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How to Garden By The Moon


Garden Nymph
ohh, thanks for that bit of info! we've been trying to figure out where to buy a good cheap microscope. i really wouldn't want to miss out on the "perfect" time to harvest that plant; i have to admit i'm a little picky when it comes to what kind of high i want..


Active member
Anything that magnifies 30X will do in a pinch.

I've used a "Scope", others have used binoculars, etc. The trick is to flip it backwards!


ICmag's Official Black Guy
I must say, I have been doing this exact method time in and time out without reading before hand. I always made cents to do this in soil and water levels in the air. But thats just me:joint:


I've done the backwards binoculars in past grows, We are rockin' the 30x micro now...I'd like to see the 60x-100x...I jus' love TT's 200x pix too...

I want to sow some NCDG, I'd like to start them indoors then kick em' outside when they start gettin to big... But I don't have much space atm, so when I do I'll be checkin' the Moon thread to give the "crackin' beans by the moon phase" a try, for the 1st time...

Props on your 1st foray into the world of propagation...


Thanks D4! All I've ever done in the past is put some branches in water! These Jiffy pellets work much better!

I wanna build a big outdoor shed for the rest of them this summer! What fun! Doubt I can scrape together the funds though.....

Just got a phone call from an Amish dude wanting me to take him to a chicken auction tomorrow.....(!!!!) Call me old fashioned, but if the Amish will use a phone, why not buy a truck?????


Waked and Baked

Waked and Baked

HippieLettuce: You should check out the trich pics at TreeTops thread! He has one of those microscopes you hook up to your computer! They are great pics!

Ya'll ain't gonna believe this! That White Widow that I knocked out of it's pot, is ALIVE! It looks all perky and totally fine. Shock, shock, I can't get over that one! That plant was down in the floor, bare rooted!

:dance:Oh what a beautiful morning! Been a while for a wake and bake! :dance:


Well, after that knocked a second one off and definitely it is DEAD...Should've moved them the first time one fell.....

Since today is good for planting,etc. I couldn't resist and spent an hour making more Cora The California Orange Bud clones, just for fun. This time, I was pickier and used all end tips of branches instead of just getting the bottom branch and cutting it up into clones.

Looks like all my friends will be getting some clones, as I can't use them all. LOL. Now that I know how to do it, can't resist making a few more.... My fingers smell like oranges....

I may clone some more White Rhinos tomorrow. Gotta love the Jiffy pellet.

Transplanted some Cali Oranges clones I started 9 days ago. Rascals had roots everywhere......


Garden Nymph
i assume you're growing these indoors, but i can only imagine how many clones are in your grow space right now!

are those jiffy pellets like peat pucks? never tried cloning in those..always the rapid rooters.


^ Peat pucks & Jiffy pellets same thing, just a brand name!

These peat pucks are the bomb! I put some Cali O's in em 9 days ago, and transplanted 3 of the 4 to dirt today! They had big fat roots!!!!!

I've been reading and experimenting with cloning! I've got it down now. I cut the tip of the branch at 45 degree angle with razor blade. Then I take the razor down the stem a couple of times gently to expose cambium layer of stem (peeling off thin outer layer). I spray cutting with water, dip in hormone powder and put in Jiffy Peat Puck.

7 days later I had roots! Of course, I used 3rd quarter/Fruitful Sign for this.

I'm experimenting to see if the clones will root as fast in 1st quarter/Fruitful Sign today.
Anyway, clone something tonite or tomorrow if ya'll wanna take advantage of the Moon!! It's the right time!

Scorpio is a Water Sign & Fruitful. A Scorpio Moon is for obsessive intensity! I read Scorpio Moon is supposed to be used to back something up that you believe in...lol...I take that to mean my plants being backed up by clones. We'll see. Time for a genetic download! Klone Krazy:dance:

I'm thinking about doing one more batch Of White Rhino Clones. The first batch isn't rooting as fast as the Cali O's, so I'm gonna do a Scorpio backup copy or two. I confess I'm addicted quickly, aren't I..? Gives me something to do.

