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HP Stadium


Active member
Could you do this with super hort HPS bulbs, or would it be too hot?o My buddy built a room identical to NF, but its only 5.5'' long instead of 10, he is only using 2 lights instead of 4. He was planning on using hortilux HPS instead of MH, but he was wondering if the heat was going to be an issue. Could he maybe do one HPS and one MH, even though the spectrum wouldnt be evenly dispursed? I mean they would still overlap but one side would be getting more MH and the other more HPS.

In Vino Veritas

headees said:
Could you do this with super hort HPS bulbs, or would it be too hot?o My buddy built a room identical to NF, but its only 5.5'' long instead of 10, he is only using 2 lights instead of 4. He was planning on using hortilux HPS instead of MH, but he was wondering if the heat was going to be an issue. Could he maybe do one HPS and one MH, even though the spectrum wouldnt be evenly dispursed? I mean they would still overlap but one side would be getting more MH and the other more HPS.

I don't think the difference in heat is really that much. Also there isn't much if any difference other than plant color when flowering under an MH. I use both, and don't alternate the plants under it (meaning they start-to-finish in the same spot). Too hot is a temperature, you need to control that variable. Bulb/ballast type is not going to matter.

I'm looking to do the same, in a 6.5x7 well see..


Active member
So the heat difference isnt that much from a mh to hps? I thought hps ran a good bit hotter. Do you think he would still be better off using a combo mh/hps than just 2 hps's?


^^ He also has a fairly large room. The difference in heat between the MH and HPS shouldn't impact the room too much. Just my .02.

In Vino Veritas

headees said:
So the heat difference isnt that much from a mh to hps? I thought hps ran a good bit hotter. Do you think he would still be better off using a combo mh/hps than just 2 hps's?

The reason I have a MH and an HPS in my area is because the other HPS bulb I bought broke on me (I have 1k mh, 2x1k hps). I don't like to hit the shop while I'm growing, so I said fuck it and ran one side MH the other HPS. I'm traditional though, MH for veg and EYE Hortilux for flower. I've found out this grow it doesn't really matter. Under the MH I notice the plants react faster to nute changes. The HPS sort of hides the signs because of the pigment. The purple seems to come out more under the MH side - but these genetics aren't very purple at all. Both my HPS ballast and bulb are cooler than the MH. I have good ac/ventilation so regardless it's no concern. I can add another 1000 without breaking a sweat, no bulb though so the ballast is vacation this round. Damn I'm baked...sorry for the rant.

Btw, If I have the chance to upgrade/move and I can grab MH ballasts significantly cheaper I'll be making a full switch. 1000MH's are cheap as fuck. My eyes like it better too.


I was told nf has deleated his membership , He does pop up as a guest now and then. Im just putting the finishing touches on my new grow room, trying the stadium. the whole room is 12 ft x 12 ft x 8 ft high, flower room is 6 x 8 x 8 the rest of the room is for clones and mothers and drying, I currently have one 1000w hps and am debating on what else to get, 2 600w hps or one more 1000w and one 600 in the middle, what do you guys think? also want to run all t5 s in clone and mother room, any one know a good on line store with good prices ?

In Vino Veritas

The guest label is what you get when you delete your account. He isn't active on any message board lately - at least not visibly. Not all of them let you delete your account. Considering the size of his grows, and level of involvement (you can read he works a few places with a number of people) i'm sure the paranoia got to him. Also keep in mind we all lead different lives, some of the basics of security are readily ignored by people working big ops. Sometimes life gets hectic and you gotta lay low. If your watching NF stay up bro..

grizz, you should run 3x 1k's - 2' apart. This will give you optimal balanced light distribution. In your situation I would run 2k hps's on the ends and a 1k MH in the middle. That's what I have on hand, maybe it works for you to get two MH's on the ends and that HPS in the middle - cheaper. Google flourecent lighting and you will find online distributors for those t5 ballasts and bulbs. For the $ and convenience I find those $10.00 shop lights at Walmart and the Commercial (white) $3.99 two packs of bulbs are the best deal, dunno the models though. Right now I'm unable to run 4' shop lights for my veg area so I'm opting for big CFL lamps..slower and hotter but gets the job done.



thanks vino, Im pretty much limited to 2600watts plus my t5 s , I could probably get away with the 3000w but would like to keep the power bill close to what it has been for the last 2 years, plus it gets 110 degree plus here for 4 months so i would like to keep the heat down. Is there that much differance in the amount of heat produced between the 1000w and the 600w and between halide and hps?

In Vino Veritas

If heat is the concern, the 600 is a bit cooler than the 1000 but in a room that size you won't notice the difference. 1000's aren't as efficient as 600 watt for watt but they still out produce a 600. If you've got to buy it, may as well grab a digital 1000 it's a cooler ballast and more reliable than the 600 digi's..I only suggest them so you can help the heat situation and still get away with 3k flower :D The power difference is minimal from 2600w to 3000w, you shouldn't worry at all as long as you pay on time and don't stink.

I mean you're still going to yield really well with the room design and 2600.. I work with what I have and buy when I need to change/upgrade. So fuck it, just run the equipment you have and use the 600 for the middle..
i am a new member here but i would l;ove 2 c ur set up with no plants 2 c if that set up or something like it wood work 4 my 42in by42in by8feet grow room


Vino I dont have the 600w ers yet. I think I will try 3 1000w like you said it cant be that much hotter and then I will know Im getting maxium light and hopefully yield. Drelow my computer wont upload picx sorry, but my flower room looks just like northern farmers 5 shelf system he showed us at the start of this thread Im still desighning my clone and mother room, I have 6 ft wide 8 ft long and 8ft high room to work with. I will need space for 150 plus clones every two and a half monthes and room for 5 or 6 good sized mothers . any ideas guys? help is always apprecated.


well Im getting closer to having my copy of northern farmers stadium done , I took vinos advise and purchesed two more 1000w lights one metal halide and one hps, this gives me 3 1000 w to light a 8ft x 6ft x 8ft high room. I pluged in the mh and the hps just to see how bright it will be and was amazed. waiting on the stucco guy to finish the outside so i can mount my swamp cooler and get things going . already have 56 clones and 25 seedlings started and waiting. I am planing on trying to add 50 or so more clones in two to three weeks untill its full, should be about 150 plants in 1gl grow bags all in coco , I really want to thank northern farmer for turning us on to this style of grow. hope it works for me as well as it does for him.

Dr Watt

Who What
Just an opinion here.... 2000w is plenty for 50sqft.... i've seen 1000mh and 400sodium on a sundial mover do this space excellently - on the other hand you generally get a per watt return so more watts will give you more bud and 60w/ft isn't unreasonable :joint:


johnstreet said:
Just an opinion here.... 2000w is plenty for 50sqft.... i've seen 1000mh and 400sodium on a sundial mover do this space excellently - on the other hand you generally get a per watt return so more watts will give you more bud and 60w/ft isn't unreasonable :joint:
I here you John, after trying just two i was thinking I should have went with 3 600watters , but im going to give the 3 1000w a run and see if the extra is worth it.


I've had no replies in my quest to have the NF account opened unfortunately. I can't even PM with this one and many of the forums are not open to me yet.

So....I've had a rebirth with my ideas on the stadium. I got rid of the poly skin since I'm not running a flip flop and ran into a problem with PM. Since I wanted to reduce humidity I gave it a try and the results are great.