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How to Garden By The Moon



Orville Redenbacher Would Be Proud!

Orville Redenbacher Would Be Proud!


:woohoo: Beans popping like corn! Most of the Widows are up! Also got a couple of Ice Cool up and one NL5/Haze.....rest are still underground at present. I hope to see the rest in the morning!:dance:

Decided to make a home for the seedlings in the grow area. Got a couple shop lights right on top of them, so they don't stretch!

Right underneath on the same shelf I have my Box O Clones....They were perky this AM, no roots yet though! :( Guess it's too early still, but waiting anxiously to see how they turn out! Stored em in a nice plastic tote with lid! I was peering through the sides tonight and all clones looking good. I guess they like their new home.

Interesting plant I have is the California Orange Bud. Her leaves are nice and waxy looky, doesn't look like typical MJ plant! Mostly 3 leafers. I think she may turn out to be a semi-stealth plant! I believe she will pass on her genes to the clones, blending in the outdoor much easier. She looks so innocent, not like a typical MJ plant. I supercropped her tonight and her little buddy White Rhino, as well. If the clones turn out OK, gonna flip em back to bloom soon! (Pic in album)

Still having pH issues with this MG soil! Runoff a scary 4.9 range! Have added lime, but don't want to bump it to high too fast. Plants looking good despite low runoff pH.

Not much else going on here on the Marijuana Ranch!

Think I'm gonna fire up this roach my girlfriend & her husband gave me and kick back. Thanks for coming by! See ya'll later!



This is to cool! I have never heard of gardening by the moon and i truly believe in astrology. Thank you for your post.


Thanks Botanist! Glad to have you here at the Moon Garden! It's a great way to use the forces of the universe to work with your grow, not against it! Sorta old school....but it works like a charm!

Lovin the Big Rock Candy Mtns.! I like hanging out there too. I like the cigarette trees and the whiskey lake, but I try not to smoke when boating there! There's always the Lake of Stew when I get the munchies! LOL.

Keep checking for good dates to germ, harvest and flip!


Woohoo! Almost all the seedlings are up! Alot have 2 true leaves already! Tiny tiny leaves, but still good news!

Those clones are surprising me. Looked at them with the lid off the plastic tote this am, nothing remarkable. But tonight when I looked at the tote thru the bottom, noted what appears to be ROOTS, coming out the bottoms of the Jiffy pellets....didn't take them down off the shelf to investigate properly, but I think it's ROOTS....woohoo!

Will investigate in the morning properly!!!!!!

There are new pics in my album if anybody cares...lol


Hawaiian Inebriatti
There's an echo up in here. here. here.

There's an echo up in here. here. here.

Whossa motta L.G.?
Everyone ran off somewhere?
It is kinda quiet. Too quiet.
They're up to something.

Prolly planning the surprise debutant's ball for your clones.



Hey guys,

Hows it going tonight? It is quite quiet in here. Hey Lola... Went on and did the damn thing the other night. Put 24 seeds down to germ, right before we were out of the phase, and remembered you saying you weren't particular about germing JUST AS the moon was leaving phase, so i was kinda expecting NOT for it to work really well, however when i went down there last night/this morning I found that 6 had already started to sprout off and the rest I am hopefully will follow suite. I am not certain about the 4 beans I had left from "Lovely" because they simply wouldn't sink when I soaked them, however I shells have cracked at the tap, so I am hoping for the best. I will go back in a few hours and see how they look tonight. I have been having to limit my time with them lately though cause it creates such a PROBLEM with Charles.:dueling::fight: It is hard to work when someone around you is constantly downing what your doing....Bet he won't have ANY problem smoking out on the rewards of my learning and work...But for right now.....DAMN.......:abduct::frown:


Weeze: Thanks for coming by! I was getting lonesome!

Jayla: Those men! LOL. You KNOW they'll smoke your last J if you tell em where the weed is hidden!

Looked closer at the clones, don't see any roots yet...guess it was an optical illusion...!!!


99.44 % full germ now. Still one Widow and one NLHaze seed unaccounted for!

Interesting story, I started seeds in peat pot and germing soil with perlite. So I'm real anxious for the NLHaze to do well, already having 3 boys from first planting and only 10 seeds.

So started 3 more NLHaze and only 1 comes up! OH NO! So I'm looking into the pot and see a little bent stem yesterday. Still no leaves today...how odd I think!

Well used a mister and I saw "stem" was really a taproot! The seed had sent it's taproot up and it's head was down! Guess it was a watering accident or something.? Anyway, gently dug under it with a toothpick, and put things right!

If that other NLHaze doesn't show up by tomorrow, gonna have to go prospecting for it too! I can't lose a seed with the rate of males I've gotten...Oh, hope I get one girl!

MOON HARVEST DATES: Moon entered Aquarius tonight at 9:06 PM EST, a barren sign in 4th quarter, so it's great to harvest from now until Moon exits Sign on Tuesday 24th at 8:25 AM EST....

GOOD PLANTING DATES: Tuesday 24th Moon enters Pisces, 1st Quarter,at 8:25 AM EST and exits sign on Thursday 26th at 4:24 PM EST.

