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Nirvana - Papaya feminized (Updating Daily)


New member
Order Date: Jul 28 2009
Seeds Delivered: Aug 5th 2009 Started Germination same day
First Sprout Aug 7th 2009

Day 1 to 7 - First Sprout and growth (no baby pics) On day 4ish I fed her half dose of dutch nutrient formula seedling and cutting.
Day 8 - First Pics
Day 9 - First Full Strength Feed (I was stressed that night) dutch nutrient formula seedling and cutting as per bottle directions.
Day 10 - I checked on her all day and couldn't see the growth until compared to day 9 pic.

I will add more information from time to time like my setup. Feel free to ask questions, offer advice and of coarse +rep is always welcomed.


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Active member
Heard good stuff about the strain - subscribed
It's looking really nice - awesome growth in one day.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
yeah papaya is a good strong trippy heavy indica - good luck



Eugene Oregon
Nirvana genetics, are cheap but the beans are top notch and a steal!

Papaya is an interesting plant, should be nice to watch you grow them out.

Ill be checking in.


Big D

Hey man, good luck with your grow... you shouldn't be disappointed with the papaya, it is outstanding! Peace!


How are they going thus far?

I grew papaya unfemd like 2 years ago. I had a problem getting the clones to root when i was testing her in the flower room. The smoke was top notch for sure. Dont really remember the pheno or if it was papayaish or not but I definitely remember it being very good quality. The plant was rather tall and I did it in soil in five gallons i believe. Yield was about 2 and half zips per

good luck



This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Looks like a user abandoned thread....

My Papaya was started on or about 9-14. They were vegged for nearly a month and then put into flower on 10-14. Out of the 6 seeds, so far I have one female. I am pleased with the outcome so far. Can't ask for much more from a pack of seeds.

This was the same thing that happened with my White Widow. I pollinated her with 3 males, and the seeds produce a good 75% female plants. I plan on doing the same with the Papaya. It would be nice to get 2 females.

I don't have any pictures, but I do have Nirvana's Papaya, and it's flowering. To be honest, I have a pretty rough style of growing pot. It's perpetual, and I'm working towards improvement. The containers are 2 liter bottles and kind of small. The plants have often gone through floods and droughts. Many times, before flowering, I start getting yellow leaves.

When flowering, it's the same, but with my currents grow, I have been transplanting when I start flowering cycle. The results so far have more than exceeded my expectations. Moving from a 2 liter bottle to a 1 gallon bucket, has caused the plants to take off. Even at 40 days of flower, the White Widow is potent enough. I found out when a branch was bent. Even though it was still bursting out flowers, I cut it.

I will be further changing my style by vegging for only 3 weeks and then transplant to flower. I'm thinking of what to grow next. There are 9 strains to choose from, including Mississippi Mudd. I should have the skill by now to run 2 strains at once, which would become 4 strains once the first 2 are flowering.

The Papaya isn't due till 12-14, and the WW is due 11-14. Just in time for the holidays.

Hope this will feed the need for an update.
Sorry for the winded post.
Purple Buds! Really?


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
And for those looking for a daily update, I took the 4 foot Modelo shop light. I haven't installed it at the moment.

I moved my plants around and adjusted the lights. Still only one female, and it looks like I have three males.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Watered plants. Final count is 2 female four males. One female will be pollinated by all four male plants. This works well for me, when the males are culled, I will be left with 4 plants until I start a new round. Will consider posting a picture before harvest.

So until then...


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Another female popped up. She's been moved. She was in with the males, who are not being baby'd like the flowering females. I'm hoping for a quick shoot of calyxes soon so I can pollinate, dump the boys off, and start a new batch. If I don't get the batch in by 10-31, there will be no January harvest. Will settle for Valentines Day.

Papaya plant count, 3 boys and 3 girls.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Anyone who's still looking?

Pollination complete. One female was pollinated by 3 males. Males ripped. New strain in germination for a Valentines Day Harvest. 6 Ice seeds were planted. The seeds were made by me using original Nirvana ICE purchased 2 years ago.

I think that's it for the this Papaya until harvest. No plans to update further until then.


let me know how the papaya does i still got seeds not fem but i been waiting on a grow thanks mate


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Sure, nowhere else to post the info....

Right now it's looking really good. The one plant that was transplanted on time at flowering is going to be big. The one that was in a 2L bottle for 2 weeks after flowerin will recover in her new 1 gallon home, I hope. The pollinated one is, well, pollinated.

I had 2 other plants late in flower. They were both White Widow. The first one was cut down 4 days ago and in a jar now. The wet harvest was 52.8 grams which dried out to be 23.2. About 48% of the wet harvest amount. After curing I hope it stays above 20 grams, but will be more like 15.3 grams. Total flowering time was 53 days.

The second plant was just cut and weighs in at 88.8 grams. In 4 days it would shrink into 42.6 grams and cure out at 26.6 grams. Almost makes me think I need to find a new place to dry my buds. This bud ran into a pollination issue two weeks ago. It was an accident. However, these buds are heavy and coated thick with THC. The trimming produced more scissor hash than the first one and it was amber. The total flowering time was 57 days.

The cross will be WWxPapaya. If the the seeds germinate when I try them out next summer, I will back cross using a WW male. Thus (WWxPapaya)xWW will result as opposed to a WWx(WWxPapaya). Accidents happen. The damage has been done and with luck, only the outer calyxes were pollinated.