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How to Garden By The Moon


Now if I only had an interesting Pic! Haha

Thanks for the help! I HATE not understanding something! I feel so un-genius-y when that happens...LOL

Tomorrow will post pics of the horrible storm damage at my place!

Think I'm gonna turn on some HBO, TV timer, and go to bed. Later D4!

Bong, Bed, G' night


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
And the student becomes the teacher

I didn't know you could just use the thingy below the smilies! WooHoo!

:yoinks::wallbash::bashhead::badday: I need a me sized rock to crawl under. :bat:

I can only plead that changes were happening so fast and furious for a while, when I found a url for my galleries and albums, I snagged them. It's those that don't work with Safari. The My Photos window seems to generate code just fine. Now ... how do we get it to show names ...?

:hijacked: (hey, i tried to keep it to pm's.)


Fan Leaf Clone????

Fan Leaf Clone????

Freeze: Don't beat yourself up! If you hadn't led me down the path, I'd never have found Skip's post on the pic thing!

Good Morning All!!!!

Just got through checking in the grow room... Yeehaw! More White Rhino roots is a bustin' through the clones!

I even got a fan leaf to ROOT! Wonder what will happen to it next? It's looking mighty yellow (the fan leaf), but it does have roots bustin out the side of the Jiffy! It was one of my experiments. Can post pics if nobody believes me!

All of last nights clones looking nice and perky through the dome, left em alone! AND! My 3 Cora Cali Orange Clones still perky after their first night in dirt! That Cali Orange is one easy cloner! White Rhinos are not as quick to root.

Guess I'll go and check the mailbox, see if any goodies in there! Hoping to get some NorCal Daddy's Girl beans.....

Dutch: Eeekk! Grow lights in the shop lights! Gonna have to dig out some Warm Whites or something! That may be why they are trying to stretch. You nailed that one!

Don't forget Moon Cultists! Today is a good planting Day! Last one in February! I guess I should start some Mazaar-I-Shariff for outside, but I really have enough to take care of right now. Guess I'll save them for later! If only I had a greenhouse....anybody wanna donate one? lol. I'll farm on shares....haha


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Drat! and Feh!

Drat! and Feh!

5 clones planted by da moon, 5 clones RIP.

Freezerguy may be right.

They stayed fat and green for a week.
Then, one by one, they quietly wilted.
Cut 2 more and have them in a different location.

Most annoying.
I have a super sativa strain with no name so I can't just buy seeds for her replacement.
She used to be an eager cloner.
She also rooted a fan leaf last season.
Now, 2" cuts shrivel and die after 'bout a week.
Planting some seed today as a backup.
It's always sumpin!

For your rooms.
That $3 budget will buy 6 sq. ft. of Reflectix.
Non hotspot, 97% reflective on both sides, light weight, opaque and about as easy to work as heavy cardboard.
Stapled to a 1X2 frame, it makes a dandy grow room.
It's also an excellent insulator.
Runs about $ .50 per sq. ft. from HD.:2cents:

LolaGal got great garden!
Mebee she come to da island an' he'p me get a viable clone,ya?



Shit Weeze, I can't teach you nothing! LOL

But yes, will come to HI ASAP! What island be I coming to? Gotta learn the bus schedules in advance..heehee.

Thanks for kind words about garden. Do fan leaves really make a clone? Just did it for kicks!

Guess it is time for that bleach in your grow...so sorry to hear about them clones! Darn. What a shame!


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Check my visitor's messages for details.

Check my visitor's messages for details.

Shit Weeze, I can't teach you nothing! LOL

Already have, my friend.

But yes, will come to HI ASAP! What island be I coming to? Gotta learn the bus schedules in advance..heehee.

No need bus, need boat!
Once you get here I'll be your taxi. "Drivin Miss Lola "

Thanks for kind words about garden. Do fan leaves really make a clone? Just did it for kicks!

Sure did!

Guess it is time for that bleach in your grow...so sorry to hear about them clones! Darn. What a shame!

Got the new clones in quarantine to see if it's the room, or the plants.

Now, we wait.



Hope your clones do well. Hope it's the room and not the plants.

If I get to HI, just wanna lay around on the lanai and talk to the Mo'os. Smoke up all your weed....lol.

If ya'll ever get back to States in Spring, ccome over for big Derby Party! I can get us in the Gov's Mansion for big Derby breakfast, yum, yum. Then we'll go to the race and later we can eat some BBQ!

Never made it to the Derby yet, but will go if ya'll wanna come! I stay home on bad knee, surfing the net most of the time! If I'd known I was gonna live this long, would've took better care of myself! LOL

Don't forget Everybody...plant, plant, plant, clone, clone, clone today!


Garden Nymph
i think that's an invitation, Lola?

I went to Memphis last November and I tried some BBQ..it was sooo good! and when they say Southern hospitality, boy do they mean it! Loved the service; best I ever had at a restaurant!

I'd plant this seed I have laying around. Don't know what it is..but I don't have any soil or pots!


