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How to approach an older woman!


Well-known member
Ya the best relationship of my life was when I was 15, with a 21 year old woman. Unfortunately she took the relationship too serious and I couldn't handle it at my age. She commit suicide a few years later, which haunts me to this day. I always wanted to reconcile but now that will never happen.

Now I would much rather date a cougar. For many reasons. I'm confident when it comes to my performance, and in my mind, they will be blown away that it took them all these years to feel such pleasure. Also, in my mind, they know what they want, and aren't playing games and what not, such as females my own age.

They are also usually financially secure and have their own lives, which in my mind means they aren't using me for money, etc... like some of my past experiences with non-cougars.

I can't wait until my next experience with a cougar.


I am obsessed with older women.

Girls my age or younger are easy to date. Its not rocket science. No issues in that department. Show some interest then take it back, show some more, take em out, take em home. Rinse repeat.

How does a young guy approach an older woman? Should I be straight up? A part of me thinks that older woman have been through all pick up lines and hoops already.

Ladies, tell me whats up.

---be an old man

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Well, I've always dated older women for a few reasons:

1. No games (for the most part).

2. They have their shit together (well, most of them do).

3. They don't blather on about nothing as much as the younger ones do. The few dates I've gone on with younger women have been ok, but the conversation was limited and not very deep.

As far as catching a cougar, it's really no different than meeting anyone else. Small talk is good, getting a feel for what she's about, etc. Keeping it simple and relaxed is the best way to deal with meeting anyone for the first time. No expectations, no assumptions, just enjoy the convo. Make them laugh if you're good at telling jokes or have a proven funny story. Laughter is a great ice breaker no matter the age. Oh, and don't go on and on about yourself and work or whatever. Ask her questions and stay focused on her. If she asks you about your job or something like that, keep it short.

I think women in general get turned off by a guy who can't stop talking about himself.

In my experience, older women are very approachable but they can also see right through someone's bullshit. Just be yourself and let things flow. Buy her a drink, light her cigarette or joint, open the door for her, pull our her chair for her to sit down at the table, compliment her hair, eyes, hands, feet, etc. Just be an all around gentleman and you will find that it's pretty easy to please a woman who's been there and done that.


Active member
my co-worker used to do this and it worked every time. (he was into the older ones)
we would go to the bar after work and hed pick one out, just walk right up to her and tell her how fucking beautiful she was, and how he would like to take her home. just flat out honest. worked like a charm...
and most of the time, thats why theyre in the bars in the first place, hoping some younger guy will just take her home and screw her.


Just lie, lie some more, lie a bit more, oh yea your a doctor and drive a *insert rented luxury vehicle* :)


ICMag Donor
the older women seem way more approachable than younger ones.Try to remember men have like 4 points of intuition.Women on the other hand have like 14...So simple smile and conversation is really all you need.Just be friendly and be yourself...


St. Elsewhere
Older women are capable of seeing you from a different perspective than women in your own age group. Makes it alot easier to talk to them/court them, if you ask me. Show 'em that you might be young, but you're more of a man than their ex-husband(s) ever was(/were).


Throbbing Member
I got a married older woman...

Seems her old man can't lay the pipe so she is willing to drop some coin on some action.

And the best part is I'm still single! I do what I want, when I want, how I want. Get a married one...or two.

Hope you are bullet proof :( because boyfriends will punch you, but husbands shoot you....


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
I am obsessed with older women.

Girls my age or younger are easy to date. Its not rocket science. No issues in that department. Show some interest then take it back, show some more, take em out, take em home. Rinse repeat.

How does a young guy approach an older woman? Should I be straight up? A part of me thinks that older woman have been through all pick up lines and hoops already.

Ladies, tell me whats up.

in my experience, older women approach me way more often then i approach them.

been with one off and on for 4 years now......

great women to be with, especially since they are way smarter then the typical 21-30 year olds. and they know exactly what they want, no games and a hard cock for a few hours......


Its funny cause my old boss is 43 and has a smoking hot wife thats 28.

He said when you get to his age 40+ all the young ones want to fuck you and all the old ones want to as well. LOL hope its still the same when I get older.

el Dream Reader

You guys make some good points. For me, older women tend to be easier to get along with. I don't like ignorance, I like a woman who knows how to get down, without the games.


it seems judging by this thread that women seem to mature later on in life or maybe a ton of us are just looking in the wrong places for women our ages??


Show some interest then take it back, show some more, take em out, take em home. Rinse repeat.

it seems judging by this thread that women seem to mature later on in life or maybe a ton of us are just looking in the wrong places for women our ages??
:biglaugh:on the contrary women mature on average 2 years faster than men.

I know what you are talking. I hate the stupid games girls play so often.
There is no good sex, bad sex. All humans play games, women and men. But usually men don't do it on purpose as much as women, the boys just have more ignorance in that department and don't think about what they are doing to a girls head. The girl just knows she's doing it. I'd rather know i'm fucking w someone if i was going to do that then do it without even realizing.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I'm 29 and courting is different than when you're 20. Older women have no time for bullshit, give it to them straight...but approaching a woman about sex right off the bat will shut her down (not always though). Pick up lines are a joke...the only guys that have a chance with me are the ones who approach me for innocent conversation and get to know me. Showing interest without coming off like you're only using her for sex is the best way to go about it. Hope that helps a little....we're women, it's never that easy. Good luck:)


High Grade Specialist
i like about cougars that they are really sexually agressive and you can just be open about your motives and they wont pull any crap like younger girls.

i mean ive walked up to young girls and told them i want to fuck them and they shot me down even tho they wanted it! just because they dont want to be seen as a slut or whatever. with an older lady you can pull this off more easily because they know their clock is ticking and they dont play these stupid games like younger chicks do. also IME cougars will approach YOU more often and be really agressive and open about their intentions lol. when a young chick musters up the courage to appraoch a guy she will just ask some stupid questions like "when does the bus take off" or whatever and hope the dude takes it from there. but if the dude is stupid like me (lol) he wont get it and the girl will leave again disappointed. but cougars are more obvious and get really agressive with their approach. personally i like that and i wish more young chicks were down like that because personally for me its a big turn off if a chick is playing stupid games and i lose interest in girls very quickly that way.

also older ladies are usually more experienced and not so insecure like younger girls. most girls around here are insecure as fuck even really beautifull ones i dont really get it.

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