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How Rare is 1977 California Orange aka Cali O??


full time daddy


this thread is further evidence that we have had too long of a winter, methinks. isn't cabin fever the proper term? peace-biteme


ive got this super elite cut of some shit Thats so rare and secret Im afraid to even mention it online...ok, well its called, VAGINA and it smells DANK AS HELL!! Its from the 1800's, still original cut, My buddy is growing it and I might get a cut and Im fucking hoarding it in my closet where it will never see the light of day(literally...just my HPS) and then Im going to drying it out and smoke it. After that Im going to tell every one about how dank it is and how I have this super rare secret strain that no one else can get, cus It makes me feel cool and people want to be my friends because I have the cool weed....that they cant get. Im thinking about putting bear traps around the closet just in case some one thinks about taking it...



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Ok guys lets give Thunder a break. He is just excited about something new possibly moving into the stabe. I doubt he would hoard it even if he said he would, the guy is just too nice. As for the cut I was searching a few years ago for her too. Got her but then was highly unimpressed with her. Great smells and taste but no real kick. She was let go on the advice of Subrob who had experience with her before I had the chance to work her. Took his advice along with what I learned in the grow and she was axed. If you want real orange taste with a kick ass high you gots to go with Sweet Tangerine. Got my cut from Oregon and she is all that and a bag of chips!!

sup bro? uuuuuummmm...i dont actually remember giving that advice! haha...i dont think ive had the cut yet but have expressed interest in crossing w it! possibly subcool was who you talked to? if it was me, im glad you ran her anyway and decided the advice was good!:)


The revolution will not be televised.....
Oooooooopppps! My bad brotha! Coulda swore it was you who told me to pass on her and find somethin else way back! Sorry for the mix up but either way I made out like a bandit!
Again, my bad on the mix up.
Well Thundurkel;
That's the spirit dude! Just the kind of generous, spread it around and share the wealth kind of spirit that makes so many special cuttings survive that long in the first place, isn't it?
Thankfully though, not everyone before you is/was as generous minded!?
You seem very deserving, I hope things work out for you! :D

Nice attitude. That'll show em. Douche. LD

I don't think the clone is from 1977. aeric77 was the name of the guy that found the cut. i could be wrong, but that's how i've understood it.
strain hoarders are almost as bad as snitches.

hehe, well he can keep it to himself, lol. its not freakin rare, its been around for sometime, and not that hard to get hold of.

and yeah the guys name was Aleric77, nothin to do with the age of the cut. so hoard that bitch, cause most of us already tossed it from the room, LOL



Just Call me Urkle!!
Damn you are soooooo cool for quoting all that, makes you look like the douche bringing up some shit from months back just to troll...
Damn you are soooooo cool for quoting all that, makes you look like the douche bringing up some shit from months back just to troll...
No Trolling bro, I been on these Forums for years, Even Back on OG. I thought these posts were funny, very funny.
I certainly mean no disrespect to you Thunder I see you get under people skin often and you don't need another person jumping on you. I actually think you work very hard on your Hobby and respect you for it, my Apologies my friend if you think I was picking fun at you, I simply enjoyed the guys sarcasm. Friends Thunder Urkle? :tiphat:


In the late 80's an 90's orange bud was in every coffee shop,very popular back then as was purple haze.You could always get it,the dam was full of OB.
My point being it was very common then,still is in alot of places im sure.


High Grade Specialist
we used to get orange bud around here that fits the description.
great taste and smell, not so potent but nice happy uphigh. havent seen it in a while though.


Cali-O is one of my favorite strains. For me it puts a huge smile in my face and it's a total super happy high can't stop being happy. This strain is amazing!


ICMag Donor
was it any good?,,,i havent smoked myself but a friend of mine said he made some Cali`O F2`s 10 years ago and when he said they were from shanti i sorta got a shock

i wonder if they are any good?


Just Call me Urkle!!
I'm mad I flowered my mom out on my patio and didn't keep cuts cuz she smells soooo good just like orange candy it's wonderful but low on yield...


Just Call me Urkle!!
No Trolling bro, I been on these Forums for years, Even Back on OG. I thought these posts were funny, very funny.
I certainly mean no disrespect to you Thunder I see you get under people skin often and you don't need another person jumping on you. I actually think you work very hard on your Hobby and respect you for it, my Apologies my friend if you think I was picking fun at you, I simply enjoyed the guys sarcasm. Friends Thunder Urkle? :tiphat:

Yea we are good but yea it did seem like you were poking fun and I've felt I've been pretty quiet lately and haven't talked much shit so that's why I was like wtf?


we grew the aeric 77 calio for 8 years and just recently lost the clone, a bummer, cuz like a lot of nice girls you get used to, you tend to take her for granted and when she's gone, you start really missing her and that's def the case here. What's been said about it is true, not the most potent out there but for someone who is all about taste and fucnctional daytime highs, calio is one of the great mj delights I've ever enjoyed.

I was on Overgrow for years and was gifted the clone by a very generous Oger named DTSOM, he had the cover of Dark Side of the Moon as an avatar and the tag line "Cali O Floyder" underneath the album cover. A pal grew it for 5 years as a comm plant. Done in 50 days with delicious citrusy nugs, he would flower the first 20 days under T5's and then put them in a room with 2 1000 watters for the last 30 days, and he would get 2 lbs every 30 days using this technique.

THen for some reason, starting last year, the plants just started finishing worse and worse and taking longer and longer. My pal changed nutes, lights, you name it and finally he gave up on it as an indoor plant and moved on to something else. He started another room to veg and flower with t5's exclusivly as an experiement and he had one calio left in soil. To our astonishment, in soil and under flouros, it came in at 50 days and was resionous as hell with the classic dlish calio flavor. Couldn't believe it. I'm really bummed we don't have any outdoor calio cuz last year we had enough plants to make the most yummy bubblehash you've ever had. It was impossible to handle with your fingers, had to freeze it to break off a lil chunk and even then you only have about 30 seconds to load your bowl before itwarms up and becomes too sticky to handle. And it tasted like orange peels in the vaporizer, or in a pipe, just un-f***ing real. Outdoor calio is really one of the most pleasurable smoking esxperiences I've ever had, outdoors it has an even danker, skunkier more robust citrus smell than indoor. Just a delight. I always wanted someone to do a cross with it with some amazing fruity dad and come up with a super calio of somekind that would really blow some minds.

Never knew why the clone seemed to lose its vigor in hydro but remained it's amazing self in soil, hmmmm. Maybe someone with mas experience can chim ein on that phenomenon if they've experienced it too??

I've never seen the cut at dispensaries, prob cuz those who have it don't give it out but I'd like to thanks DTSOM for giving me the cut without anything in return, had a ton of fun with it and know I'll come across it again. peace to all, BL