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How to Garden By The Moon



I haven't fed them very much at all. The Miracle Grow dirt ferts should be worn off by now don't you think? LOL. Let's see transplanted about a month ago into new soil, and I flushed the heck out of the soil before using.

I have some Northern Lights Fat Flower Hydro Store gave me. I gives em a pinch of that every now and then! I also give them Sugar Daddy and CalMag Plus almost every water.

pH of soil is still too low, but have got it up to about 5.9. Hope to get runoff pH higher next time they need water. I think that is why there is some leaf curl on the White Rhino. New growth looks ok.

I think that Cali Orange must have about 32 top stems on her. She still has a small stem. She may be in bondage soon..lol

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
So many nutes on the market...it's all too confusing for me.

I use a little 20-20-20 vegging nute and a little fertilome root stimulator (4-10-3) after transplants.
10-52-10 for flowering...period. Plus a little mollases the final 4 weeks.


Draining Miss Daisy

Draining Miss Daisy

Hi Ya'll!

Worked on getting my space organized today. Yuck! Heaved a huge chair from 1927 down a flight of stairs. They don't make chairs like that anymore. Got it down in one piece, so grow area minus one big Mahogany carved chair. Now if only the matching couch would use it's legs. It ain't going nowhere!

Still trying to decide on grow room designs and the EZ way to do it. But making room for whatever happens.

Dutch: Thanks for the advice on the nutes! I think the Fat Flower is 0-50-30. It's supposed to produce large flowers and increase production of fragrant oil.... Sounds pretty good! Also I am suspicious that the additive "Sugar Daddy" is just watered down molasses in a fancy bottle. But since it was free as well, not complaining. It's supposed to be a carb loader of course with a name like Sugar Daddy.

Fat Flower hard to use with 1 tsp per 10 gallons! I usually just add a pinch instead of measuring. Will water again in about 3 days to check runoff and add nutes.

I have a few stressed leaves with curled tips, but since both plants survived freezing temps for 10 days and no light, I ain't gonna sweat it!

Clones doing well. First ones out of the chute are about twice as big today as when they were first planted.

Thanks for coming by to visit Ya'll! Come back soon!


Garden Nymph
Hey Lola,

How much does that Fat flower cost? And who makes it? I tried the Fox Farm Big Bloom but I'm not really sure if it helped any. Maybe helped prolong the flowering period?


It's 24.95 per lb. Eeek! But I did get a lb. for free, so that's why I'm using it. Supposedly you add it to your regular flowering solution the first 6 weeks of flowering and then double the dose the last 2 weeks of flowering. Sounds like a lot of Phosphorus, doesn't it. I'm scared to use that much right now, with pH off in soil, so I will probably use it alone! It's made by Northern Lights. Advertises it is a tried and true product for Big Fat Flowers! You are supposed to see "a difference" immediately!

Last time I used Schultz....lol...and for bloom I used Crepe Myrtle fertilizer! Haha! Weed was nasty, tasted like kelp that I used on it...Oh well, live & learn!

Guest 26753

Don't forget to use sea tea as well. Seaweed is brilliant for organic farming. I swear by it.


Don't forget to use sea tea as well. Seaweed is brilliant for organic farming. I swear by it.

I used kelp drenches on the soil last grow, and it tasted AWFUL! I used it while they were blooming...ick.... Now I'm scared of seaweeds. I don't ever want to taste that again....

Using some worm poop though! Hope that tastes good....lol


Thanks WhoMan! I do expect the Moon to help us all along!

Wishing my new lites would get here so I can flip & smoke some finally!

If I don't get several OZs per each plant, I will be disappointed with them, as big as they are.

Let's start a pool to see who can guess how many OZs to each plant! I'm counting my chickens before they are hatched ain't I...lol

I checked some trichs with Radio Shack microscope on a tiny piece of bud from the Cali O today, just for fun. Under microscope, I could see tons of them, of course they have not swollen up yet since still vegging. But cool to see those trichs!


Hey there Lola! sorry it took me so long to get here for ya.. :redface:
Thanks for the good words on us n our baby first of all!!
now, what was yer question again?? something about how to split up a flower/veg room and some lights? I dunno if you already had an answer..


