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How to deal with a snitch?



Ganja D ... LOL, Now THAT's lateral thinking.
Might just work, too.


Pour sugar in his tank? Hire someone to beat him up? Wow those are some real winner ideas. How about mind your business that sounds like the obvious choice to me.

Those kind of actions will most likely bring police to the neighborhood, and the possibility of them knocking on your door. Why in the hell would anyone want that?


Active member
yea while the neighbor sounds like a douchebag, not worth your troubles. keep on growing and try to look as square as possible. even fake agreement "yeah that guy should take care of his dog rawwrr im a square" is good...


Active member
its not dealing with a snitch, its how to never be noticed by one in the first place.

wow, full circle in the growing rules for safety.


Feeling good is good enough.
Fake the funk and live to grow another day...

Be the better man and walk away from that issue.

You've got bigger colas to trim... LOL


ICMag Donor
How to deal with a snitch?
That's easy...you pick a number...any number...22...25...38...45...9...12...18

But in this case I'd be thinking along the lines of that 4th grade snitch and probably want to keep that mut from getting out of the yard again. Otherwise homeboy is going to be chasing his pit right into your grow spot one day instead of the neighbors yard to take a dump.

So it's YES to keeping the dog in the yard and NO to snitching!

DrPoison :laughing:


Active member
some people don't like loose dogs man. especially pit bulls, and especially if they have kids. if there was a sketchy dog on my property best believe i would call the proper authorities...animal control. i got 2 kids running around, and a pit bull can injure or even kill a small kid..fuck that.

p.s. the dude isn't a snitch unless he actually called the sheriff.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
He wasn't even a snitch.

The guy posting the thread is the only thing I see that fits the definition.

Calling the cops isn't snitching.

If some drunk sorority girl smashes into my car and I call the cops I'm a snitch?

Fuck that. Just because I don't want to pay for the damages doesn't make me a snitch.

The guy who doesn't want a possibly dangerous animal on his property is excercising his rights by calling the cops.

This thread is a tattletale on a citizen.... sounds like snitching to me... :D

Ganja D

i was half joking about paying someone to hurt the guy,just so you know.


Active member
quit watching so much tv.....even if someone snitched you out...be practical tough guy...what are u gonna do ...beat him up or kill him ??? wanna do 25-life instead of 3 months in county tough boy...you like county right :)

if u got dimed out ...kick yourself in the ass for not knowing how to be stealth and watching too many movies.....


I thought we were all half joking !

No one really come to the internet for that kind of advice, do they?


Active member
quit watching so much tv.....even if someone snitched you out...be practical tough guy...what are u gonna do ...beat him up or kill him ??? wanna do 25-life instead of 3 months in county tough boy...you like county right :)

if u got dimed out ...kick yourself in the ass for not knowing how to be stealth and watching too many movies.....

Unfortunately that is the kind of shit that people do.....everyday....every where.For some these kind of actions are "practical thinking".It's a shitty world.


EDIT *I realize the original post is about a dog but I just felt I should share my two cents about the thread title because I do feel that is an important topic.

well this is where its about a bigger picture I feel you must re-evaluate a few things if you even ever find yourself in a situation like that, such as reconfiguring your "survival mechanisms" I would like to call it, I don't take the "game" of life anywhere remotely close to being a joke. So thats why not only do I feel education as an important means of survival but you wont get to far with that unless you brush up on them STREET SMARTS and get your friggen PHD in "checking yourself" once you check yourself, CHECK YOURSELF AGAIN!!! You can never be too careful, my best piece of advice is to observe, be a sponge, there are stereotypes for a reason because sometimes most cant but help to act certain ways, learn those ways. I always consider life the ultimate test, ITS SO EASY to be an asshole BUT SO HARD to be nice, honest, genuine etc...just remember if you keep passing the test your path to success (whatever it may be) will find YOU sooner than you think! although the inevitable is always out there, there ARE ways to minimize negative outcomes, having safety precautions, setting limitations for yourself, discipline and maturity plays a big role....the most important person in your life is you, SO if I were you, I would make sure NOTHING or NO ONE would every jeopardize that.


i was half joking about paying someone to hurt the guy,just so you know.

Hey man sorry to be sharp I was just in a bad mood. Instead of chastising people online I need to work on my own shit. The scary thing is though, some people are actually stupid enough to do something foolish that will get them caught out.

When I first started growing as chance had it there was actually someone else growing in the same house. We befriended each other, discovered each other's projects, and hung out for a while. He was way more experienced and mentored me for a while, but soon enough I started to realize he was crazy. Like actually crazy. I'd say paranoid psychotic. Then one day his paranoia got the best of him and he turned on me, thinking I wronged him in some way. I still don't know what I did. My spidey senses told me I was in danger, so I packed everything up one night and moved out of town.

5 months later I read in the paper that he was busted for, of all things, growing marijuana on the roof of the house. Apparently he had them actually rooted into the roof somehow and a neighbor spotted it and called the cops. He would have snitched on me for sure.

Always better to just avoid a bad situation.

Rabbi Reefer

The guy's not a snitch, he just doesn't want to pick-up shit out of his yard.
Isn't everyone entitled to a shit-free yard if they don't own pets?
Give the guy a fuckin' break dude.:thank you:

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