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How long do i have before cops come?

I had an electrician come by today to work on DOWNSTAIRS wiring. I had 10 seeds in 16oz solo cups under a CFL in an UPSTAIRS closet (no growth yet, waiting for seeds to pop through). I'm in the other room watching TV thinking he has no business upstairs but all of a sudden i hear him coming down the stairs - he had been upstairs without me knowing for about 1 minute. I asked him "What did you need upstairs?" He said he had to trip the bathroom circuit.

THe problem is that the the bathroom leads into the closet with my cups. In the bathroom i had an extention cord from an outlet going into the closet for the CFL. The door to the closet was half-open, and the light from the CFL would have appeared abnormal...and so would the extention cord going into the closet.

Since the door was 1/2 open, i have no idea if he saw the seedlings or not. I went back up after he did and the door was still half open, so he could have seen them. He may not have known what it was, but come on...what else would it be?

I moved the cups and the light and had him come back upstairs to look at the closet for an "electrician's opinion" and he didn't seem like anything was different, but he seemed like a good BS-er too.

I don't live in a medical state. In fact, I live in a ball-buster state. Do you think he told the cops? If so, how long until they can get a warrant? More importantly: could i ever grow in the house again?

I've been freaking out...


Chill, destroy the seedlings and your in the clear. No Evidence no problems. CFL's happen to be legal, even in closets.


Active member
You can expect the DEA to knock down your door any second, and don't even try to run because there's a black helicopter over head and they've got you locked in via satellite. Your only hope is to slowly walk outside with your hands in the air and lay down in the yard until they cuff you.

Walt Jabsco

no i dont think he called the cops.
what did he really see? some beer cups and some cfl lights.
this would not be enough for the cops to get a warrant even if he did call the cops.
now if there were 10 full bloom plants then maybe a different story but these havent even broken the ground yet. nothing to worry about right now. now if you get a knock and talk from the police dont open the door and start flushing. i keep a pair of sharp pruners in the can just for this very reason.


Well-known member
well, seedlings hardly seem worth the risk to me, not in a bad MJ state
you'd probably just be utterly paranoid from now on anyways, just not worth it


Active member
He probably does not give a fuck and why rat out a customer that might need his services later!!!now if you have a extension cord to a dead hookers anus in your closet , id be stressing:tiphat:


the bathroom circuit probably had a gfi outlet that he had to test/reset

but he does know what a light in a closet usually means if he is an electrian worth half his hourly wage

use your own discretion


ive been known to grow my flowers in my closet all winter so they dont die what do you think grow tents are for not pot thats for sure
there for indoor gardens same with all hid lamps besides secerity there for indoor gardens
if your really freeked trash the pots and your free it would be like calling the cops on someone with nothing i dont think its worth the popos time in my state they need phisical evidance
People from California & Oregon are going to tell you it's no big deal. But if you are in a small town in a harsh state you should get rid of those seedlings and any drug paraphernalia you have in the house.

Don't start up another grow until you can live up to your username, or move to a state where a few seedlings in a closet are no big deal. Good luck, bro.


Active member
Don't people start plants indoors for their summer vegetable gardens where you live? It would look a lot more suspicious if you had a quality light and filter system set up. Having some seeds sprouting under a CFL light is not unusual this time of the year.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
comeon man, you were just sprouting some seedlings for your vegetable garden whats the big deal?
ok...i'm gonna trash my babies. Sucks, but oh well.

Now, assuming the guy ratted me out...

Anyone have an idea as to how long it would take to get a warrant for something like this?

And will be on some kind of watch list now, meaning i can't do this again (at least not here)?

Yeah, i'm paranoid. They take your house for this BS.


Well-known member
you did the safe thing, probably nothing would have happened, probably
but sounds like the down side was too down
does your state routinely try to confiscate? that's the extreme side


Well-known member
probably got about um 30 day veg 60 days flower so about 90 days before the electrician comes back and steals your plants just before harvest