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How much pot do you smoke per month?

How much pot do you smoke per month?

  • 1 ounce or less

    Votes: 32 36.4%
  • 2 ounces

    Votes: 34 38.6%
  • 3 ounces

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • Over 3 ounces

    Votes: 17 19.3%

  • Total voters


In an effort to increase my knowledge about the use of marijuana, I am conducting a poll to see if my 2 ounces per month is normal or over the average.

I would like to gather approximately 500 responses to the poll so that I can add the information on my website at www.medicalmarijuananv.com .

Please respond!!!

Keep smokin,



personally i don't even do an 1/8th in a month, but then again i am not a daily smoker, and when i do smoke i only try to get a mild buzz, too much to do to get really high, but the weekends are a great time to go to the moon...

then again some of the people i smoke with smoke half as much as me, and a few smoke 4oz a month, it is all personal preference to me, in my circle there's nothing wrong with smoking ounces at a time, and nothing wrong with just smoking a little...


"It's just a flesh wound"
I'm in the same boat Bob. I'll do a quarter oz. a month, taken as needed and again right before I go to sleep. Three hits and quit, that's me.:D If you're puffing the kill, you don't need any more than that. My brother, on the other hand, can buy an eighth on friday and he'll just keep smoking it over the weekend until it's gone. I have yet to see one of his bags last until Sunday;)


Dankbud134 said:
Anyone who puts 3 ounces or more, is lieing imo.

You would be surprised how much some can smoke. You shouldn't put people down for answering honestly. Why would they lie. What's in it for them?

Keep the peace!



Not picking anybody out but, many inmature people will put something that is not true to seem, "cool". So I'm just stating a fact. I mean It's very easily to smoke 3 ounces a month, but you would have to one rich bitch, or you could have a garden that all the time your getting a harvest.


The Best Is Yet To Come
got no idea how much i smoke.
it all depends on the day with me. but i do smoke a lot. all day . so some day i may smoke 10 joints all by myself. and some days i only have like three or four joints. i never weight my shit so i got no idea how much i have. i go by jars. one jar every two weeks sounds good to me.




I think you should specify what grade marijuana you mean.

I know people who smoke a qp to hp of schwag a month, sometimes more.

My first harvest I got just under 2 oz, I smoked that in 2 weeks. Of course I was just living it up just to know what it's like to smoke a shitload of dank.

I bet a big grower who has more weed than they can smoke anyways can smoke a shitload. Not only that, there have to be some growers around here with INSANE tolerances.


Dankbud134 said:
Not picking anybody out but, many inmature people will put something that is not true to seem, "cool". So I'm just stating a fact. I mean It's very easily to smoke 3 ounces a month, but you would have to one rich bitch, or you could have a garden that all the time your getting a harvest.
many ppl, including me grow more than enough to smoke 3 oz per month, not sayin i always do, but ive been known to go through 3 +, on average i reckon 2 though.

Dankbud your facts arnt facts, n thats a fact.....
... or am i just being immature ? :confused: ?

EDIT: wow your right, i now seem cool


Well... I do maybe an 1.5 oz... Its all Top of the shelf, kick your ass stuff. 4-5 tokes and you are stoned as a statue... :)

Canna Wurms

About 2 joints per day on average. So I guess about an ounce per month, maybe a little less.

After smokin' for so many years (36) the novelty of getting "wasted" has worn off. I just like to maintain a decent high.

king j

based very heavily on what im smoking
if i have to buy it usual aint as good and its expensive so closer to an ounce
but after a harvest if i really enjoy the herb i can blow right through it. usually them lovely sativas i find myself eating up and somehow there are usually more friends im smoking up after a harvest:D


New member
I normally go through about an OZ of regs a month -unless it is mexican brick weed then it is more like 2 oz's a month.when I harvest I normally dont buy any regs and a oz will go over a month(maybe 6 weeks)in the 3-4 weeks before harvest I smoke the least-maybe 2 bowls a night(1 joint) so my imunity to it goes down.when I was a kid(17-20) my buddie and I would rip through a qp in a week or so(we were selling and just keeping headstash).
I smoke on average 1 ounce per month. Been this way for 15 years. Even when I was a buyer, the statistics were the same. I would typically purchase a 1/4 per week @ $100 per unit. That's $5200 per year, that's "78 thousand dollars" over 15 years. Now I grow six plants per season, two season a year, and have the best herb, year round, that cost me a big fat zero. Oh what a fool was I. Thanks Gypsy!





Between me and my girlfriend..(who smokes daily for a degenerative spine disease) about 2 zips or more a month.. most the time more.. but sometimes less...


I am a med smoker and usually go through about a ounce every 10 days. Sometime less, sometimes more. Depends on how I am doing pain wise.