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How Much Do You Smoke


Speed of Dark
Oh boy, I just got stoned. Let me figure this out live on line.

Almost 3 grams extract from an ounce of pot, almost a week from a gram of oil. That is about an ounce every three weeks.

Huh, sounds lower than I expected, seems I go through an awfully lot of pot and oil. Two pounds a month total grown with fully half donated to folks with needs but not money. The recreational folks pay for this largess. Other growers have many more toys than I. I have my own place in my own heaven, beats money every day.

An ounce every three weeks is just over a gram per day, which is in line with a great many maintenance smokers.
I translate to the oil due to heart problems with carbon monoxide, vaping leaves my heart oxygenated.


New member
Bout half a zip per week, give or take. Usually wind up doing a whole one at least once a month, on my no bills due week.


I cough up honey oil
Depends on what time I wake up but prob average somewhere around 2 grams a day. If I do happen to smoke an 1/8th in a day, then it's a looong day and I prob ain't waking up the next so, 2 grams average .lol

The gf goes through more than I do but she uses the volcano. That fkn thing eats weed up imo.

2 teeny bongloads and she's where she's at!! Cross eyed and quiet!

She complains about the butane and other shit I regret telling her about so she rarely hits the bong.

And that fking bag. It's the most annoying thing ever. The crinkling never stops and she sounds like fkn Darth Vader hitting on that thing!


But yeah.... 2 grams.


Namekian resident/farmer
I could easily put a ounce down in like 3 to 4 days and still function properly it differs from person to person some people are just lazy lol
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Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
Oh my, you guys sure smoke a lot.

I smoke only a couple grams of flower a month. Less then a gram a week.
I have been smoking for more then half my life.

Being a non-seller grower means I got a big stash. So supply is not an issue for me.
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Not as much as I would love too, but I got stuff to do that needs my full atention.
Just once or twice a week.

Dirt Bag

None. Smoking is unhealthy. IMHO anyone who smokes either doesn't care about their health (which then means that they don't care about what their health means to others as well), hasn't learned of the consequences, or is just in denial.
Since there are other healthy methods of ingestion that work as well or better and have none of the negative health effects, why smoke? Is it really that cool? Perhaps... if you're Andrew "Dice" Clay or Willie Nelson.


Indicas make dreams happen
None. Smoking is unhealthy. IMHO anyone who smokes either doesn't care about their health (which then means that they don't care about what their health means to others as well), hasn't learned of the consequences, or is just in denial.
Since there are other healthy methods of ingestion that work as well or better and have none of the negative health effects, why smoke? Is it really that cool? Perhaps... if you're Andrew "Dice" Clay or Willie Nelson.

I don't smoke anymore. I used to smoke 2-3 bowls every night but after a decade of this my lungs couldn't take it anymore. Too much weezing, tightness in my chest and coughing shit up all the time. I only do edibles/tictures now for obvious health reasons. To answer your question, I smoked because I deal with chronic insomnia and can go days without sleep while feeling totally exhausted. I need to be able to function and cannabis has been the only thing effective for treating this. Pot is very much still illegal in my state and expensive. Making edibles is just not cost effective when weed costs $50 an 8th and vaporizers were never effective for me. So my options were smoke and sleep or don't sleep at all. Starting to grow was really my salvation because it allowed me to make this transition. In a legal environment I would never have had to habitually smoke it.

We live in a world full of stress factors and health risks, many we aren't aware of. If it isn't smoke killing us it's our food or stress itself. My stepdad who never drank or smoked had a stroke at 48 because of his diet and high stress job most likely.

People used to say pot ruined your brain or made you dumb, who knows maybe it does. Maybe smoking it is even worse than cigarettes and in the future we will find the first pot linked death. In the end if one thing doesn't kill you another will. So if weed makes life any bit better I say go ahead and enjoy it anyway you wish. It's your life and should be your freedom.


New member
Im 53 and started when i was 11 occasionally. as of my late teens i have smoked about 5 joints a day (quit for a year after my first heart attack at 40 bad genes) and still smokin!
kept me out of the church tower with a rifle and i dont even own a gun :p
wow just did the math giver take 75000 joints...consider myself a in the upper quarter of the population in intelligence...imho hehehe ive held a technical job using my brain not brawn my whole life....i think if your a burn out you always were and be smart a listen to your own body ....you know if your over doing it.

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