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howmany people here dont trust the vaccine or covid


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
What you need a Let Me Google That For You lesson?

I did a search using that exact phrase and got 5 pages of images. You can too.

Covid 19 vaccine VAERS data images

It looks like Sen Ron Johnson is leading the charge.

Stop using Vaers data it will make you smarter :D.

Donald Mallard

el duck
It's obviously you few cant understand data. All you have is denial. Only anti vaxers misquote everything covid related. Stop trying to blame anyone that gets the vaccine for your poor chooses.

i think those guys are right though ,
there isnt a vaccine that can help them
you cant vaccinate against stupidity ....

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Just beyond the Gates of Hell, an alcoholic, a womanizer, and a stoner find themselves standing in front of three identical doors.

There to greet them is none other than Satan, who tells them a secret method to getting into Heaven: Each man must spend 1,000 years in a room with their greatest vice. If he does so, he will be allowed to enter Heaven. The catch? At the end of the 1,000 year period, if the man asks to be let out of the room, he instead will be trapped inside forever.

The first man, being a lifelong alcoholic, is presented with a room identical to his favorite drinking spot. Some of his old drinking buddies are present, along with infinitely replenishing spirits of all kinds! The first man is ecstatic and, thinking it will be an easy feat, runs inside and slams the door behind him.

The second man, known for being quite the pervert, immediately feels his blood start pumping as the second door is opened. Inside are women of every shape, size, color, you name it. Every woman this man has ever fantasized about is here, ready to obey his every command. Without a word the second man rushes inside, closing the door behind him.

Now the third man, having been a cannabis connoisseur for most of his life, stands in awe of the marvel before him. Inside his room is a forest containing every strand of marijuana conceivable; the shrubs are the most beautiful green hues, ebitting the stickiest of smells; the ground is littered with the highest quality nuggs from Nepal, the dirt is hash rocks and kief, and the trees are actually twenty foot tall plants. The stoner can't wait to get eternally stoned and happily jaunts inside his room.

1,000 years pass...

Satan, being a man of his word, decides to check on each of the men. He opens the door to the first man's room, only to find the most disgusting mess he had ever seen: blood, booze, and bodily fluids create a disgusting miasma throughout the room. Broken glass litters the floor, and the man's once-friends lie dead in various states of decay. After searching for a while, Satan happens upon the man, shrivelled up and nestled in a pile of bottles, crying and bleeding profusely. The man's wracking sobs stop as his trembling lips work to form a sentence: "P-please... Get m-me out of here..."

Satan, a man of his word, reminds the man of the condition upon which he was imprisoned, and having broken his end of the bargain, the man is trapped inside eternally.

"The second man must have done better than that one", Satan thinks to himself while opening the second door. Moments later, hundreds upon thousands of people come flooding out, men, women, children of all creeds, along with the scents of human waste and burnt flesh. Eventually Satan sees the man he locked in here riding the wave of people. "Get me out of here!" The man screams, and Satan seals the door forever.

The third door is all that remains now; as Satan opens it, he sees the stoner meditating in the center of the forest, surrounded by a pool of tears. The forest had been untouched for the full thousand years. Satan is understandably quite confused! The stoner opens his eyes in disbelief and runs over to Satan, and shaking him by the collar he says: "Do you have a lighter, man?!"


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
96 pages of stoners going at it.

i wonder if even once since the beginning of this thread anyone has had their opinion changed. i wonder if since the beginning of teh internets or the beginning of time anyone has had their opinion changed. find something constructive to do they gonna whoop theyself. like wu we, step back to step forward.

let them blossom.

I talked a guy outta getting a lower back butterfly / tribal / barbwire tattoo, way back in 2003. Guy thought it would look cool.. Hehe.
Then in 2013 convinced same guy to stop wearing skinny white jeans.

2023, I´m working on changing dude´s opinion about pineapple on pizza. All warm and moist and sweet.. Then it gets mixed with salty meats and grease and all kindsa different cheese stuff in your mouth.

Vaccines tho.. You got some, cool. You didn´t, fine.
None of my business really, not gonna tell people what do and how to live.

I ain´t the boss of ya.


Well-known member
Badticket, i never believed that pineapple on pizza was a thing. then, i tried some good salty kielbasa slices fried up & pineapple chunks mixed in to brown. i still haven't eaten it on pizza, but i'm open to the idea.😋

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
The first time I had pineapple on pizza was in Stockholm Sweden in the late 80s


Active member
Badticket, i never believed that pineapple on pizza was a thing. then, i tried some good salty kielbasa slices fried up & pineapple chunks mixed in to brown. i still haven't eaten it on pizza, but i'm open to the idea.😋

It’s only been 60 years. Glad you’re open to it. Hawaiian pizza from a Canadian? Follow the money. $$$

Three Berries

Active member


Active member
....in the state of Massachusetts alone there have been over 262,000 fully vaccinated people who still ended up infected with covid and 1054 deaths according to official numbers. That is an infection fatality rate of 0.4%, which is HIGHER than the national average IFR of 0.27%.



Now read the rest of it.

There’s a trail that starts in Palm Springs. It goes up I think 8,000’ in about 8 miles. Folks go up part way. They start huffing and puffing. Their feet hurt, their legs hurt. They see the task as impossible. They turn around, headed downhill. It’s on an eastern slope. The sun hits them hard. A few of them die.

Now you want me to go half way up that hill, then go back down with you. It ain’t happening. I’ll face the challenge.


Active member
....in the state of Massachusetts alone there have been over 262,000 fully vaccinated people who still ended up infected with covid and 1054 deaths according to official numbers. That is an infection fatality rate of 0.4%, which is HIGHER than the national average IFR of 0.27%.



You are comparing a CFR to an IFR.
Comparing CFR to IFR is like comparing apples to Sasquatches.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Here’s the COVID Kush …😎