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How To Best Wash Your Hands and/or Body Clean of the Stickyness



So every time I do heavy work in the garden I am left with hands, forarms, and chest (I usually work without my shirt on since it's plenty warm in there) all sticky. My usual routine is to wash my hands with a Brillo pad doused with rubbing alcohol and then regular handsoap. This still leaves my hands a little tacky at the end though! For my body the only thing I can really do is take a shower. I use a shower puff thing to vigorously scrub my chest and arms with Dr. Bronners. peppermint soap. It works pretty well.

Forever I've been looking in local stores for liquid Lava hand soap. I purchased it one time years and years ago and only saw it again once ever (it was actually in somebodies house who I found out later was a grower too). Today I finally found the Lava bar soap and bought some of it so I could at least try that out. I'll report back on how well that works.

So what routine do you guys use for removing the stickyness that I'm sure we all deal with? Another person told me to use gasoline, which I haven't tried yet but I imagine would work well also. I am trying to stay away from the more volatile stuff like iso or gas for the day to day work, although I see nothing wrong with them for end-cycle harvest days. The thing is I'm fooling around in my garden on a daily basis and don't like to dry the shit out of my hands and get a face full of fumes more than necessary.


Crotchety Cabaholic
Gasoline is a great solvent, but not for daily use. The benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes in gasoline can cause health probelms. I do use it to get asphalt, tar and oil off my skin, though.
I've found the same thing with alcohol. It removes most, but not all of the stickiness.
Haven't tried the liquid Lava.


Lava works real good.
Funny little story my best childhood friend had a peculiar smell to him on Monday morning's at school it wasn't bad just weird. It wasn't till many years later during the summer break between the 6-7 grades we camped out in his family's backyard I needed to take a shower and there it was a bar of LAVA soap.
His Mom said that the only thing that gets him clean. lol


Re: How To Best Wash Your Hands and/or Body Clean of the Stickyness

99% ISO no problems. Any serious medical supply store has it.


Speed of Dark
My first grab is Technician's Choice brake cleaner. Heptane and ethanol with co2 pressure. Followed by hand lotion.

#2 is pam, any flavor should work, I have olive and butter and grilling flavors, I have used the olive and other than leaving me all oily it worked very well.

I like sprays, easier than rubbing.


ISO does work for the most part, it's just not something I'd like to use every single day.

Never tried it myself, but I'm sure brake cleaner works real well! I'll have to try pam and olive oil.

Maybe I could mix up some kind of combination of the above in a hand soap dispenser and see what works best. I'd just like something that works well, doesn't dry my hands excessively and doesn't practically get me high off of the fumes.

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
latex gloves!

if no latex gloves i usually just use that orange pumice soap with lil pieces of pumice in it....also ill use some of the wifes nail polish remover ...... usually its nail polish remover first, then orange pumice soap second....


CarQuest fine italian pumice hand cleaner works great. good after working on your car too:tiphat:


ICMag Donor
Start with a few drops of Olive Oil work it into the skin to help dilute the resin, then mix Machine Washing Powder and Dish Washing Liquid together, wash in warm water :D

Hope this helps


For the day to day stuff it seems like using gloves is overkill. It's like it just doesn't get bad enough to warrant them in that capacity. For the harvest time stuff I sometimes use gloves. The only problem with gloves it it makes it a little bit harder to pull finger hash off. The nitrile gloves I use usually rip at most half way through the harvest also.


Active member
I always use latex gloves. I pick up a 100 pack from the store every now and again, cheap as chips. For trimming i have a special set of overalls + hat and i change gloves regularly so they don't rip.

Its a real bastard once the resin gets on the skin so prevention is the best cure IMO. As long as i don't get a ripped glove i can have a quick shower + clean change of clothes after trimming and i'm good to go outside with no smell worries.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I use latex gloves when trimming, but after messing with the plants of any sort I rub WD40 all over my hands then wash it off with regular soap. I works perfectly.

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