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How much pot do you smoke per month?

How much pot do you smoke per month?

  • 1 ounce or less

    Votes: 32 36.4%
  • 2 ounces

    Votes: 34 38.6%
  • 3 ounces

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • Over 3 ounces

    Votes: 17 19.3%

  • Total voters


New member


i personally smoke more than an OZ a week, basically chain smoke joints non stop

ive been know to have more than 1 joint burning at a time


I smoke a hefty 4-6 grams per day, 120-180g/month or 4-6.5 oz per month. This is me and my gf (now x) smoking together, so really about 2 oz or so for me per month, the rest to her and friends.


I am glad to see this thread doing so well. It seems that the average is around 1-2 onces per month. Let's keep this going to see how many more responses we can get on the poll. I would like to have a larger number to work with!

Keep smokin,

-4 oz per month. -Its been this way for years. -This is between me and my wife. -It shure is better now that we dont have to buy it! -Our tolerance is way high. -Sometimes we would get real good weed but then after a while have to switch off because we'd get used to the perticular canibinoidal concentrations. -We'v been productivly gardening now for a fyew months and we 'r still not tired of "our" weed. -I dont think we'l ever get tired of it! -We,r not at the point yet where we can get another variety but whe we get there Im shure we'l be twice as happy!

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
I usually smoke about 1/4 oz a week, or a gram a day, all after work. I do take breaks frequently so it's not a constant for me. I'd smoke about a quarter a day in high school, but it was schwag.

GreatLakes THC
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Fast Eddie

Absolutley no shit.
An ounce a week for the last 20 years.
Im gonna hafta figure out the weight of that sometime.
Then i could see how much $$$ went into my lungs over
the last half of my life.:)
OK, update.
So if the ounces averged $100.00
Thats $96.000
Thats damn near my yearly income man.
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Me and my wife smoking together most of the time.
it's like 1 gram a day, and it's lass then a Oz per month.

enjoy it:)

Ice Cold

I was one of the 2 ounce a month votes.. I think that is alot.. I use to smoke twice that but I still feel like its a little too much... I use to be around a ounce a week, to about 1/2 a week now.. I would like to get closer to 1/4
Hi Hi HIGH! for me, smoking 5 Star stuff.. its about 1.25 grams per day.... and stay VERY stoned 24/7 365.333675 for the past whole bunch of years. (cannot claim a century... yet )*grins* Body weight may have much to do with it though, ... I am tiny, but know plenty of big guys who smoke 5 grams or more every day.

As for "Huge smokers"... once gave some guys from Trinidad a QP of NLX Haze... thought my gift might last the three of them a week or more. ha ha ha. They sat down, right then and there..
rolled up 2 joints out of sheets of newpaper... looked like something out of a cheech and chong film... I was like.... "Woahhh!". How good can burning newsprint taste? yucccck! Within maybe 2 hours... they had smoked up both of those monsters... and went on about their business. This is 100% true story. Have no clue how much those fellows consume a month... but sure seemed to me that my tiny little daily usage wouldnt even get them a mild buzz. *grins*

Guess that covers the "average to extreme" usage. *smiles*
Now... on that note... *wipes forehead with back of left hand* all this typing is tough labour... need to smoke a bowl. Maybe you too need the same thing... ? *waves aloha* Aki


New member
I have Crohn's disease and my GF has painful endometriosis that can't seem to be fixed. so we toke about an oz. each per month of dank.
3 ounces can be done easily. I picked up a half a couple weekends ago from my brother in law for shits and giggles and it was gone in 2 nights, just smoking myself. After smoking my own shit for 3 years the commercial around here just doesnt get me high.

But usually I smoke about 1.5 ounces a month of the good stuff.

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted


Between the missus and I we can go through anywhere between .5-3 zips per month, mostly depending on availability and quality. I gotta think once I start harvesting my own ass kickin buds, it'll be less due to the higher quality.


Me and the wife get through about 1/1.5 oz a month:D
but it can be more or less depends what we are up to;)


gee after looking at a few comments im gonna look lke a bit of a pig here ,.. i usually need an 2 oz per ten days at least ... around 6 a month ... youd have to grow quite a bit just to keep up with my consumation .. luckily i do .. lol ...


Active member
About 1.5oz per month.., im sure it will go up again when
my next batch is ready!!:p

Wallyduck when do you find any time for any Gardening;)




oh didnt you know you grow much better weed if you do it while your real stoned ... yep plenty of time to garden ... and happy gardening it is , i find i get fired up with weed often , a good few pipes topped with bubble hash and im off to work , sweating and spinning .. lol ...


Active member
Sounds good to me!!

If getting more stoned = growing better weed
id better go and score another oz ;)


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