Mmm...Memphis BBQ....

Where'd you go? I been to em all! My fave is King's Court on Beale Street. All my Memphis friends say it's a tourist trap, but I loved their ribs. Least fave is the Rendezvous....yucky dry rub ribs....

Interstate BBQ good too. Yummy.

Us Southerners loves company! Come see me anytime ya'll! Darnit, now I want some BBQ ribs...Guess I'll eat a Hershey bar instead...lol Too far to drive to Memphis tonite..

Pondering plans for bloom area. Any suggestions welcomed. I have some stuff stored in area planning to use for grow or bloom area. Which would be better..a couch in the veg area or a couch in the bloom area? Can't move couch out by myself, and don't want any visitors to see the grow. Trying to keep a low profile around home.

I could move all stored items to one half of grow area, but my LaZy side has decided it's easier to build one 10 foot wide wall and just leave couch there. I could build 2 walls and divide 1/2 of the area into 2 areas.

I'll be the only one with a grow area with TV and couch in it. And a dresser, and a chifferobe, and........ Maybe not such a good idea after all...lol. What do ya'll think?


Garden Nymph
hhmm..a grow area with a TV and couch in it..sounds great to me. then you can watch your plants grow while the commercials are running!


I'm worried it might be too hard to keep clean area and harbor germies with all that crap in there.

Couch is from 1927, wonder if it's germ free? lol... Over here we have the antique collection, never mind those plants.....

Veg area safer or bloom area safer for furniture? What ya'll think?


Garden Nymph
That's a hard guess to make, since both areas have plants in them, and if you're thinking about germs messing up the plants, then...it's kinda like the saying, "damned if you do and damned if you don't."

i would say that you can choose either one, whichever you prefer looking at, and try to keep the area that you choose a whole lot cleaner than the area that you didn't choose.


If only I had a greenhouse... Note to greenhouse manufacturers: I am available for testing your products!

(I'm still giggling about the Nell thing yesterday....Itay Inna Win)


Garden Nymph
have you just thought about converting a dresser or cabinet into a veg "box"?

LOL I laughed because you thought it was Cartman..then i thought about him actually saying it..


Nah, not crazy about veg cabinets. Room is 30 feet long by 10 feet wide, give or take an inch or two (I built it..haha) I have a window at each end of the room on the 10 ft walls.

Now I could cram everything in 1/2 of the space and have a big open 10 x 15 ft space. But then I'd have to build at least 2 walls.

Or, I could build one wall and just divide the area in half, leaving a window in veg and bloom. This would mean purchasing at least one more 400 watt HID.

Right now growing with 2 HID 400 watters, of course it doesn't cover the whole area of 10 x 15 ft.

If only I knew somebody I could trust, I could move stored items to another area. I don't need any visitors to grow though. Loose lips sink ships.

I started this last year with one 400 watter, got a second for Christmas. I'm not into a big commercial grow or anything. Just want some plants for my own use. Don't deal or anything crazy either. I just want my knee to quit hurting and MJ works pretty good for me. Besides, I like getting high! (I was a teenage pot grower, started growing at 14).

Not very experienced at indoor growing, started out of desperation for some good herb! Hope I get to smoke some of my own grow this spring... I'm still getting the supplies needed slowly, for I is broke!


Garden Nymph
well..you can weigh the pros and cons of building 2 walls or buying another 400w. Which one costs less to do? Of course, having another light will probably cost you more in the long run, but building 2 walls will be time-consuming..


White Rhino Clones & Fun Fan Leaf Clone

White Rhino Clones & Fun Fan Leaf Clone

Hi Ya'll! What's new with ya'll?

Went to kiss the kids goodnite and when I took the lid off the tote I keep the clones in here's what I saw!

This one had a few roots poking out yesterday, but was surprised to see how much it had grown roots in 24 hours!

Here's a bad photo of the fan leaf clone! It's got roots poking out by my thumb. See?

I put the fan leaf clone in soil, and fed it. Maybe the leaf might green up with the foliar feeding I gave it, but sorta doubt it will live. Cool that it rooted though, huh?

Potted up the White Rhino Clone in pic earlier as well. New clones looking perky tonite! Gave em a little mist and popped the dome back on till tomorrow nite.

This cloning sure is a lot of fun!

Thanks for stopping by, come back soon!


Decided to put the babies in the sun today! (Hippie Lettuce..see more planters?)



Garden Nymph
WHOA! you could open up a store! lol.

which plants are those?

P.S. You know, I was always wondering whether or not fan leaves could clone, lol. I guess now I know (though I don't think I'll try it)! I wish you could apply that cloning gel to anything and it would clone.


White Widows
NL5 x Haze
WhiteBerry x PPP
Ice Cool
Super Silver Haze

Most of them are Widows, only a couple or three of all the rest! The SSH is from GreenHouse Seeds, and the Ice Cool is from Sweet Seeds. Got them from CannaClause!

What kind of store HL? A pot store...lol.... Got a whole slew of them planters, thought I'd put some to use!

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