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How To Best Wash Your Hands and/or Body Clean of the Stickyness


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
any kind of cooking oil will dissolve the resin and then wash it off with soap - as unc has already said. dont put wd40 on your skin ffs.
I've used the bottled ethanol/glycerin type hand disinfectants with good results,gets the gunk off and doesn't dry my hands out.

Grass Lands

I grab a hand full of old soil and rub my hands in it...acts like a abrasive to remove the sticky from the fingers...also heard Peanut Butter works, but never tried it...dirt is free...


New member
I like using Gojo (got it at Home Depot), I think its a mechanics soap to get off tar and grease. The little pumice grains work well for rubbing off that stickiness.
sounds like a question only an adult stoner would ask publicaly on a grow thread,'' how does one wash oneself, esp since i dont cover my skin so as to get as dirty as possible'' , classic.:ying:


So I've been waiting since I started this thread for there to be enough pruning and trimming for me to do to try some of these out and I finally got my chance today.

I did the olive oil thing and it was great. Stickyness was completely gone. The 2 or 3 fingers that were the worst, I could still tell they were not 100% smooth like the others, but they were definitely not sticky or tacky like they would have been otherwise. And this was with only using a very small amount of olive oil. I imagine I could have used a little bit more and possibly scrubbed them a bit with the oil and it would have been way better. I used the Lava soap I got afterwards, but the olive oil was really what did it. The Lava did properly wash off any oil.

Thanks guys (and potentially girls); a solution like this is just what I was looking for!


weed fiend
I use iso. IMO, safer than petroleum products. You don't even have to immerse, just wipe off with a rag.

Make skin hash... the Mayans utilized virgin females for this. Might have to make exceptions in your case.:)


any kind of cooking oil will dissolve the resin and then wash it off with soap - as unc has already said. dont put wd40 on your skin ffs.
A few others mentioned vegetable oil and basically that. Work it in good then wash off with regular soap. Once and done, sometimes twice, and I've never needed more than that. No need for scrubbing, alcohol sucks in comparison to vegetable oil IMO, solvents, Lava soap, pumice, blah, blah, blah...

ANY vegetable oil followed with simple detergent works.


Active member
gasoline bubble bath followed by wd-40 sprits with some frebreeze thrown in.

just kidding :D

olive oil and mix into resin coated finger tips then wash with Dawn dish soap. Repeat till gone.

just use latex gloves and don't worry about it.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Olive Oil + Sugar... the roughness of the sugar scrubs your skin clean, the oil absorbs it quicker, better.


Active member
I use iso. IMO, safer than petroleum products. You don't even have to immerse, just wipe off with a rag.

Make skin hash... the Mayans utilized virgin females for this. Might have to make exceptions in your case.:)

I second the iso.. when Im making qwiso and get reallly sticky , ill wash with hot water, and use olive oil, salt and soap put hands under sink water to rinse off. Then Iso with a rag to finish getting it off.

Disco, was the mayan reference true or a joke ? I'm very curious . the mayans intrigue me

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