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HumboldtLocals Outdoor 2010


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
It´s a dream job the one you´ve done this season!
May the Love&Laughter stay in your heart forever

Ganja D

Been very very busy. Haven't really had a moment of down time in 8 about months. Here are some pictures of the Mist.
The rain was getting to me until I realized I was being a puss about it. I've been enjoying the challenge,what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. It reminds me of the spring and lifting hundreds of bales of sunshine mix and hundreds of bags of soil amendments multiple times each to build these gardens with my two hands and my sweet girl friend. What a season it's been.



Rez Sour Diesel. This is one of my top 3 favorite strains to smoke or grow of all time. There is nothing like it. Once you smoke real Sour D you might not want to smoke on much else.

The SD and the Sour Diesel x F13 has been all that been loaded into our bongs and rolled in our joint for a while.
The Purple Star here is also real nice smoke and very strong as well. We got a fat jar or two of it curing nicely.


Well-known member
What's Good HL,
Hot Dam,Spectacular grow!
You & your partners out did yourselves this year. Cant wait to see what you do next year.
Living tha Dream


I hope You all did alright through that storm. There were 50 mph winds and 7+" of rain over here. It was a fight to keep the plastic down.


ICMag Donor
Jesus H Christ this is just ridiculous. You mean to tell me I live in a country that this is legal yet my state would have an anurism about 3 tiny clones. Hell for that matter, 1 small male plant would likely get someone in a years worth of probation and thousands of dollars in fines, classes, p tests, parking, ect the list goes on. Just ridiculous......Just doesn't seem fair at all. If I didn't know better. I would say its illegal so as to produce alot of revenue from all the folks who insist on smoking pot even though its illegal. Cause everyone and their mom's know pot isn't half as rough as alcohol or even cig's. Country of laws makes a land of criminals. Should be a movie.
Great job all who grow outdoors. Wow i'm amazed and envious to the point of feeling sick to my stomach. Is there a word for that feeling?
I dream of the day here in colorado to find me a more private back yard and do some huge bushes. Keep up the good work looks amazing , I wanna come visit some day!!


I dream of the day here in colorado to find me a more private back yard and do some huge bushes. Keep up the good work looks amazing , I wanna come visit some day!!
No kidding! While I'll never be able to grow on a large scale, the mmj laws in my area do allow a few plants outdoors so long as they are not open to public view. I'm now motivated to find a more private place myself, just to be able to have a few outdoor plants. What an inspiring thread this is!
Thank you so much Humboldtlocal, Nomad and all the others that were so kind to us. Thank you for opening your doors and sharing information! This information must continue to get out to the public! You are great growers!