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How Hard Is Growing Bud..........?......HAHA


Smokes, lets go
hey tg last time i saw it was 2 1k hps,

could be wrong been a wile since i seen it myself but evevry thing looks to be going great.

you gonna need help trimmin?


full time daddy
thx norcal..... i might not sure yet.... i cut 3 little one's last night {the bigger one's just blocked all the light and they did not even hardly bud up} so i only have 34 left to cut..... hehe but they still have 20 more days to grow.... today is day 52 n from what i hear its a 70-75 day strain...

tg u would be dumb to veg 4 week's in a coli {unless you lst'd the shit outa it and built a nice scrog screen}..... 2 week's was 2 long for every other site but would be about right for every3rd site remember strain depinding.... grape ape needs a 5 day under 175 then a 10-15 day under 1k's befor fliped with 1 every site, this jack's cleaner is looking like a 5 day under 175 & a 5 day under 1 k's every3rd site....

rave it's 2 1k hps bulb's {cheap one's i think i payed 5 bux each} 4-6 pound's is what i avg last round was really weak and i pulled like 3 time be for that was around 5 i have yet to get 6 but thats my goal..... again this round i will be short do to the mod nannering on me i still have yet to plant the left side i had all the clones ready but refuse to run a strain i will have to cut early or let go and end up with seed's....NO thx... :) all get a pic of the fan/duct work here in a min for ya... i use a 8"canfan split into 2 6" 1 go's to the 2 cooltubes then ducted to the veg room the other is to a can filter .38 that cycles the room in summer i run a 5500 btu a/c window unit and c02 undo the filter and rerun ducting to the back of the a/c unit ....

tg it's 2 1k hps

try 1 a day
smoke 1
take 1 cut
transplant 1
move 1 to flower
harvest 1
smoke 1
it keep's the veg/mom room small and only have to deal 1 a day it's what im gonna start doing 98 with a 300 site is going to be hard..... i would go with the mini mod's and do 3 or 4....


full time daddy
day 52

jc {same plant ^ }

the mod mom & thunk mom.....
tg if u look here u can see the 6" vent that go's from the cooltube to the veg room...

and here's the fan set up


00420 - thanks for answering my many questions. I totally understand when you say strain depending when talking about length of veg. I already grabbed the big boy mods cause they were way cheaper than the minis, but i kinda regret it because theyre fuckin huge and a pain in the ass..oh well work with ya got. I plan on running purple diesel and i think it wont stretch much, if it were blue dream or hindu skunk i understand it would be a week veg tops. thanks for the idea of doing a perpetual but i dont think its gonna work in my situation.

a couple of questions, why aren't there any plants on the very top rows and is the aluminum tape there to prevent alagae growth or to stop the perlite from overflowing from the plant sites.

Thanks again man for putting on a great grow show, and that jacks cleaner looks yummy!


full time daddy
i kinda regret it because theyre fuckin huge and a pain in the ass. thanks for the idea of doing a perpetual but i dont think its gonna work in my situation.

a couple of questions, why aren't there any plants on the very top rows and is the aluminum tape there to prevent alagae growth or to stop the perlite from overflowing from the plant sites.

Thanks again man for putting on a great grow show, and that jacks cleaner looks yummy!

TG, even the mini's are HUGE but once set up u should never have to worry about it...... i have not cleaned mine out for like 2 yr's just add new perlite/verm the tape is there to stop the overflow, it dump's right onto the plant below and this is where your really gonna hate your big boy mod's :p in the mini's u only have too worry about 1 row per mod on the big boy your goin to have to worry about every row but the top....

the top row was not planted cuz the 2 1k's really dont cover the full area.....the plants drop a lil over foot under the bottem row where the 5 gallon buckets are all take a pic of this weekend so u can see what im talking about..... it all so grow's over the top of the mod the mini mod's are 16" ( x 3 = 48 + 24{foot on top&bottem = 6 feet of light covrage if i plant the top row i would be over 7 feet and would have to add in more light {i been thinking about putting in a cmh 400 in the center but just have not came to do it yet.....

ps...... kotton mouth kings suck!!
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full time daddy
day 64

day 64

so i planed on cutting a few down toDay but when i went in last night there still not flushed like i would like them to be and really they dont look ready...... new white hair's just start popping out again this is the same thing the thai plant did when it went into it's next stage of budding......so i broke out the 30x and there still clear!!!!! im gonna leave them for 10 more days maybe longer i did how ever cut down the FFA's & 2-3 JC's that got lost in the wood's & NO light at all......LOL but nice testers :)
all post pic's & #'s from them to night...... they should be dry


STU {from one side to the other is about 5'10" and there only 6"-8" or so apart.......... u do the math }

side shot....

top shot...


