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how many times have you seen RUSH


Active member
well hello granma :wave:

yeah it's not the old days.
no more 10-15 dollar shows.
a lawn ticket is 25-30 bucks, but by the time they add 'facility fees, parking, seat tax, etc, etc. the cheap seats are 45-50 bucks.

1980 huh? that would be maybe permanant waves. good album.

nice to see you stop by.


hazy said:
well hello granma :wave:

yeah it's not the old days.
no more 10-15 dollar shows.
a lawn ticket is 25-30 bucks, but by the time they add 'facility fees, parking, seat tax, etc, etc. the cheap seats are 45-50 bucks.

1980 huh? that would be maybe permanant waves. good album.

nice to see you stop by.

Yep...but they played a lot from 2112 as well...
Those were the days of Columbian Gold fer 40 an ounce and Blue Tip Sopers....


I have only seen them once and I must have been at the same concert Jimmy Shelter was at because the sound sucked. All my Rush is on vinyl. They hit a period where I didn't like there stuff. I'll listen to 2112 non-stop. But Hemispheres comes in a close second.

Lou what did ya'll do to old Ted? Looks like cat scratch fever got his eye.


Active member
Member going to several Rush Concerts in the 80s.
They seem to Love The DFW area
Outside shows as well as In.


Active member
granma, don't you wish you had a bag of that good columbian with all those seeds? i do.
they quit playing 2112 all the way through in the 80s. they played it all on one their tours in the 90s. presto maybe.

you should check them out this summer gronnh20
howdy moth they do love playing out door shows. they'll be outside when i see them tomorrow night.

yeah! tomorrow night!!
i'll give a concert report after the show. :headbange :rasta: :headbange


Wow....have a blast hazy. Just thought I'd drop this link in here for the other Rush fans. A great site with tons of video and articles constantly updated, check it out here: http://www.rushisaband.com


We haven't seen Rush in years! I still have the Mahgoney Rush album & ticket stub.

I'll have to check their schedule.

But, I'm counting down to Saturday for RatDog. Granny, $165 per ticket! altho the pair includes a preferred parking pass. Had to save for 'em! As a matter of fact, I'm getting ready to cover that gray before the show right now!

Granny, I used to attend Don K.s concerts in the 70's for $2.50 - $4.50. Alice Cooper to ZZTop. The only bands I had to wander into the big city for were Led Zepplin, Stones, Who, Pink Floyd; that caliber (gee, look, they are all English bands? hmmm).

Not many bands like that nowadays. Only hot chicks seem to make a lasting impression on newer audiences.
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Active member
sorry Patsheba.
you're talking about Frank Marino and his band Mahogony Rush. :nono:
Different Canadians here.
Just Rush

Stoned, buddy, thanks for that link.

a cool site for sure

btw, any dream theater fans around?


Active member
i saw Rush last night in Phoenix, AZ at the Cricket Pavillion. it was a nice night, cool for the desert. then the humidity descended like a cloud and it got hot and sweaty. finally cooled off a little at the end. had to sit in the parking lot for over a hour 'cause some cop got himself shot and killed.
here's my review of the show. :pimp3:

Set 1:

Video Intro (The show started with a video of Alex Lifeson dreaming. Alex woke up and tapped his wife? sleeping beside him and she rolls over and it's Neil Peart, they both look at each other and scream AHHHHHHHGGGHH!!, then he woke up and asked what they did to his food. then Geddy is sitting in a chair and an old man in a Scottish kilt who tells Geddy in a Scottish accent that he doesn't care how he's feeling, the show must go on and then Geddy runs out and the show starts.
the Scottish guy is actually Geddy.)

Digital Man
Entre Nous
(not done since Permanant Waves)
The Main Monkey Business
The Larger Bowl
(Bob & Doug video intro)
Secret Touch
Between The Wheels


Set 2:

Video Intro (now i know what the pic of a head on a pillow or box was about in the post by Brother_Monk. it was Alex doing these characters on the Leela board on the Snakes and Arrows cover. that one was the plane of envy. Alex's head was spinning around and fell over. weird, and very funny, (what's weird is alex being funny.))

Far Cry
Workin' Them Angels
Armor And Sword
The Way The Wind Blows
Natural Science
(i could not believe they played this one, it's long and slow in spots, but to a crowd of Rush fans, it works good.)
Witch Hunt
Malignant Narcicisum
Drum Solo
Distant Early Warning
The Spirit Of Radio
Tom Sawyer
(South Park video intro) had the SP kids doing Tom Sawyer. cartman sings about tom sawyer going down the river in a raft with a black guy. someone stopped and told him that wasn't right. he read the book and that was huck finn. so they started over to sing the song 'right' and Rush starts jamming.

Encore: Geddy and Alex come out with baskets full of

t-shirts and toss them to the crowd.
then 3 encore songs, that just rocked.

