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How often do you shower ?


if it smells like fish
california folks aint gonna be able to bathe much longer the way their goin at the water!

I will be fine...heres just one of my swimming holes.yep on the left is a natural water slide....yeehaw the snowload in the sierras was the lowest I have seen...its getting worse every year...


^^^^^^ ROTFL

U owe me a KEYBOARD.....I've had an ex dig thru my garbage looking for used rubbers, but never been asked if a chick could smell my dick....LOL that if fucking priceless...

seriously, I spit orange poweraid on my keyboard...lol

Ya she was all in my grill too. She musta got it from the movie "Baby Boy" with Tyreese Gibson. And of all the days she chose too. I should a seen that coming too ��

This thread is a trip.

Actually orange Powerade sounds pretty refreshing


pure dynamite
Only when 29th of February comes on a Sunday. NOT. Once a day, sometimes twice..
But I'm always trying to save some electricity & water by sharing shower-time with hot women.


There was one time I went a whole month. I was on some crazy meds the Drs gave me for schizophrenia and depression. I was 19. But I wasn't schizo. Rather on drugs!

So I planned it. Not to shower until my birthday. Kinda like a rebirth. Man.... It was weird. But I didn't stink. Or at least no one ever told me. But that day of the shower was the best ever! Went out on few dates to.

You know to get all the perks of the Irish spring n shit.


Active member
Its true. One time I had some chick all texting me. I swear I haven't ever cheated. Fast forward a few months and I was all "I'm going out with the boys"

I don't know how but she was all "let me smell your dick!" Sure enough smelled liked pussy. Hahahha, but it was her . I really don't shower often.

When I met her I told her "I really don't shower often" she still doesn't believe how I don't stink.

Edit : I wash my face . and when I shit I do use clorox wipes(ok maybe baby wipes and water) , also I do a basin wash.

I thought I said some wild shit on here


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I'm sure this joke has been used but what the hell

I shower twice a year... whether I need it or not :biggrin:


i shower everyday, still in end of day i usually smell horrible - least from my arm pits.. probably cause what i eat almost everyday is onion´s, garlic, chili´s, peppers .

i met this guy in past who had not shower in six months, he did not smell but was looking greasy, i guess the natural way was back ages to not bath so much as almost everybody has that effect on long run.


Active member
My wife put this up, didn't she?

I told you, I'll shower the next time we give the dogs their flea bath! It's winter anyway, no one gets sweaty in winter. Lay off me.

Now let's do it, I'm in the mood. See you in 5.

No? Hmm, maybe I will go take that shower...

Don't worry about why I locked the door.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
I went 13 days without a shower, bath, washing my face or my hands or brushing my teeth.

It wasn't my choice.. I was in jail in Jamaica for ganja, in the early 70's...

It was the least of my worries though... I just wanted something to eat more than gruel and a small paper bag full of raw sugar..