Trying to medicate myself currently, (LolaGal has coughing fit at this point).. Ah yes, that's better...:D

Anyway Hippie Lettuce, you should try those peat pucks! So cheap & EZ, just my style, for I am broke & LaZy...heehee



Garden Nymph
Lolagal, when you say, "So cheap & EZ, just my style, for I am broke & LaZy," that makes the two of us! my boyfriend has gotten good luck with his rapidrooters, and i think those are a bit more expensive. maybe since we're crunching numbers we might as well try peat pucks next time. Of course, we should try cloning during a fruitful sign, so we can also try experimenting with the Moon's help!


Hippie Lettuce: gotta ask you about your signature....

Is that a quote from Kenny at Southpark?


I know, It's NELL! Remember the movie with Jodie Foster? For weeks a friend & I went around saying " It tay, inna win....It tay, inna win"...LOL, still don't know if that means "It's swaying in the wind" or not, but still think Nell is funny.....

So now that I know your signature is a quote from the movie Nell, I've deciphered it! It says... "Bring a big cakepan at the Barry Manilow, dang, damn em all"

ROFL, I so slay myself...:D


Garden Nymph

im bouncing back and forth between icmag and reading Kant's philosophy. boy, do I like being distracted!

it's actually in another language, in filipino, and it says, "Love, Peace, and smoking good weed." But those were good guesses, all the same!

P.S. may I have some of your medication? seems like it gives you a good time, too!


Poor thing, hope it's not forced reading from some Lit or Philosophy class.

Change your sig to Love,Peace and smoking good weed Nell! Maybe say groovy in there somewhere too. Let's bring back groovy as a slang term.... I'll start using it again! (I was a small child of the hippie era when everybody said groovy all the time)

Medication all gone, I have the oldest unsmoked garden in the universe! Yes, I, Am Champion! I am due to circumstances, perpetually in veg...lol. Of course out of first decent genetics I only had 2 girls! And of course they were the runts...haha

Now I won't flip till I have more backups, already flipped em once for 10 days to sex, then changed my mind for above reasons stated.. Now every time I come near them, I cut off parts of them, and say " No need to hermie girls, I'm making more babies for ya!" ( I hope this strategy works, can't think of anything else to say..heehee)


Garden Nymph
it's like a disease, once you start learning how to clone and you see those first roots. something takes over you and you start cloning like CRAZY! if it were legal to do so, i'd plant a whole acre of clones..


If it were legal, I'd plant all 100 acres here... I've got all the plans already.

The 10 acre field would be put half into NL5Haze, half into some skunk. Then the North field in Blueberry and Bubblegum. The Back Field I'd put out in Norcal Daddy's Girl. Then the front field in some various strains in small batches of say 10,000 or so...lol.

Got some Ice Cool, that sounds good, it's a NYCDiesel variety from Sweet Seeds. I could see 20 acres or so to that variety alone, And my SSH is a GreenHouse seeds, it ought to have it's spot! It's tempting to become a Johnny AppleWeed type..lol.

Well, gonna go down into my secret underground lair and start some more clones haha!


Garden Nymph
ooh, let me know when you plan on starting that SSH. We've got a seed of that and we like to see how others fare.

I think I'd plant about 25 acres of Mandala strains, especially Satori. The rest, I really don't know. I'd try to get 95% of all the strains out there in those 100 acres, lol.

you know, we (and i speak for myself and the man) have wanted to try NYCD since we saw pictures of it on here, and of course read about its high..Ice Cool seems pretty cool, might want to look into that!


I got a couple SSH started already, and they are fem seeds!!!!

Also cooking up:

White widows
WhiteBerry x PP

I can't wait to start cloning the SSH, Ice Cool, WB/PP since I know they are all girls.. Hoping to get some stuff for outside mini patch well off my property. Hope to get a quick bloom inside before it gets hot here in the South, which is June/July.

Not much to look at in my album, yet, but go look at that pic of Cali Cora before I vegged her out some more! It's like a before and after set of pics..lol. I can't get pics to work with my Apple/Safari OS and here at. guess I'll have to stick in some links sometime to a pic or two, better than nothing I guess...


Garden Nymph
Wow, your Rhino mom is absolutely gorgeous! is this from GH seeds? her leaves look very lush and green. Of course, that Cali O looks very pretty too, not to mention that these plants are in some pretty awesome planters, lol.

keep up the good work!