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How much do you pay for good 'erb?


£10 a gram for whatever my mate has in, sometimes it's not that good sometimes it's amazing, he never knows what it actually is, it's always indica.
Apart from him it's 1.6 for £20 or I have a friend who pays £20 for 1 g of superskunk from some local scumbag with a gun


Active member
31,93$ a gram. iceland.

me , i pay nothing, but thats the street price, maybe going down to 25$ for crappier stuff, and up to 36$ for better stuff.

but iceland people are ridiculously insane in money matters.

mack 10

Well-known member
^^shiiiit bro,iceland prices suck! unless your the seller! $25-35 a gram...hope you don't smoke pure...as thats gonna get expensive.

mack 10

Well-known member
Hi,they strip the hash of a 50 kg crop raw and fresh using butane ,honey bee extacter but on an industrial scale it all comes off leaving the bud bare .then its ready to spray up with what ever these scumbags have at hand .glass beads used for glass blowing 5$ for a 50kg bag in the czch republic.if you don't smoke and know how to do it and not scared to mess with 50 kg of weed it would be easy to do .I've know evidance apart from getting my hands on that icolater ,then the spray turning up in vast qauntys ,luckley I gave up dealing as soon as I saw the spray it fuckin crunched in yer gob.the icolater was simaler to jelly hash they plonkers sell in dam ,either ice removed or gas .

Ola izzy,
I think you are getting your iso's mixed up. first off,if you iso'd, butaned or bubble hashed any buds they would look like shit noone would buy them, even sprayed up(glassweed) imagine trying to dry it out, wouldnt work. butane/iso would be even worse(have you ever smelled herb thats been gased,run once then dryed? it stinks of butane.) Possibly you could run the buds in a tumbler(pollinator, okief tumblers,etc)to steal the tric's, then spray them,that would probly work?(not that i would do that crazy shizz.)
Respect for getting out. I remeber a couple foaf's that got stung with a few K of glass weed, back in the day.
i think thats what you meant


£20 Gets ya between 1.2-1.6 depending on quality £ 220-250 per oz or 7 grand a box if ya lucky.


Active member
Still £25 an 1/8 , some people like to try to charge 10 a g but I won't be having that. 160 to 220 an oz I think roughly.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
5 euros per gram is average here in NL, 5.50 for better strains, 4.50 for less good ones... most expensive I ever heard of was a box that went for 6k in adam when chocolope was still new

in the shops it's anywhere from 6-25 euros per gram, strain and condition depending..

old toker tales....

so when I was a young un it was 15 quid for an eighth...that was for anything, soapbar, 15, flatpress, 15, really nice rocky, 15, super squidgey black, 15, african import weed, 15, indian import weed, 15.. it stayed that way for years and years too, prices never changed... a proper penny eighth too...

I remember when skunk first appeared, it went for 20-25 an eighth and ppl wouldnt buy it... they said it didnt last long enough and was too smelly (see GLC track Soap Bar for a pretty fair representation of ppls views back then) not only that but once I was selling (purely hypothetically, I would never break the law) cream charras that had been bum taxied straight from India.. charras so good I have never had anything in NL to compare in terms of quality... anyway, after paying 120 an oz, I was (hypothetically) selling it at 17.50 an eighth and half my (hypothetical) punters turned their noses up at it because it was 2.50 more... (I feel like I should point out that this bit of charras was probably amongst the top 5 pieces of hash I ever saw in life)

I know most of the people reading this right now are shaking their heads in disbelief.. me too boys... ended up mostly going to close friends and got chillumed for the most part...we did some in hotknives.. was like smoking crack I swear...full effect with sweaty forehead...BOOM... if I could find it today I would happily pay 20 euros pg for it..(15 quids or summat)...probably more...
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I was quite surprised at the prices in NL, A few buddies go there and automatically assumed, the more expensive the better the bud,
But By all accounts the price is based on the yield, and some of the bomb herb is going for a decent rate :)


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
mate thats how it should be... and things like Grinspoon and Quaze that are super low yielding, they do go for a lot more, so thats correct.. but check this.. an 11 week sativa might go for 5-5.50 if its not an ontrend name and yet a 8 week kush can go for 5.50 as well...just because of hype...(assuming yield to be avg)

its better among private growers of course, we know the score.. ;)


New member
@ Jamieshoes

I recently spent a couple of months in Amsterdam . A local buddy told me some of the high end kushe's can go for 7-8 euro a gram based on a box . After reading your post he might have been misinformed ?


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
It's possible mate, more likely that I'm a bit out of touch as I dont have so much to do with Amsterdam, I mostly just visit these days :) ...I live in a different city and "when chocolope was new" was a good while back, sounds like your mate would be better placed to say :)
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