One Little Victory
A Passage to Bangkok
(yeeha! the first time i have ever heard Bangkok in concert out of 12 shows. they showed some pot plants (very cool) and people smoking and stuff on the video with it. :canabis: :smoker: )

Video outro (features Geddy)

Geddy Lee plays the old Scottish guy again and opens a door, and looks out at the audience and tells everyone to go home so he can eat his chicken.

the show kicked major butt.

spinning clothes dryers were gone, but they had three rotisserie chicken roasters. Brother_monk talked about them in his post. i could smell the cooking chicken, when during the last set, some woman came out in an apron and smeared barbecue sauce on them. :yummy:

i took 3 kids(16,17,22) with me and they loved it. funny crowd at Rush shows. mixed age range partly 'cause us old guys drag our kids/grandkids along.

there's nothing nasty to keep from bringing the kids along, except for maybe the monkeys doing it during 'Main Monkey Business' :monkeyeat :redface:

the first song was a little off time at first, Geddy's voice strained to hit the high notes, but once they got warmed up, they were dead on, and Geddy sounded great. there were some big changes this show. old standbys were gone with new songs, or old ones they haven't done in forever to take their place.
no Xanadu
no Trees
no Roll the Bones
no Red Barchetta
no Working Man

The Snakes and Arrows stuff i hadn't heard, only Far Cry.
but it was hard rocking. i will get the cd or dvd.

Neil Peart's drum solo was shorter than usual. last time he went 20 minutes. this time about 10 - 15 minutes. almost exclusively on his acoustic drums, but the part he did when the set spins around to his electronic set, was the best thing i've ever heard him do. it was perfect, and very musical. very cool. you just have to hear it for yourself to believe that a drummer could even do it. all said it was a great show, Rush gets better at their craft. i hope they play for years more. they're about 5 years older than me, but they do get out there and ROCK! :bow:


Well-known member
I experienced a 30 year blackout and I cant honestly remember if I have or have not seen Rush. Ive seen alot of things that really were not there.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I've seen them every tour since Hold Your Fire. If there's was a bigger Rush fan in the place, I'ld like to see it. I had all there Albums and CD. Then my car was broken into and I have decided not to buy them again. I even sent them a letter and they sent me a signed Test For Echo CD, which of course was stolen.

I haven't heard a Rush Song since my CD's were stolen, and before that, they were always on in the car while I was delivering pizzas.


I remember when I was growing up in the 80's I had absolutely every album of theirs on cassette tape, lol. To this day, I still have a stack about a foot and half tall of cassette tape CASES, but I don't think I have one single cassette. All were stolen or borrowed and never returned. Sometimes just looking at that pile of empty cassette cases brings back some of the best memories like smoking out while 2112 played over and over again in the background. Ahh, those were the days.

Hey hazy, thanks for the report. For once I know what it's like at a Rush show.


I 've seen Rush 5 times. The first was the Hemispheres tour. Then I saw them 3 night in a row on the Permanent Waves tour (They sold out two shows in St. Louis that year). The last time I saw them was in 81 on the Moving Pictures tour. That was the last time for me. I really didn't like much of their stuff after Moving Pictures.


i've seen them too-it was at Bingly Hall, Stafford in , i think , 1978-maybe the Farewell to Kings tour? Still got the programme somewhere........amazed to hear that they are still going



Anime n Stoner Aficionado
back in high school a friend played rush in the car. i hated it. then i found myself on vacation w/ my folks & was missin my daily dose. it was so bad i bought an album of theirs & been a fan since. believe i've seen 'em live 4 times. irvine ca ampi, fresno ca arena x2, & san antonio tx dome all were kick ass! as for the band prefering outdoor venues, bands gen play set circuits dealing w/ the # of fans that support them, ie tix sales.

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Great band, I've never seen them live but they're definitely on my list. I can remember sitting around with my buddies listening to 2112 over and over stoned, without a care in the world ... oh to be young and naive.


Jim Rockford

Well-known member
11 times for me. And I honestly thought this years was the best ever. Ever since the near end and Neil's losses this band just rocks like no other in concert. I've seen a lot of bands too. On the Vapor Trails tour I saw Rush a few days after seeing Tool. Tool played two sets that lasted a total, with set break, 1 hour and twenty minutes. I then saw Rush, 3 guys almost 3 times as old play nearly a four hour show. Rush rules, best ****ing thread ever!

Big D

hazy said:
:garden city kansas:

WTF... I used to play in a band when I was young(I think it was about '89) and our travels took us through Garden City. Wow, it was one memorable couple of daze.
If I remember correctly it was the Grain Bin. For such a small town, it was a huge club. And the women were so friendly. Great little town!

hazy, do you know the Grain Bin?

Yes ...Rush rules!


god rush was sick this last time. A lot better than the last tour with the cover album (anniversary or w/e) but the best blast from the past show ive seen had to be Gilmour two nights in a row play echoes.


king of the dinosaurs
Rush hasn't played here in over 26 years because of a "poor" turn-out of 8,000 people the last time

rumor has it there coming back. you know ill be getting tickets to this one