2ml/gal of sea kelp will not stop stretch at all.


Did you water the BM in or foliar feed it? If I remember right, BM is supposed to be used in fresh water with no nutes. If there were any leftover salts you could have a bit of lockout. I would flush just in case. Good luck


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
I use BM every grow to stop stretch.

1 mil per gallon of solution for 2 or 3 days TOPS. Flush out and replace with Plain PH adjusted water for 1 week. Then back to normal solution.

Your plants will recover. You can run plain water for a few days and they will recover from whatever overdose ya got. I still havn't figured out what it is that the BM locks out or overdoses but.......running plain water for a few days will fix it.

They will recover with no effect on product.


Bushmaster has something WAY stronger than sea kelp in it. They just don't list it. Sea kelp helps, but there is some other chemical in there capable of completely stopping stretch. 2ml/gal of sea kelp will not stop stretch at all.
I agree. I wonder what though???:wallbash:

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