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full time daddy
Looks amazing! What are the empty keg cups for?

i veg my clone's in the keg cup's.... once root's start coming out the bottem there ready to plant..... (5-15 days)..... i all so have them in everysite in the coli that way i can fill the coli up with perlite mix and when im ready to plant i just pull it out and theres a mould of the cup in perlite making it easy for the one coming outa the cup to slip right in.... where u dont see keg cup's is where a plant has allready growen once theres no more empty spots in coli i let the perlite dry for 5-7 days and i can pull the root's right out and start over... i lose maybe 10% of my mix when pulling the root's out so its very cheap 1 bag per 2 grow's then yearly all dump it all out n use new........ im going back to 50/50 perlite/vermiculite


You definitely have it dialed 00420. Are you going back to the 50/50 because the perlite doesn't hold as much moisture as you would like? My plan is to do the 70/30 perlite/coco because I have only grown in coco.

In the arista manual it recomends putting a window screen or something similar over the the drains of the bulkheads, do you recomend doing that?

Also I read that ddoc recomends using the mh in the middle for a mixed spectrum, but i read that part after i purchased my ballasts and bulbs, do you think it makes that big of a difference? By looking at your pics I would assume not really, but I'm no pro like you, so whats your opinion

thanks for answering my many noob questions, I m so excited to try this method i just don't have many references. Your threads are the only ones i seem to find, So Quicks thread never finished. And I didn't really read that much on OG back in the day and Cannabis world has useful info but there really isnt any documented grows.


full time daddy
You definitely have it dialed 00420. Are you going back to the 50/50 because the perlite doesn't hold as much moisture as you would like? My plan is to do the 70/30 perlite/coco because I have only grown in coco.

In the arista manual it recomends putting a window screen or something similar over the the drains of the bulkheads, do you recomend doing that?

Also I read that ddoc recomends using the mh in the middle for a mixed spectrum, but i read that part after i purchased my ballasts and bulbs, do you think it makes that big of a difference? By looking at your pics I would assume not really, but I'm no pro like you, so whats your opinion

thanks for answering my many noob questions, I m so excited to try this method i just don't have many references. Your threads are the only ones i seem to find, So Quicks thread never finished. And I didn't really read that much on OG back in the day and Cannabis world has useful info but there really isnt any documented grows.

im just doing it cuz my home depot only had 2 bags of each LOL..... i use coco mat over the bulk head i been thinking about running a cmh 400 in the middle i just have not come to spend the $250 it would cost.....
i like adding blue color to my room's but not much is really needed i used to do 1 hort blu to 4 hps and it was just about right for a 10x10...

thx norcal.......


thanks for the replies, so im trying to fill this thing up with perlite/coco and i have been using a gh 1 gallon container with the bottom cut off kind of like a funnel, and just pouring it into one of the empty plant holes. But it is taking FOREVER, do you have any recomendations for filling it up faster. At this rate ill be up for two days straight.


full time daddy
thanks for the replies, so im trying to fill this thing up with perlite/coco and i have been using a gh 1 gallon container with the bottom cut off kind of like a funnel, and just pouring it into one of the empty plant holes. But it is taking FOREVER, do you have any recomendations for filling it up faster. At this rate ill be up for two days straight.

i use a 44 oz cup w/bottem cut out make sure its the "cup holder" one or it dont fit the hole...... it takes about 1 gallon per plant site i use 64 oz "big gulp's" to dump in to the 44oz cup my wife helps and we get a lil grove going can knock out one side in about 2 hr's thats empty & spray it out stack back up mix n fill....


full time daddy
1. 22 gram's
2. 25 gram's
3. 38 gram's {i thought this one would have been 56-75 grams.... PIC above w/55 gallon drum}

then the FFA'S {i belive there was 5} 86 gram's

JC 23 plants ......280 gram's {edit: gave the biggest plant a lil extra time to dry ;) ....... +56 gram's = 336

JC 4 plants ....... 146 gram's
JC bottems ....... ...... 206 grams

The white..... coming in right at 13 gram's this clone was just lost in the jungle but is really got a kick to her im gonna give her a go she needed a lil veg time..... she had like 1 day

CT {not cut yet} my guess.... 15 gram's? {edit} cut 13 grams

= 464 1.07lb

{edit: 520} 1.16 lb

{edit: 885} 1.97 lb
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Hey 00420 how are the jacks cleaner doing, and what kind of pump are you using? I also noticed you keep the misters in the drip lines.

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