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How do you speed up the ripening at late flowering


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Ok guys, I searched some infos on the subject but didn't find anything noticeable...

I read various techniques in the past from several people about speed up the ripening of a plant in late flowering.I mean, some kind of plants are just slow to ripen, and will not fatten up anymore, but just let the pistils fall down and turn its thricomes from clear to cloudy\amber.How do you speed up this process?

I just wonder if any of you has some tips, in the past I used GHE ripen, but didn't notice any speed up, I work in rdwc btw...



Reducing the light cycle to 10/14 usually works
Why would this work? If you want them to fatten up, dont you want more light, so the plant can get more energy to produce buds?

If that method is not for fattening the buds up, and just making the trichs go amber... isnt it a waste of a grow, not letting the buds reach their potential maximum weight?


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
I tried a couple of time to reduce photo-period but honestly I didn't notice anything ripening faster :dunno:

Instead I noticed in the last bluecheese run, a drop in temperature, not a drastic one, could induce the plants to ripen faster....but as ever this is just an impression...

I don't think reducing fertilizers could help....or does it could?


I 'm a little puzzled here as to why you would want to shorten your flowering period. like, isn't it that the longer the plant flowers the bigger the flowers are?


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
watching some greenhouse seeds vids, they mention 'drying' the rootzone several times during flowering growth as a method to speed ripening - however it was ebb/flow and let's be honest...they're pitchmen pitching their seeds. almost expect half of it to be bullshit, but all the same it's something that piqued my curiosity.

doesn't do much for you in dwc, as that'd take some interesting plumbing (or a lotta effort) - and that's with the 'this smells like bullshit' caveat to boot.


Active member
1. A patch of direct sunlight in the living room.

2. It also seemed to me that when I was growing under Halogens with the glass uv cover plate removed they had shorter bloom times. Least I'm pretty sure it was the halo's I have a Mercury Vapor lamp running in there as well. It however, is still going and the Hals are off untill next winter when I need to drop the heating bill. Since then it seems as if things are taking at least an extra week.

3. Time. Not saying it to be a smartass but really after coming this far along do you want to force finish? Having just finished a plant that spent 113 days in the bloom room I can relate to "will it ever end" feelings.

*I'm a soil guy not sure how practical option 1 will be but it does appear to work.


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
I 'm a little puzzled here as to why you would want to shorten your flowering period. like, isn't it that the longer the plant flowers the bigger the flowers are?

This thread's topic is not on why I'm searching to force ripening of my plants....however to satisfy your curiosity I need to dismantle my indoor garden for some days in the next month (personal issue)
and I sure prefer to smoke less buds but more ripen.
I know flowers will fatten up more and more, but at now they're big enough to let me smoke my ganja for some months,so I don't need more pot but ripen pot.

1. A patch of direct sunlight in the living room.

Often I did this with potted plants.Can't say if it was faster to ripen, but it did ripen at least.
However I prefer to place the plant\s on my balcony directly under the sun.
In this case, working in dwc it's quite impossible to do.

2. It also seemed to me that when I was growing under Halogens with the glass uv cover plate removed they had shorter bloom times. Least I'm pretty sure it was the halo's I have a Mercury Vapor lamp running in there as well. It however, is still going and the Hals are off untill next winter when I need to drop the heating bill. Since then it seems as if things are taking at least an extra week.

Why did you use halogen lamps?
This thing on uv rays make sense,but I remember a thread where SamSkunkman wrote that analyzing clones grown with and without uv rays didn't make any difference...anyone remember?

However after some experience seems to me that sunlight helps to turn thricomes cloudy\amber.

Don''t fuck with mother nature, learn patience, it will serve you better.

My dream is to can freely grow my plants biologically in my soil, under the big hps....however when I started to grow indoor I understood I have more power to control things.
I control the light,the medium,fertilizers....pretty everything.
So why finding a way to increase the speed in ripening should be ''fuck with mother nature'' ?
Is turn from 18\6 to 12\12 natural? Isn't it ''fuck with m.n.'' too?
And what natural does it mean to you?
Is a Ophiocordyceps camponoti-balzani and its crazy way to reproduce more natural of me growing indoor my medicine?

Points of view man....

Peace :wave:


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
watching some greenhouse seeds vids, they mention 'drying' the rootzone several times during flowering growth as a method to speed ripening - however it was ebb/flow and let's be honest...they're pitchmen pitching their seeds. almost expect half of it to be bullshit, but all the same it's something that piqued my curiosity.

doesn't do much for you in dwc, as that'd take some interesting plumbing (or a lotta effort) - and that's with the 'this smells like bullshit' caveat to boot.

interesting.....did you remember wich video was?
however as you said, I can't do this with dwc....



