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how to deal w/ wealth Q?....and having to cut my damn dreads for it (in a way).

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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
cut your hair and tell your parents thank you and I that you love them. they dont have to give you shit. Hair is just hair, it grows back thicker and nicer after a good cut. think of all the cool and/ or good stuff you could do with that money. you could get a huge plot of land anywhere you want really. One of my friend's is a som and has a wine enthusiast customer that has a reserve in Australia bigger than Belgium. It's called Anna Creek station. you could do something like. Enough land to where you could drive for hours and not reach your borders.
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Sorcerer's Apprentice
Wow! What an exciting thread! How did I miss it til today?

I've never been a dready but I've always worn my hair long and my parents are quite conservative. I will never recieve a dime from them. But if anybody came offering me $200k a year for life + new cars for me and wife + $500,000 to buy a house....

I'd fucking shave my head on camera right then and there. Then i'd run out and and buy a nice, conservative-looking suit and have it fitted.

I'd show up, sit up straight, say "please" and "thank you."

And then I'd take my money and live my life.

Maynard from A Perfect Circle is balding with a shaved head... but on their first APC tour, he had a dread-wig.

Think about it.

Why don't I ever have problems this easy to solve?

Good luck with everything, Yukon.


Active member
Wow! What an exciting thread! How did I miss it til today?

I've never been a dready but I've always worn my hair long and my parents are quite conservative. I will never recieve a dime from them. But if anybody came offering me $200k a year for life + new cars for me and wife + $500,000 to buy a house....

I'd fucking shave my head on camera right then and there. Then i'd run out and and buy a nice, conservative-looking suit and have it fitted.

I'd show up, sit up straight, say "please" and "thank you."

And then I'd take my money and live my life.

Maynard from A Perfect Circle is balding with a shaved head... but on their first APC tour, he had a dread-wig.

Think about it.

Why don't I ever have problems this easy to solve?

Good luck with everything, Yukon.

i've done exactly that bro.

ppl that say money doesn't matter have no clue.

ive been infatuated w/ being a broke ass backwoods recluse forever, this is changing things obviously.


Active member
if you make the decision to cut your hair, just let yourself know you made the choice. No matter what, nobody makes you do anything.

You cut the dreads and then kind of wait for the 50% trustees to go away.

Ya know? I know it's part of things. Being yourself, sometimes should involve change, especially when you know the pretense of having clean-cut hair means something to regular people, but not to you.

Look at all the haters...everytime they don't understand something! Wow.


Active member
sometimes i laugh when i read what i wrote the next day after being faded...

here is 1 om my posts that i posted in a dreadlock forum....still feel the same way.

my head is a stronger muscle than my gut....my gut says say "FUCK YOU"....im fine now, ive, been fine all my life, and i'll be fine.

u know what fine means?... (Fucked-up, Insecure, Neurotic, Emotional)

i'm tired of being "fine"

ill chop my dang dreads...again.....

and play the game....again....

and try to have dreads another day....again.....

....anytime i've followed my gut i've ended up homeless and un-employed and stranded on a highway in alaska.


If you want to pull some Oprah shit and buy this backwoods recluse a quad, or a motorcycle or even some sweet grow equipment, that would be rad!

Hey, it's worth a shot to ask right?

edited to say that I also ride BMX, and you should definitely invest in a bobcat and build trails, just sayin
Wow, haven't been following this place much and just saw this thread, and it's got my synchronicity-meter busting.

As a bmxer in alaska who's been fantasizing about what I'd do with unlimited funds (it's THE thing on my mind lately, all day, and how I get to sleep), I have to say I'm super happy for you, super jealous, and really surprised by this whole situation.

Last thing I really remember about you was you looking for suggestions for names for your kid, and then some stuff that seemed like you were really depressed. Really glad to see you're out of that.

I'm kind of shocked by this, you're living my dream, man, and you better build some damn ramps with that money, even if they're just mellow little things to roll around on... Keep the dream alive! And fuck anyone who says you need to 'grow up,' just stay sane and you're golden.


