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HP Stadium

I treid a version of the NF stadium and it didnt work for me. Here is why,
I did not listen to what I was reading. The flowering plants need to be small. Mine were too big and suffered form lack of light. I would bud them small and turn them weekly. Just like NF. Dont use a stretchy strain, Or use Bushmaster or whiskey or something to limit stretch. Mine stretched and yeild was compramised. Trim to only have a main cola or two. I vegged in a stadium and it created the best bushes ever. So when I flipped there was just too much plant. Stadium veg to flat garden for big bushy plants works great. Otherwise trim them back. 1 gallon is not alot of room,the buds on either side will shade each other if the plant gets too big. Its working better for me now but there was a learnig curve that could have been avoided if I would have followed leader better.
Have fun.


Letting them grow too big is the most common mistake people have made after I have set them up one of these. People don't believe how much a 10" plant can get away on them when there is this kind of overlapped light so close.

I still make the same mistake myself sometimes. It's a fine line between too small and too tall.

If you are using mixed strains it is very easy to have a jungle because as you wait for one strain to get tall enough one gets too ahead or you get one that is a super stretcher after flipping.

I hope it works out for you. I'm even trying different ideas as we speak. Each house has it's own set of limitations so not all my stadiums are designed with the same logic.


this is by far the most efficient growing technique

way to go and glad to see your still freeeeeee


Nice to see your back NFR. Surely did miss your post on the subject. I hope your going to do another thread or update this one. Sometime soon, so we can see what's been going on. Nice to have you back.

Take care,


Props to a popular BC style, done right down to the letter! I've seen this setup many times before in our area, and so many swear by it... this and promix bags slapped down on pallets :smile:

BC is the home of KISS growing!


Growing Kush has forced me into redesigning my rooms. I was running into a few problems.

Some of my changes are actually some of the old ideas we use to use.

7 1/2 weeks, most ly Kushes.

Here's an AK47 off one of the second shelves.



Active member
beautiful! this thread is awesome and is a huge inspiration for my new cab setup. thanks NFR and great to have ya back!


I've been back for a while just not posting much. Very busy and internet has been giving me many troubles.

I tried to get my old account activated but try and get a response from mods and admins on this site....forgettabutit!
glad to have you back northern.....i've probably read this whole thread 3-4 times.... lots of great info.....i'm still torn between the 5 shelf room or a 3 shelf room with longer veg.....decisions decisions...anyway look forward to some updates


Active member
Damn my man Nf. So good to have you live. copyed your style as best I could and love it. Had a big problem with leo on my first run and lost everything, lights, shelves , and of course the plants. Back doing what I love now and have way to many strains to be affective but looking for the right ones to keep for mothers and have 3 that I think will work good, sour bubble, tres dawg x green crack, and gangi kush. what changes did you do to run your kushes?
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