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How often do you shower ?


Active member
@noyd666, space toker How poor, how many kids in the family? Get hand me down bath water? Oldest kid gets hot clean water, goes down by age and temp from there.

Damm that brings back memories.
As for now its on a needs to basis. The trouble lies with the family, what they think I need and when I think I need, clash at times.


Active member
My grade school didn't have heated lavatory's.

We'd make the pre schoolers piss sitting down, so the seat would be warm enuff to sit n' take a shit on.

Fact is, unless your washing off the dirt, oil, grease, and filth that a real man works in...you don't need it.

If you need to shower before and after putting in your day in a cubicle...or asking me if I want fries with that.... You have issues.

And wasting perfectly good .... MY perfectly good drinking water is one of them.

Space Toker

Active member
@noyd666, space toker How poor, how many kids in the family? Get hand me down bath water? Oldest kid gets hot clean water, goes down by age and temp from there.

Poor enough my mom was supporting 2 kids and herself on 3-5 k a year in the 80's and 90's (yeah not sharing beds or bathwater, not many kids, but poor enough). She did sell a tractor with a few implements, a cement mixer, and maybe a little silver but spend seemingly more than she had on paving a long driveway, finishing a garage, putting in stone steps and walks, and landscaping, all of which seemed to cost a couple thousand each at least (more of course for the garage and drive). We got new mountain bikes later in our teens, I went to church sponsored summer camp once or twice and to a winter camp.

On the other hand, we worked the fields like servants trying to get what tomatoes and potatoes and other crops we could out of the ground. My mom's sisters boyfriend often took care of us when she was in for cancer treatments and there was no one else around, and Smitty the Southerner had a switch and plantation hat and all that and kept us busy plucking weeds and collecting rocks and such. Corn bread, collard greens... yes that, other nights nothing but a big plate of scallops (cheap then I think) and brussels sprouts... not exactly pleasant food for a kid. Portion sizes varied from large to nearly non-existent. We wore bad ugly colored checkered clothes and shoes from decades past and got laughed at and picked on constantly. I was the eldest brother and my bro got hand me downs but not the best to begin with (he always got far more love/attention and like my portion of food and half again and I was the more ravenous eater, so was a skin and bones "geek" until college). So I don't know what to think, glad we all survived and had the essentials, certainly thankful for that, but some things were hard to explain as to how they were attainable.

I thought it was real, then thought I dreamed it, then didn't know what to think, but thought she dumped out a bag on the table of silver half dollars and dollars her father collected and even then knew something of values and thought I saw 1 or 2 valuable ones there and many more worth enough, enough to fill a normal plate or 2 maybe. She kept denying she sold any coins but did not deny or admit she had them. After she passed, found only a few (20 maybe) halfs and dollars that were worth just their silver content. So it remains a mystery. Still, lived on "fluffernutters" and mac and cheese with a few hot dog pieces sliced in for years and years and really was encouraged not to shower every night.


yep most people these days don't smell right lol, they reeeeek of after shave and girly smells they think is cool, for Christ sake you would not stand next to some bastards in ozy pubs, fuk 5th lol heated shit house what is that? house on fire lol.


Active member
true dat. i hate when people where storing perfume/cologne. and particularly, i hate axe with a passion. maybe its me but i dont understand why a girl would want her man to smell like that. f that. same thing with too much patchouli. i love it but it small amounts. you just want the essence. i always smell like herb anyways. these day i shower on average about once every three days depending what im doing. tea tree oil soap, rinse and repeat, and whatever shampoo my wife has, im not picky as long as its not too strongly scented. she usually buys the organic stuff so its rarely an issue. ill use plain soap before super perfumery stuff. i use crystal deoderant and that works for me and keeps me bo free between showers. (sometimes a hint of b.o. but no complaints from the wife, she likes my smell... phermones i guess) plus my hair isnt oily so you cant tell i haven't showered unless i go for like a week w/o. no shower on the hill


Still Learning
Once a day atleast.. LoL Someone told me the other day that they dont wash their jeans everytime they wear them.. Tried convincing me theyre not meant to be washed with every use. That might have been cool in 1930s, but you're gna start to smell after not washing your levis all week.

EDIT: sorry red berry.... funny shit
revolution, i'm only on your post (#4) and its probably been said ahead here but I'll forget...

change UNDERWARE every other day (inside 1 day, then, inside out the next) for 4 days then on day 5, underwear and jeans, washey, washey...

shower: 1 -2 times day. in the summer in south florida, some times 3......:woohoo:


Active member
I worked with a guy in construction that never washed his work pants, maybe once a month. He used to say when he got home he would "stand them up in the corner." Gross.

Space Toker

Active member
Are you kidding me? One time a day is plenty, 5 times a week on average. Like I said, if nature calls too often or you are out in nature too often, that is different. If you live in the tropics, etc. Seriously, if it's winter and I am not active, and I'm constipated, there is no need to waste water and shower more than every 2 or 3 days. And wash jeans every day? You kidding me? I never reuse underwear intentionally, sometimes unintentionally, but I wear clothes until dirty before washing, once a week or twice occasionally. Of course, I don't usually go commando like someone else does, but on occasion... well you fill in the blanks! :D

Former Guest

Active member
is it really that big a deal to go commando?

I am not surprised one stinking bit lol about the showering habits of men. makes me miss the ones who took care of themselves.




took a lot of mushrooms at a DEAD show at Irvine Ca 1988 and had an epiphany and was convinced it was healthier to not bath or use deodorant and it was perfect ,it made perfect sense,then I came down .MD