Use those dreads to tie up and beat the hordes of women fixing to be following you around looking "a relationship" and for a few scraps from the "rich mans" table..(or the ole' lady) hahaha ... Time for a change young man! The universe just threw you a curve ball so step up to the plate and have some fun! Batter Up! Homerun? Hell yes! Don't say "Can't" say "Can't Hardly!" Sneak around and stealthily - secretly help out one of your friends every so often. Just enough to be a real help instead of a fucking tease! Better car, rent paid for a couple of months, a grocery gift card delivered signed for by messenger so they don't throw it away thinking it is trash advertising or some shit. Buy Michael Jackson's ranch and invite all the ICMAGER's to come play with your forest and genetics... Buy a gold claim and invite gold diggers to come and dig or like I said before - build yourself a barge with dual diggers and wash plants on it and dig some gold! Anything you can think of is at your fingertips. You have been sitting in the woods long enough. One of my friends was out there living in a lean to with a bad back. He and his woods buddy started doing crunches and they worked up to a few thousand a day. Now, he builds his own homes and sells them in Colorado, got a beautiful lady, and just uses his rich mom's bucks to finance his projects! Teaches kick boxing and goes to Japan to compete. Got his massage therapist training and makes $50 per hour doing that shit - or used to. Great guy!
Later dude...Be all you can be. Make some stories to tell the kids later on...


Sorcerer's Apprentice
One thing I forgot to mention..... If you're going to pay your house completely off, DON'T GROW THERE. Even if you're state legal, you aren't federally legal, and they can and will use any excuse to take property that's already paid for.

(They don't even have to find you guilty to keep your property.)


Active member
sometimes i laugh when i read what i wrote the next day after being faded...

here is 1 om my posts that i posted in a dreadlock forum....still feel the same way.


a dreadlock forum...man, blows my mind how much attention some people crave...

Double F

dissapointed in this thread, thought it would be a nice discussion about how growers can invest their "wealth" properly instead of blow it all on cars chains and bottle service like most thugs who make money growing weed.

instead its about a guy who is going to make 200k a year and get a free house, and all he had to do was cut his dreads.

do you even realize how many federal felonies i have to commit to earn 200k a year? meanwhile, back in the real world, most of us here on IC will go back to being law breakers tommorow, risking our freedom to pay our bills. and you will be living free and easy, what is the purpose of this thread? to rub it in the rest of our faces, to make you feel better because you got a shortcut in life?

maybe you should join a forum for other trust fund babies who have all this unearned money to blow.

to make it clear, im not angry you have money. there is nothing wrong with being wealthy, if you earned it. but getting a big windfall, then bragging about it to a bunch of guys who gotta break laws to earn money is kind of low in my opinion.

im probably mostly pissed because tommorow, like most days, i have to go back to my law breaking grind, worrying about arrest, wondering if cops are following me, wondering if partners are going to rip me off, wondering if i might lose a harvest or a box. and you will be out spending someone elses money in your easy life. have fun i hope you truely appreciate how lucky you are.


stoned agin ...
if i wuz you i would blow it all on whores and weed and liquor, so you're a better man than me, NOKUY :)
ok...here is the situation...this could get really long so i apologize in advance, but i really would like to hear some thought about this.

...and 1 million dollars is on the very, very, very, low end of the spectrum that i'm dealing with here. (i just threw it out as a large number)....i've been told that 1 million is not even close.

my parents are very wealthy CONSERVATIVE texas oil and gas ppl. they are part owners of the first natural gas company to build a mid-stream natural gas pipeline in the marcellus shale area (w.virgina, pensylvania)(company is in texas, and they commute weekly by private plane)

the company was put together from scratch like 2 years ago, and they are now set to sell the company this month for billions. (17 companies have made offers, 4 are being considered)

...and please give me advice for how to deal w/ this on my end...like i said i don't have a clue here.

there are currently NO start up oil or gas companies for sale in this price bracket as you describe, and none have been sold for this price in the last year, ive checked

infact nowhere near this valuation

complete made up BS thread!!!!!

its worrying why you feel the need to make things up like this just to seek attention from people on the internet :-(

you need professional help, seriously dude
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