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How to Garden By The Moon


Active member
Google Sketch Up is free, so you're in luck there. Just start learning how to use it, it does come with a tutorial. And clean up your space! you're going to need the room by the time Pirate is done with you!!!


Thanks again Che. I've been sorting it all out slowly, but now with new lights on the way, I'm stoked.

I still can't believe the good deal I got! (Fingers crossed)


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
My problem is always buying everything on sale a little bit at a time due to lack of resources. But I am patient and will keep plugging!!!
I totally understand that. But don't ever stop buying on sale or looking for the cheaper alternative even when ya got money. That's why 90% of my room is DIY.

Pirate is dirt poor. AAAARRRRRRRR !!!!


Garden Nymph
WOW Lola, those are some great bargains for those lights!

another question about Moon dates: when is the next best time for harvesting? Gotta take down that Satori..


We are in the first quarter, so you wlll just have to check your trichs and chop! You don't want to wait to the 4th quarter! Get to Radio Shack and get you a pocket microscope!

And about the bargain! It pays to use one hydro store and learn the salesman's name! That is the only reason I got a good deal! Repeat business!

Mmmm......Satori.....sounds good.

Pirate: I'm so cheap, I'll never stop looking for bargains and DIY!


Garden Nymph
Oh, and one more question..if anyone can answer it:

my boyfriend made a satori clone, and it's looking really nice. but, we're kinda confused about the way it looks. it's only pushing out sets of three leaves. is this normal? or maybe it's just this plant?


It has no choice but to be exactly like it's mother! It will get more leaves as it gets bigger! Threaten it with a whip...lol..it will start pumping out them leaves...!! j/k

Hope your clones and harvest goes great! Wish I was there to help smoke it..


Just want to check and see if I am close on the cycle we are on......

Sunday Moon enters Taurus sometime that afternoon
It is also still in the 1st quarter.

If this is correct then Sunday should be a good day for cloning, planting, and starting seeds. They should have good root growth the clones and the planting part should take off if potting up or moving clones into thier new homes. Seeds should crack easily and grow rapidly since the moon is in the first quarter.

How close am I?
If I am off please fix the incorrectness, thanks



Just want to check and see if I am close on the cycle we are on......

Sunday Moon enters Taurus sometime that afternoon
It is also still in the 1st quarter.

If this is correct then Sunday should be a good day for cloning, planting, and starting seeds. They should have good root growth the clones and the planting part should take off if potting up or moving clones into thier new homes. Seeds should crack easily and grow rapidly since the moon is in the first quarter.

How close am I?
If I am off please fix the incorrectness, thanks


Get out of that Farmer's Almanac! Bad boy! You will wind up planting in a barren sign with the Farmer's Almanac! (just guessing, am I right?)

Moon enters Taurus Sat (tonight) at 10:33 PM EST, and exits Taurus on Tuesday, March 3rd at 2:59 AM EST.

Taurus is OK for planting, not Fruitful sign, but semi-fruitful. Beware! You may experience stubborness in this sign! Things started in Taurus tend to be long lasting and increase in value. It is used when establishing hardiness is important.

Better to wait until the 5th and 6th to plant when Moon is in Cancer and 2nd quarter! Moon enters Cancer on 5th at 6:07 AM and exits Cancer on the 7th at 8:24 AM EST.

Hope this answers your questions.


That is not out of the farmers book, all that is from gardening by the moon searches on the net.

Please refer to first page if reading this

That should fix it, at least you were able to help answer that. I did alot of those searchs at work, and I certainly could not visit this site at work.

thank you for clearing that up, I forgot that it was on the first page.



It's all on the first page of this thread! Check it out! No need to look on internet! Already here. Of course, I changed some of it for hobby growing...and added some of my own knowledge as well as the basics. It will take a while to get it all right! Meantime, keep asking questions, I'll turn ya into a Moon Gardner yet!

You got some of it wrong! Scorpio Fruitful for one thing! Get ya a Moon Sign book by Llewellyn's. It's about $9, paperback. Good to save, articles are new each year.:abduct:


I have no almanac...yet?

I have no almanac...yet?

Fudge! I just planted two days ago and today I started kitchen herb seeds. Will they be ok?

I'm on the earth, northern hemisphere, if that helps.

tx, Shov

ps, is it peices, now? it's between a new moon and first qrt.


Cracky, Hi! You planted in a barren sign in the first quarter. Aries, a Fire Sign! Not a good choice! I predict your corn will pop and your beans will be burned...LOL.

However seeds started today, the herbs, will be stubborn rascals you can never kill, no matter how hard you try! Beware, don't sleep too close to them. :D

How have you been doing? Good to hear from you.


Thanks Smoking Moose! (That sounds like an Indian name!) Hihowareya!

I just naturally like all Australians, so I am sure I will like hearing more from you!

I'm smoking some Male Leaf NLHaze tonight, and actually high! I was surprised!

Transplanted the last of my White Rhino clones today while Moon is in Taurus.

I have marked the transplants made in the barren signs (last 2 days) as well, so I will report back on what happens to the clones planted on various signs as I go on with them. This should appeal to the more scientific minded among you!

I really don't expect much trouble with the clones, since I doubt they noticed they were transplanted into dirt. I eased em into a bed of squishy water logged soil and down went the peat plugs without disturbing nary a root!

I was basically just giving the roots a soil cover.

I've been going through the last 3 years of my hydro catalog looking at reflectors, dying to know what kind of ballasts and reflectors will be coming soon.

I can't wait to unwrap the packages and see! LOL, I'm just a kid at heart.

Of course many heavy objects need to be moved so I can hang new lights when they arrive, so that is rather depressing. I'm not in a furniture moving mood.

:dance: Thanks for coming by the Moon Garden Ya'll :dance:


Guest 26753

Cool gal! I haven't paid much attention to planting by the moon with cannabis. I do so with my garden out back of my home so it only makes sense to apply it to cannabis. I have some reading to catch up on and may be asking more questions.
Sadly I am not Indian lol, but I am close with the indigenous Australians in my area who are from the Ngunnawal tribe.


I'm part Cherokee. One of my great great grandmothers. Ask away! It's rather long as I am always chatting somebody up!

Guest 26753

Ok, I have a question first up that I could not see brought up in this thread earlier.
I have 2 strains I am about to cross. I have a landrace Aussie Sativa from the Zoid line, and a beautiful Aussie Indica dom strain bred by Mullaway (Clever Man) that has won many awards here in Australia. I have pollen from both strains and intend on replicating the strains as well as creating hybrids. Does the moon play a part in the fertilisation process. In other words, which are the best days to apply the pollen.
Secondly, are you able to give me fertile days for planting in the southern hemisphere for the next 3 months.
My main interest is to find out the best days to apply the pollen when I make my crosses.
By the way, this is a hella thread with so much info. I have read once quickly but plan on going back and making notes.

Here is the Zoid, bred by Moonunit. (Pic from Moonunit)

Here is Clever Man bred by Mullaway (pic from Mullaway)


Moose: Naw, pollinate anytime convenient, doesn't matter. You could pollinate in Libra if it was convenient, that might help seeds be beautiful when they grew up!

I can't do time zone conversions. All times given Eastern Standard Time, adjust for your time zone and they will be correct for you.

Put some new pics up Ya'll!

Here's a before and after of the Cali Orange Bud(Right) and White Rhino(Left).

I LSTd the tops yesterday with some Velcro Ties and Tablecloth weights. Can anybody find the fruit shaped weight hidden in the picture?

These 2 plants don't have long before being flipped, but I always say that don't I? LOL.