These planting days will be good for starting clones, planting new beans.

Hope this is helpful to all interested!

:dance: Thanks for stopping in Ya'll :dance:

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
The seed had sent it's taproot up and it's head was down! Guess it was a watering accident or something.? Anyway, gently dug under it with a toothpick, and put things right!

I had that happen to me last fall...I was gonna tell somebody about it...but, I didn't think anybody would believe me.

Probably, the breeder's fault....:rolleyes:...can't tell which way is up....:YaRight:


I'm gonna mark that seed...it's obviously such good strain it's f'd itself up so bad it don't know up from down....lol....can't wait to smoke that one...haha


pH Problems...any suggestions?

Using MG soil, 5 gallon containers. Transplanted couple weeks ago with new MG soil.

Using calibrated Oakton pH meter. Runoff pH consistently 4.9!!!!!!! Added 1/4 cup hydrate lime and earthworm castings, mixed into soil. Watered with pH 7.2 water, light nutes, CalMag, Sugar Daddy.

Runoff after lime addition x2 still 4.9!!

Plants look pretty good. Some slight tip drying on top node, could be light related.

I do have General Hydroponics pH Up and pH Down in the dry form for adjusting water pH prior to watering.

MG soil was initially flushed x5 and runoff pH was 6.6 range by aquarium tester.

Any suggestions on how to raise the runoff pH to 6.8 ish range would be appreciated. Heck, I'd be tickled at this point to get it up to 6.0 range...

Thanks in advance...


They're ALIVE!!!!!

They're ALIVE!!!!!

Went to check on the seedlings and clones just now.

California Orange Bud, the first clone to BUST out ROOTS from it's peat pellet! I am so tickled! Day 7 in a peat pellet and roots busting out the side! WooHoo! My first purebred clones are a SUCCESS! (knock on wood)

Nirvana said it was an easy cloner, so good for the Cali Orange!

Looks like the 3rd Quarter Rooting Signs were a success!

Now I can flip the Momma and smoke her.....heehee....


Garden Nymph
gardening by the moon is something i'd like to try after reading this thread. i've always been up for new things, and if this will somehow help improve germination rates and plants' health, why not? doesn't hurt to try! i think i'll look for that book either at a bookstore or buy it used online..

thanks lola!


Great thread, Lola! I'm not into astrology&stuff, but would do anything for my babies... This helps a lot! thanks
Keep up the green work!


Hi Hippie Lettuce and Domino! Try it you'll like it!

Hi YatYat! Thanks....

More Clones gots roots! WooHoo, Probably 1/2 are showing roots now! Yippie Ki Yay!

Tried pH UP water at 8.9 pH to counteract the previous runoff of 4.9....Didn't work, will have to try again the next time they need water....

Went to civilization, got pots, seed starter, a new clone dome, jiffy peat pellets....NO DIRT IN CITY except daggum MG, which I don't like due to the pH problems I have with the acidic stuff!

GOOD DEAL AT WALLY WORLD:! Back in the corner of Wally Mart where the plants and stuff is.....look for this! I found 48 inch Bamboo stakes! They are dyed a nice hideous green too! Got a package of 25 stakes (4 footers) for $2.50! Thought that was such a good deal, I got 2 of the 6 packages that they had! Don't know if this is a seasonal item, or if they have it all the time, but I've never seen them before! Great for the grow room....

Thanks for stopping by ya'll, come back anytime!




Hey Lola Gal,

Glad to see you are doing so well with the clones. I can't really say I am having the same luck with the sprouts though. I was kinda thinking that I might have a problem as I threw them in so fast and didn't prepare them the way I wanted first. So far out of the 21 I put in only 9 have come up and two are poised to. Of course this could definitely be from the beans I used....Definitely..D...D..Definitely:wallbash: :mad: :wallbash:. What is tonight looking like. I really wanted to put 24 sprouts down, since I am thinking I might get 12 females out of that. So I was considering....only considering throwing like 15 more beans in to soak tonight and getting them popped then planting Tuesday or Wednesday so I can have 24 sprouts pretty close to each other time wise...Well, within a week of each other. Am I crazy? I'm just afraid with only 11 out of them popping I will only get maybe 5 females. Really want much closer to 12...Whats your outlook.


GOOD PLANTING DATES: Tuesday 24th Moon enters Pisces, 1st Quarter,at 8:25 AM EST and exits sign on Thursday 26th at 4:24 PM EST.

These planting days will be good for starting clones, planting new beans.

Right now it's BARREN!!!!!!

Why not start some clones on above dates from your female plant? I am having good luck with Jiffy pellets, rooting powder and putting them in a plastic tote with lid shut after misting.......White Rhinos and California Orange Buds.....

The clones are all rooting!!!!!!! WooHoo.


Cause everything I have is in Flower. The ones I want to clone are almost 7 weeks old and 25 days into flowering. I thought you couldn't clone while flowering? AND I have NO IDEA how to clone....


Well, it's better to clone when plant is in veg...takes longer to root them when they are in flower..

Search for the thread called....."This is the thread for peat puck freaks" or something close to that. I know it comes up when you search Peat Puck.....

That thread will tell you how to clone... it's easy....