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How to Garden By The Moon


Wow, I usually let them pop in the water treated with a little hydrogen peroxide. These haven't even popped a root out yet, most are still floating.....Arguh.... I will have to wait until 8pm when the lights come on in the flowering room to get to my soil., DAMN but ok...I will put them to soil first thing tonight. Cross your fingers that they pop......


Jayla, put a green CFL from Wal Mart in your flower room, and you can see in the "dark" without messing up your plants! Great for times like this! Or use a flashlight with green saran wrap over the light for a way to see in the "dark"!


Gone Klone Krazy!

Started MORE clones before the Moon exited the great Moon Signs! White Rhinos galore.

I'm thinking of a nice creek bottom for their home......a little brown branch fence....

I had a daggum deer laying outside my front door in the daylight this afternoon.....pesky varmints....gonna start coming inside and bitching for the remote at any time.....


So when is the next best days for
1. Cracking and sprouting
2. Clonning and flipping to 12/12


Feb. 24th, Moon enters Pisces at 7:59 AM EST, 1st quarter
Feb. 25th same
Feb. 26th Thursday Moon exits Pisces at 4:24 PM EST

I prefer to start plants and clones in 3rd quarter for rooting benefits. That just ended tonight....

Mar. 11th will be next time Moon is in Libra, which is beneficial for flipping.

When do you want to flip? If sooner, let me know & I'll look up an alternative date for you....


The planned flip date was the Feb 22, but that is also the planned top and clone day as well. However this can be altered a day or two if need be. The Mar 11 day would put these at 7 weeks old and that is too long for my veg stage, but it does work out for the set that comes behind them.

I normally do not have much of a problem with the time that I cut clones/top, but since reading this log and looking back at my dates over the last month or so I noticed somethings did line up with moon phases. I wont be changing completly over to moon phase growing but it wont hurt to look ahead and change a day or two so it lines up with the moon phase.

Thanks and keep all the info comming.



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Off topic...
There was an old lady near here that was feeding a big ole buck deer apples.
She fed this big ass deer everyday. He would walk right up to her back door and eat the apples she'd leave.

Buddy of mine lives next door...one morning he spotted mr big buck, and his massive rack, and decided he needed to bag this bastard. He was in his drawers, and shot the damn thing from his back porch. The lady wanted to kill him and have him hung and quartered.

It was a big joke for a long time...as he actually had the thing mounted. (rumor has it he scored Boone&Crocket points for the rack)
Some of our buddies mounted up a dog collar on the head mount in his den.
Hell, it was a pet, yes? LOL.....

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
I had a daggum deer laying outside my front door in the daylight this afternoon.....pesky varmints....gonna start coming inside and bitching for the remote at any time.....

My old dog...Skippie...'didn't cotton' to any deer coming within 1000 yards of the house............wild turkeys?...they wandered though the yard ...undisturbed...:crazy:

No harm...No foul...(fowl allowed)


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HD: I'd shoot that dude for killing my pet...he deserves a dog collar!

PW: Good ole Skippy! He looks happy in that pic!

My dog, Dixie, hates them deer...She's not allowed out of the yard, so it really drives her wild when one escapes her boundaries....(She's well trained, no chain) Right now she's in heat and is a real pain in the ass! How I've managed to keep her pure for 8 years is a miracle..... Would like to breed her, but can't find no Poppa Sheltie. Last time I took her for a Love In, she would have no part of it......

BooHoo, no signs of life for most of the seeds....was hoping some would have popped up last night.... They'll surely be up tomorrow!

Clones all look great, no wilting so far......Read a thread where everybody is using peat pellets, and got my hopes up! I didn't think they would root in one, but looks like others have had great success, so I'm stoked!

See ya'll later, thanks for coming by & keeping me company!

The Keeper of the Bees.....


Dang, a bear in the air........what happened to my 500 feet of airspace?


Lola any pix of the cuts, and sorry 4 askin' but what strain were they... I forgot, but alas I'm a stoner...


Yeah, D4, I'll post some pics if you'll add them to my thread...lol

The clones be mostly White Rhinos, and also some California Orange Buds....Only had 2 girls from my Nov/Dec planting.....so guess who's a Mother...lol.



Best dates are gonna be:

Moon enters Scorpio on Friday March 13th at 8:22 PM EST
March 14th
March 15th
Moon exits Scorpio on 16th Monday at 05:21 AM EST

This is my fave combo Fruitful sign and 3rd quarter......3rd quarter great for ROOTING!

Sorry, St. Patrick's Day is Barren! Moon enters Sagittarius Monday 16th & stays there for a couple of days.....

Is that close enough for ya? The benefits of planting in the above will make it worthwhile to start em a little early.... Pretty much the best time in all of March above!

(P.S. My "magic" just a copy of Llewellyn's Moon Sign Book! Of course I do tend to put my twist on things....Just too lazy to chart the Moon myself...lol)
I don't know if half moon cycles work as well, but I had 2 seeds a buddy gave me to try to germ as he couldn't do it himself. Anyways, tried for a week with paper towel method, put them in water overnight two nights ago, started to open day after in paper towel, during a half moon cycle. Seems to make sense and work for a number of people over the years.


http://icmag.com/ic/album.php?albumid=821&pictureid=8532 Here's a pic of Lola's WR Mommy, She say's "Now where the hell did my kids run off to?"

Upload those pix to your album and I'll post them...It's easy as 1-2-3

1. upload pix to forum album, and open album
2. right click & copy thumbnail you want to post
3. paste thumbnail in post

and Voila, at least it works 4 me...once you get the hang of it you'll see that it's easier than the other site, :2cents:

later, D:joint::abduct:


Thanks D4! I gots me some Apple problems with the pics.....haven't tried it in a while.

I'm on dial up....waiting for a fast wave to catch before loading pics...Thanks I need the help.... ICMag no likey Safari...... You'll be shocked by how big Mommy has gotten!


Gonna try & upload a pic again....

Gonna try & upload a pic again....

Sorry pic is all sideways, saved it after rotating...what the....

Well click & drag didn't work, lemme try attachments.. too slow...

Hellp mee D4....help..... Haha, you could make a living putting Weedy & my pics up...if only I weren't too broke to pay ya...LOL.

Anyway, pics of stuff in my album if anybody wanna see it.....


Pop! Goes the seedlings!

Woohoo! 6 Widows popped up and one NL5/Haze!

Clones still looking good! No signs of roots yet.

Anxiously waiting on the rest to make up their minds....

:dance:Thanks for stopping by! Come back & see me again!:dance:

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