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How long do i have before cops come?

The Bling

Yummybud is this you?

well where i come from if your an electrician you grow weed.
or a propane delivery guy
or a contractor
or a plumber
its all in your head he could be either a narc, not give a fuck, or the sickest fucking grower in your area and just by walking in your house he upped your yield GROW BALLS THEN GROW WEED


The cat that loves cannabis
No way they are coming for you with a door kicker warrent, not happening, a knock and talk at best.
Maybe enough to supeana your electric bill, which will be nothing.
This guy had enough stuff to do in his day already without stopping everything and running to the cops about the few solo cups he saw.
Your fine, all you lost was your peace of mind.


Active member
call him back for a small job and smoke a j in front of him while he is working. you will soon know his feelings about pot. all the electricians i know are cool . they make great money and appreciate the buisness. alot smoke or maybe i am just lucky


yea I agree with most people here. Be safe...but the cops deffinately dont have a reason to come blasting through your door. Even if they did come...which they won't you dont have to let them in. They have to monitor people for a while to get a warrant legally. So unless your pushing some serious weight I wouldn't worry. Like others have said already if your worrying this much then the stress isn't worth the reward. You'll give yourself a fucking heart attack

good drown

This is why i think you did the right thing....

the mere fact the plants were in a closet, upstairs where he had no business going. had they been in the kitchen or living room out in the open, then you could play it off better. maybe go buy some veggie seed packs and have a few laying around the house when you called him back for that "inspection".

with everyone having cameras on their phones and whatnot, who knows what could happen. if he took a picture and went to the police, and explained it all, and showed them the pic, that could be enough. in alot of places, 16 seedlings is the same as 16 6 footers in full bloom

i wouldn't like the fact he would go upstairs with asking, not cool


Ive had the water company 20 feet from a 2k grow for 3 hours putting a electronic remote meter in. All that blocked them from the entire grow area was a shelf in front of a blanket. You better believe I didn't leave there side till they were out the front door lol. Now my grow is in a place where no one has business being except myself. Not close to any meters, electric boxes, heavy plumbing, or anything else that ANYONE but myself would need to get to.

1. few seeds not sprouted if your worried flush them and start over in a few months you shouldn't have much of an investment in at this point.
2. If you ever think your gonna about to get raided this is not where you go. cleaning your growroom/house is what you should be doing. When my house got broken into all evidence was gone in a few hours even though the cops never came.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
What I love about this is the "StealthScrog" as the username WHILE running a random ass cord into a closet with the door half ass opened WITH someone you don't know in your damn house and UNAWARE that they even went upstairs.
What I love about this is the "StealthScrog" as the username WHILE running a random ass cord into a closet with the door half ass opened WITH someone you don't know in your damn house and UNAWARE that they even went upstairs.

ditto... I am sorry to say this, but I don't think you should be growing at all. This type of mistake is really unacceptable. Germinated seeds that haven't popped up? Why not put them in a sock drawer or something? They don't even need light. Did you know he was coming? Couldn't you wait to germinate for 3 days?

But above all, why weren't you the electrician's shadow, and why was that door open? Geesh.


I hear a lot of plausible deniability stuff here such as "what did he really see?" "there's nothing illegal about sprouting some veggies" ect.

While this stuff may work in a court of law if all evidence has been destroyed, it probably will not work for the cops. Scenario: cops get the call from the electrician, suspect a grow-op, you answer the door and they claim to smell marijuana and let themselves in. End of story. You may be able to talk your way out of things like that once in a while, but you should not rely on that chance.

Just imagine you were a police officer, would you really believe that somebody who looks like you (whatever you may look like) is just growing daisies in their bathroom closet?


cops arnt dumb if they have been told which i doubt theyl come back in couple months when they actually have something worth attaining a warrent for theyre not going to come tomorrow when they cant do shit are they

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