Well I was needing help with a lighting decision, but got 2 400 MH/HPS coming for $50 each!! Still stoked about that one!

I have a 10 foot wide by 30 foot long space and I need to split it in half to have a veg/bloom area and was hoping for any suggestions about how to best split it up. I figure one wall up across the 10 foot area would be easiest. Any suggestions for setting up a new space with 4 400s?


The plants look lovely Lola. I hope you get 3 oz or more but 2 will do along with some good ideas on your huge space. I will def be checking this out and 400s are my fav you got a great deal. Grow BIG.WM
Good to see you around CD.


If I only get 3 oz apiece out of those two plants, I think I will cry! They are 4 feet tall and still in veg! Never can tell what will happen though, but I'm hoping for big buds!


Oh Not Now!

Oh Not Now!

Howdy Gang!

Those rascal seedlings of mine are popping roots out the bottoms of 3 inch peat pots! They are 16 days since hitting dirt and water. I was shocked to see I had so much transplanting to do tonight while Moon is still in Taurus. They just won't wait!

I had not picked them up in a week and was so surprised to see all those roots!

All I have are giant 8 inch pots, way to big, but will just have to put the biggest of them to bed in the big ass pots.

Guess I will have to make yet another trip to the store and see if I can find some good pots. Has anyone seen any pots yet in the Dollar Store chains?

Well off to do some transplanting of seedlings.

Moon in Taurus right now, semi fruitful sign, but good for stubborness. It's just gonna have to do as Moon will be in a barren sign tomorrow for a couple of days!

Thanks for dropping by!


Lola I've been gardening by the moon for years and yes it is VERY beneficial in many ways. Anyone who is interested should get a Blum's Gardening Calander. It's very easy to interpret and and gives gardening info on a daily basis. It'll really make gardening by the moon and signs a no-brainer for anyone. It's well worth the price(bout $10 online).


Hi Big Tex,

Do you know if the calendar uses the Tropical Zodiac for Moon ? I like Tropical the best.


Howl at the Moon!!!

Howl at the Moon!!!

Hey Lola :wave:

Very nice score on those 400s! :yes:

Have you checked the local garden centers for 2nd hand pots? :chin:



Hee, hee, no local garden stores here, but good idea! I lives in the sticks!

Guess I'll raid the Dollar General store! (Only 30 minutes drive to get to it....)

I potted up the ones with the most roots last nite. My Ice Cool is now in 8 inch pots! I hope they like it there!

I am waiting impatiently for the 400s to arrive! Will post a pic of the big score when it gets here! It's driving me nuts waiting to see what I purchased. At prices like that, I didn't ask any questions! Snapped em up before they could change their minds...lol.


Dollar Store Raided

Dollar Store Raided

Good Deals Today at Dollar General Store:
1) 20 lbs. of Potting Soil for $2.25
2) 6 inch plastic pots 2 for $1.25
3) Plastic Plant Ties that look like insects, frogs and lizards! Great for LST!!! 2 for $2
4) 8 inch square plastic planter $2

Wiped out their supplies of #1, #2, #3 and #4!

So now all set to transplant the rest of the kids as soon as the Moon is right! Don't plant today. Moon is in Gemini! Barren Sign! Snuck in my transplants last nite while Moon still in Taurus.

I really like my plastic frogs, lizards and preying mantis plant ties. They are green plastic and about six inches long with movable legs to attach plants to wire, etc. in garden. They will be great for LST! Nice and heavy for my uses! And they will look cheery as well!

I'm naming the lizards Weezard I and II and currently have a Happy Frog riding on Weezard's back like a horse....toys...I love toys...

Checked on my newest clones, no roots visible yet, darn! At least now if they start rooting they will have a pot to piss in...:D

Big Ups to My Friend Indeed! What a good morning of shopping and smoking!

:dance: Thanks for stopping by the Moon Garden! :dance:


Hey Lola, Just waiting for the mail to run around here, then off to Dollar General i go... Thanks for the tip, we have one right around the corner from here......:woohoo::woohoo: