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How I got roots in 6 days.


Its so dry where I'm at though. Colorado around winter time is about 0% humidity. I'm not sure I have a choice. All portions of the cutting above the coco look totally fine too, but below its a god damn limp dick.


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ICMag Donor
thats from the coco staying to wet Nacho .... keep it moist . not saturated & not dried out .... moist & i doubt you'll need the dome either . just spray the leaves 2 or 3x a day & you'll be fine .
it takes a little getting used to, to get the moisture level right but once you do .... it'll amaze you how easy cloning in straight coco is . i use nothing to charge the coco & only use RO water to feed them & spray them with . once i see roots , they go into another tray , under stronger lights & start getting veg feeds .

the least amount of light you can give them before roots .... the better your sucsess rate will be . a 15 watt cfl about a foot above them is all you need .

cuts that rooted go in under the t5 on the left untill i transplant them into 5" squares & put them down under the big T5 rack to veg .



Active member
Cloning in coco is giving me troubles. I have the medium temps between 75-78, humidity dome, and I squeeze all the water out of the coco by hand. I pack the coco around the stem nice and tight, but a bunch of them fall over after a few days. When I pull the clone out the stem is soft and thinned out. What's so weird about this is that it even happened in one where the coco was very dried out. It happens at all sorts of moisture levels. Am I packing the coco too tight against the stem?

What rooting hormone are you using? What is your humidity under the dome? Moist coco, not soaked.....packing the stem too tight is not possible, but too loose and you will fail. Mist your dome, don't loose it.....that is horrible advice. Your coco should not dry out if your humidity is good. Advise you to get your clone area prepped before chopping clones. Monitor the humidity, spray underside of dome if humidity drops. If you are using a heating pad, be careful of hotspots. Follow my tips and you should not fail....ever
I tried different levels of medium saturation and it still occurred. From very dry to hand squeezed. Area is prepped and set days before. Never misted, dome is full of condensation. I'll try again. Maybe I'm just giving out bad vibes.


Active member
I tried different levels of medium saturation and it still occurred. From very dry to hand squeezed. Area is prepped and set days before. Never misted, dome is full of condensation. I'll try again. Maybe I'm just giving out bad vibes.

What rooting hormone you using? The coco should not dry out, if it does the stem will dry out. Just fill the cup with coco and push the excess moisture. If the clone wilts after a few days, chances are the coco was too dry or the humidity dropped. If stem is mushy, the coco is too wet Or excessive heat on bottom of cup. Good luck
I used a random powder this time but ive used clonex, root tech, and dip n grow with similar symptoms on a few. For some reason it was a little worse this time.


Active member
I used a random powder this time but ive used clonex, root tech, and dip n grow with similar symptoms on a few. For some reason it was a little worse this time.

I use Vita grow liquid, soak stem for a minute and put clone in coco. Powder not as good IMO...I tried a powder many years ago.....I think it rotted the stem. What coco you use?
Ok I'm going to do another batch with some different stuff and much drier medium. I wish I had a moisture meter so I could experiment and find the best level of saturation. I'll do it doen the road.


Active member
Ok I'm going to do another batch with some different stuff and much drier medium. I wish I had a moisture meter so I could experiment and find the best level of saturation. I'll do it doen the road.

You are over thinking things! Just take a 9 oz cup, poke a few holes in the bottom. Fill with coco I suggest Canna, use 1/2 strength nutes to moisten coco. Push excess moisture out of bottom with thumbs. Poke a hole in coco for stem, I use chop stix. Use cloning solution and push stem to bottom, pack around stem good. Keep clone chamber 75-80f....humidity high. Small light couple feet away. You won't fail! What coco you use?
Canna although I can't use cups because I have to do so many. I use a 50 insert tray. And yeah, I always overthink. Molec biologist first, grower second.


Active member
I don't like the trays....do me and yourself a favor. Try my method, just with a few. I bet you will have success with cups. They hold more coco, you can take massive cuts. Saves veg time.... I promise if you try a few in cups and follow my advice, u will have roots 100%. Try 9 oz clear cups, cut down a little bit to make a little shorter for smaller clones. I get roots 100% of the time. Just take a small rubbermaid and use Saran wrap as a dome. Mist the Saran wrap and you can take massive clones if you want. Good luck


Active member
rapid rooters, dome, and Ro water get me roots in 5-7 days I've used Ez cloners and aero cloners and just planting straight to soil...I had 100% to soil and rapid rooters of course 100% keep it simple.
Ok so the next batch all failed. It was quite a bit drier this time. I used powder and clonex which is runny gel. Limp dick clones again BUT this has been all with plain non pH adjusted water. I'm trying again with fully nuted pH adjusted water. I wetted one coco cube in my tray down with the full on Head formula, pushed down but not hard to get out some water, did a simple scissors cut, dipped lightly in clonex, and packed it down in the coco. All other parameters are in check. This time the one cutting appears to be sitting firmer in the coco. No limp dick so far. It's only been 2 days. If it shows nubs in 7 days then I'll do a whole batch with fully nuted water and report back.


Active member
Full nutes? Why? That is unnecessary, and too hot for some plants. Some can handle it, but only need 1/2 strength. Also, I never told you to make your coco dryer...in fact I told you that you already had it too dry. On top of that you are using trays, which dry out much quicker than my cup method. Any container you choose pack the coco tight....so it is kinda like a rapid rooter. Too loose or to dry, you fail. Try a cup, just once....for the hell of it


Active member
Are you using a heating mat? Sounds like they are getting too hot and moist.
I cut my clone and put it directly into a cup of coco.
I water with warm tap.
Sometimes I use rooting powder from HD.
Then I put them in a humidity dome without spraying.
Theres enough moisture from the cups of coco that I dont spray anything...
I keep the heating pad set to just under 80 and close the vents for the first day.
I put the clones in my bathroom or the side of my flower room where they wont get much light at all.
They wont wilt or anything.
3 days later I have them to the side of a t5 or t8.
Just tap water until you see some yellowing and then hit them with 6/9
Dont pull them out and look at the roots.


Active member
If they wilt after a couple days, the most likely reason is low humidity or dry coco. If coco is too moist, they won't wilt....but the stem will rot. And yes too much heat will rot. I suggest no direct heat under cups if possible. Some people can get away without spraying lid, but winter and low humidity time is now for many. Better safe than sorry, less chance of failure and spraying the lid does not add extra moisture to the coco. Good luck

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