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How much pot do you smoke per month?

How much pot do you smoke per month?

  • 1 ounce or less

    Votes: 32 36.4%
  • 2 ounces

    Votes: 34 38.6%
  • 3 ounces

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • Over 3 ounces

    Votes: 17 19.3%

  • Total voters

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
......about 2 o zeeee's a month for me.....I reckon that if you toke less then you can toke for longer.....

....every 3-4 hours take a few good pulls on a strong spliff....

....that should do it...


I take a hit or two first thing, *bong* one a hour or so later, then possibly every hour or so after that, and a couple or three before bed, with the odd one or two thrown in for good measure, (or when friends come round) depending on how bad my aches feel. (I suffer from sciatica and arthritis.)

Possibly i do 2 oz. or so per month.

Rock on.


hey Wally

hey Wally

Hey Wally duck ,
Sounding like a pig? What the hell do you do with your weed ?
Do you eat it? thats alot of dope!:D


Active member
I find that if smoking friends off the street shwag, its easy to smoke half oz a week,but if I pull out my stuff one bone will fry 4 people for a good four, five hours
If its just my girl and I smoking my stuff we go through about 3/4 of an oz per month,which is perfect cause I usually grow between 4 and six oz's at a time


New member
Anyone who puts 3 ounces or more, is lieing imo.

Not at all....

An average week for me is 3/4 ounce, I pick up a quarter on tuesday`s and a half on the weekend... sometimes my quarter runs out before the weekend so I`ll get an 8th or something small from a friend to get me til the weekend pick up.

So yes, I smoke over 3 ounces a month.... and I`m a GIRL!!! :p


mothly amount

mothly amount

I never realy wiegh what I smoke but I would say it depends howmay friends I recieve that month


New member
i guess i probably smoke about 5-7 grams a day, always bud, so er thats about 180 grams a month or 6.42 ounces,

Dankbud134 said:
Anyone who puts 3 ounces or more, is lieing imo.

Not me - I aint lying.

Put it this way - today is 420. . .and I HONESTLY tried to smoke MORE than I normally do. . . .found it real hard to do - could easily go through a quarter in a day - specaily with a friend - so dont know who you are callin a liar!



3oz/month is less than 6 x 0.5g joints per day which just about covers breakfast, but what about lunch and dinner not to mention snax...


I cant give an exact amount but it's a good 3+

My buddy is a crack dealer,when i was in the business of selling pot he would buy a 1/2 oz a day every day from me,he would roll up a fat 3 gram blunt,bounce and come back the next afternoon for more,i asked him how and why he smokes so much,he said "because i can"

Not only him but lots of other people were buying 1/8 - 1/4 every day,that works out to more then 3 oz a month