Active member
yeah either, reducing light time ratio, which will/may reduce yield & bulk slightly, depending on when its done. &or use a forcing solution like 'Ripe'(or do both). id only be botherd at like wks 7-9. if things went progressing as you wanted. just consider a decent flush.
typical seed plant/bug type question. forcing(ripening) solutions work well, but must be used properly ime!(sparingly) ABA, something i wanna try is stress flushing with ice/water.
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rock solid

think this is the ripen what scroggerman is on about good stuff bro :)


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Registered User
Can't recall which book I read it in (?title... not a canna book), but Ethylene gas was mentioned as a trigger for ripening in particular... something like the plant produces it's own late in flowering which is it's natural trigger for finishing. This is just what I read. And related to it, banana peels give off Ethylene gas as they ripen. Take this as a rumor as I can't source cite it bro... nor have I played with it... pretty sure it was a plant book of some sort...???


Active member

The only way I know of is by forcing more Carbon into the plant. And I'm NOT talking about CO2. I'm talking about Carbon. Carbon is the building blocks for sugars and everything else in a growing plant.


Hit the link and DL the pdf.
I've done this on a 5 acre plot spraying a 50/50 mix of Methanol and water some 20 years ago. I worked my way up to that ratio. I would start at a lower rate... maybe 10/90 or 20/80. Needs to be done in full sun or full light. Without intense radiation allowing the plant to use the extra carbon via the foliar application, it will burn the leaves. At least 6 to 8 hours of full intense light after a spray is mandatory. Full intense light... no problems. I wouldn't even spray if there were clouds in the sky back 20 years ago when I did this. Full Light.

I stopped doing this because it was not cost effective on grapes. For this crop, and a few pots in the back room, the cost would be minimal.

This works! Earlier harvest with heavier fruit and more sugar. Should do the same here.
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Active member
Cold temps in the dark period definitely will cause earlier ripening . Day temps in the low 80's and nights in the high 40's to low 50's seems to trigger senescence in cannabis.

I know some members on here swear by dark periods say every 2 weeks throw in a 24hr dark period. Haven't tried this yet but I intend to. Probably would want to use a stable strain for this one.



Active member
Why did you use halogen lamps?
Mainly for spectrum but also because they were $5 and it was winter.

I did a short experiment this past winter using every cheap light source they told me was crap. Almost an embarrassment to point it out to people but we all learn from experience. I learned alot with this one. Especially about garden pests and too many people living under one roof. https://www.icmag.com/ic/album.php?albumid=28094

Halogens are a "black body radiator" style light. Emitting all spectrums much like our sun. I can barely wait to try again this winter. I'm thinking on a 500W-700W spaceheater setup for the living room this time.

In all truth I saved money heating my home with them last year. The monthly combination of Electricity & Natrual Gas coming in around $50 per month less than the previous year's expenses.

The best part was listening to the wife bitch about it being too hot in the bedroom during below zero temps outdoors.

I think I may have read SamSkunkman's article also. I'm a 2cnd grader on this growing thing but I do like to read. I have read in a few places now that the trichome function involves UV light. I'm not remembering specifics at the moment but it's either a receptor or a blocker or something like that. They somehow measured the light passing thru the trich and it seems to only catch the uv's. That was many bowls ago but I believe that is how it goes.


Registered User
Made me curious again... dug through the boxes & found...

"Secrets of High Yield Plant Growth"
Reinders, Graham. 2001

States that Ethylene hormone is used by the plant for a ripening signal, and likely a gas allows a plant to ripen uniformly.

Most interesting reference is...

"These [Bloom Enhancers] often contain napthaleneacetic acid, which mimics the ethylene hormone and makes the plant think the end of the season has arrived early, so the plant has to rush to get it's blooms out. Fruit-setting sprays also mimic the end-of-season hormone signals. Some are just plain phosphorous nutrient, because at bloom and fruit time the plant ships extra phosphorous to the blooms."
Cold temps in the dark period definitely will cause earlier ripening . Day temps in the low 80's and nights in the high 40's to low 50's seems to trigger senescence in cannabis.

I know some members on here swear by dark periods say every 2 weeks throw in a 24hr dark period. Haven't tried this yet but I intend to. Probably would want to use a stable strain for this one.


I like this one too but Im throwing caution to the wind and doing chem ibl and sdibl..........


Active member
Made me curious again... dug through the boxes & found...

"Secrets of High Yield Plant Growth"
Reinders, Graham. 2001

States that Ethylene hormone is used by the plant for a ripening signal, and likely a gas allows a plant to ripen uniformly.

Most interesting reference is...

"These [Bloom Enhancers] often contain napthaleneacetic acid, which mimics the ethylene hormone and makes the plant think the end of the season has arrived early, so the plant has to rush to get it's blooms out. Fruit-setting sprays also mimic the end-of-season hormone signals. Some are just plain phosphorous nutrient, because at bloom and fruit time the plant ships extra phosphorous to the blooms."

I gave you the answer a few posts back. Ethylene will not increase yield. I use it year in and year out for color enhancement. Use it at the wrong time and you will wish you hadn't.


Active member
ive heard all sorts of things like replacing the bulbs with MH last 2 weeks....colder temps is another thing that also works for getting purple hues...i flush a few times, then let her dry out nice to "starve" and stress...then flush again before picking...not sure if that even does anything but i get nice frost....i like my weed covered in crystals..

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