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How long do i have before cops come?

Nope, not Yummy.

Normally I am careful about this, but there was no reason for him to be upstairs. WTF. I just flushed them.

It may seem like a small amount (and it is), but my state will take your house...not to mention losing a good job.

So yeah, i guess my biggest worry now is waiting for the electrician to come back in 90-120 days :)


Could have hid them in some bushes outside, but either way good move on the cleanup.

At least it wasn't the gas guy who say you carrying a 4-foot sativa in full flower. I couldn't decide wether or not to throw the plant and act normal or what, we ended up staring at each other for a good 5 seconds. We both had a good "what the fuck" look on our face, only his was more of a goofy half smile and mine was a heart attack imminent look. Put the plant deep in the woods, went inside and changed shorts. Nothing ever happened.

Don't know how it happened, don't know how he got there without me knowing, but one things damn sure and that's that I'll never let that happen again.


There are FOUR lights!
A. Your freaking out.
2. How can you be this paranoid, and not shadow the elec, and lock door?
3. The elec is growing, too.
d. Relax and smoke a doobie or binger.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I wouldn't take any chances bro.....just go out and kill that electrician. No witnesses.....no problems. Should be easy to make it look like an accident ;)

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usually the cops need a lot to come knocking down your doors
i had a friend, neighbors snitched on him.
men in blue came to his door, ask some questions. he acted clueless and they leaved.
he finished his last batch and moved.. but nothing else happened.

now that depends on where you live. legal states are less up the ass


Tropical Outcast
ok...i'm gonna trash my babies. Sucks, but oh well.

Now, assuming the guy ratted me out...


Yeah, i'm paranoid. They take your house for this BS.

Rat you out for what????

As far as your house concerns...is it paid for?
If not they can't take it...since legally the title is still @ the bank which holds the mortgage. :moon:


Active member
The cops are not coming by the way. Paranoia will save your ass from getting in trouble but it'll also cock block you from getting anything done. If these things really hadn't even broken the surface of soil then you were totally fine, it's the right time to be getting plants ready indoors to go out as many have said- flowers, veggies, etc.

But the thing I have to suggest to you, is maybe he was taking a poop in the upstairs bathroom :tiphat:


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
You are in a non med state.

Kill your grow because you fucked up and got sloppy.

Wait for a good while and while you are waiting plan out how you are going to be less of a security hazard to yourself.

Security FIRST!

This isn't a game to be played with your head stuck up your rectum. ESPECIALLY, in a non-med state. NO ONE should EVER be able to just stroll into your grow. And this was a planned visit at that.


Gotta think these thing through bro.



You are in a non med state.

Kill your grow because you fucked up and got sloppy.

Wait for a good while and while you are waiting plan out how you are going to be less of a security hazard to yourself.

Security FIRST!

This isn't a game to be played with your head stuck up your rectum. ESPECIALLY, in a non-med state. NO ONE should EVER be able to just stroll into your grow. And this was a planned visit at that.


Gotta think these thing through bro.


so true


they are called locks, invest in some good ones, scrap your grow and wait a few months, maybe give the electrician a nice tip next time he comes


your best bet is to wait 4 months or maybe 6, then just restart with locks etc. even though your seedlings didn't show yet people have gotten police visits for less. you do hear of cases where these kind of guys that come in your house actually get a reward if they inform on a crime. sure they could be normal plants for your garden, but the cops will mostly assume the worst and check things out. specially if they don't have much serious work to do and considering how easy it is to get a warrant nowadays. in the end the electrician probably didn't do anything, but better safe then sorry, specially in a harsh law environment. better to be able to grow again in future, rather then losing your freedom to grow for a few seedlings. normally speaking you'd think a knock and talk would be the first option for the cops, if they decide to act and if the guy did indeed rat you out. a fair cop would probably say just some dirt in cups under some cfl's is not enough for further action, but an asshole cop might well follow it up.
since when do pigs really need "probable cause" they make the shit up as they go along

No joke man, you should have seen the report from my arrest. They paraphrased most of what I said and then used QUOTATION MARKS for things that I didn't even say. For example when the task force agent told me, "We can make things much much easier on you ***** if you just give us something we can use." My exact words to this gentleman were, "Suck my dick." He put on the police report, "I could tell you a lot, but I'm not going to." Unsurprisingly, they interrogated me in a room without audio which was super convenient for them when my attorney was attempting to get discovery in the form of surveillance tapes from the county jail.

EDIT: I am aware that I shouldn't have said anything at all before my attorney was involved but of course I was scared and it was my first time being in trouble for anything.
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How does he know they werent tomato seeds? Don't forget not all indoor gardeners are growing marijuana. If the cops come to the door i'd be sure to make that a point. We pay taxes on all that equipment we LEGALLY buy. If you paid for those seeds I'd plant them. Fuck law enforcement. :plant grow:


Game Bred
the "probable cause" in my raid was a fucking joke...

some bullshit about the cat being outside and the neighbor was concerned so they went in looking for "injured parties"

a plumber seeing "tomato seedlings" is more than enough

you may say "fuck leo"
but i say dont fuck around with leo..when in doubt..scrap the grow..