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How do you achieve 1gpw??



The best way to get 1 gpw is by getting a nice even coating of bullshit...
Best way I know howta get rid of trolls is not listening to the nice even coating of bullshit they`re so familiar with....

Haters gonna hate... True Growers overcome and proliferate....

All about runs under yer belt....guaranteed..... and then....it`s....




The best way to get 1 gpw is by getting a nice even coating of bullshit...

I just hit 0,5 GPW with my first indoor run. Mixed strain seed-SOG, not all heavy yielders, i made every mistake in the book and then some...in addition to my fucked up equipment and very bad reflectors.
100% more should be absolutly possible.

Ground Up

weeddaddy may I humbly suggest doing your own research and making your own decisions. The most helpful function on this forum is the search button (and ignore), not post. I think 14 pages should be enough of this thread, plus countless others, for you to come to some kind of conclusion about the benefits or drawbacks of vertical in your setup. You know what I'm going to say: do it. You know what DHF's going to say: don't do it and stop trolling with your crazy ideas. The best teacher is experience, not random dumbasses on the Internet. Be sure to post up your results so we can admire them and help others learn.


All you do is run around from thread to thread bashing people and blessing us with your garbage, I'm sure your the best grower here, get the best yields ,and is a real badass at the gym...people like you make me laugh. The internet has giving you the biggest balls. If i was in the room with you ,you wouldn't say shit.....
Having said that Weeddaddy is here to learn a new method also...and Dhf is here to offer advice.........I to have some advice for you and if you want it pm me..
Just doing some quick math...and looking for ways to improve my yield....any suggestions?

Your lights are too large for the tray and I say this because with sog I believe it is best to "cover" than to "penetrate."

If I had large plants then I understand large lights in a small space. But for sog we don't need to go down but 6 inches or so. 2-3 week veg. 40w per foot is fine in sog. Al b fuct is at 37 per foot.

If I had a 4x6 tray I would use two 600s. But with your 1000's I would go 5x5.

With clones that veg for 2-3 weeks and flower within 14 weeks I feel the 7x7 pots I believe 2 gallon pots are the largest that I would go with. So in your 4x6 tray I would run 60 plants and worry about the top buds. Every plant in the 7x7 pots should give you at least 15 grams of bud.

So on the low end 900 grams on my count. Almost a gram per watt. This is how I figure out my strains.

Lastly one thing that I haven't read from most on this thread is the importance of your veg light. Lucas spoke about the importance of veg light.


When I first started to grow I used a 4 bulb t5 now I use a 400w hps and my yield has increase by about 40%. Double my veg watts almost doubled my yield... I'm soon increasing this to 600hps flowered under a 600. This I know will add to my yield more then any grow pot/bag bloom booster etc...

Here's how I harvest close to a gram per watt.

-Number one in my book. Some have been growing for 20 years. On and off mind you. Some have been growing for years, fulltime. How good do you want to be, the best? Then as gardeners we need to be in the garden or a book for 10 hours and not playing around on the net, drinking beers hanging out with friends pussy or not. It is fulltime and trust me my girl knows her place.

Read other garden forums & botany books outside of weed.
Remember anyone can write a book, blog or post on the net. What I find is especially with organics is the BS spread around the forums by someone with a bigger internet personality then you so why argue?

Time with strain
- I haven't bought a new seed since Super Lemon Haze first hit the market. It took me two years to hit 1 gpw. I am very fortunate to have a setup to harvest every two week. So if you look at that time and how many harvest it took, switch ups and all of that... Man! So if anyone (self included) expects to buy a few seeds, pots, lights, special amended soil from space and hit a gram per watt within a few months. You’re kidding yourself, no matter if you follow me, Heath, Al B or Lucas (not saying it like that). It just takes time with 1 strain.

Veg light watts close to equaling flowering light watts.
-Very important as stated above. Lucas is the only person I have been able to find to start discussing this matter and I’m researching this now.

Temp and humidity.
Mold, rot, heat and we blame the seeds!! lol
-Important, but IMHO not as important as time with strain, experience, temp and humidity or veg light. People on the net have the best of everything and still can’t hit .5, yeah, your right it’s the seeds. Can’t get these best seeds started? Yeah, your right it’s the seeds.But not every seed is made to hit gpw.

The more shit you have the more shit you will have.
I have a friend who has the craziest areoponic/nft/dwc setup you have ever seen. He has pumps, sprayers, hoses, air stones things that count other things and things that count those things. He is always complaining how something is messing up. But he also says when it’s all setup he will harvest 2 gpw. Well he’s been getting “setup” for 3 years now. But he’s almost there.

So I recommend all of you to learn flat gardening simple hydroponics maybe flood n drain. I know the crazy stuff it works for some, but it doesn’t work for most. I would bet those guys that have the sprayers, pumps with sprayers have the first two above point in order. Experience and time with strain.

The more nutrients a person has, I'm willing to bet they have more problems... Think about it...

Veg Length and Pot Size.

5" pots
3x3 36 plants @ 2/3 weeks veg 400-600 hps (Lucas)
4x4 48 plants @ 2/3 weeks veg 600-1000 hps (Lucas)

Only worry about top nodes, zero branching.

7x7" pots
4x4 16 plants @ 4 weeks veg 1000 hps (Earth Juice)
I allow side branching within pot.

7 gallon pots (Scrog)
4x4 4 plants @ 8-9 weeks veg 600w (Dyna Grow)

I’m in soil mind you, flat garden.

Daddy, this isn’t a bash at you at all. It’s just my being high.
You guys take care, were smokers not enemies!!
Last edited:

Ground Up

The ignore button. You heard of this right? Pretty sure I mentioned it somewhere....oh, right, it was in the very last post actually.

Thanks bro, I certainly wouldn't claim any of that, but I appreciate the vote of confidence.


Another ASSumption by another ASShole

I'm here to offer advice too.

Here's some for you: Fuck off

LOL I guess pre-schools out early this year!!! no bid deal... !!


For an old man you sure are immature as fuck. Nobody's trolling here except you, so maybe you need to start smoking some less racy paranoid shit before you have a heart attack. The last thing this forum needs is to lose access to the pearls of wisdom and genius that lie buried deep in that thick, impenetrable skull of yours. What the fuck would we ever do without the benefit of your vast experience, DHF? The whole cannabis industry would probably be set back at least a couple weeks. :laughing:
Your time`s comin.....Bet on it troll....

Where`s HGO when I need him ta deal with your dumbass...

Only a matter of time GYB...then poof....you`ll be gone....

Ground Up

Your time`s comin.....Bet on it troll....

Where`s HGO when I need him ta deal with your dumbass...

Only a matter of time GYB...then poof....you`ll be gone....

LOL hey DHF ill send you a seed pack of your choice to make it happen!!!


Call the cops DHF it's what you're best at

Still haven't found that ignore button I guess. Put on your glasses if you need to, and keep looking
Clock`s tickin Numb Nuts......

I don`t haveta call ANYBODY for your ignorance spewin out yer ass....The ignore button don`t apply to trolls that`re an accident about to happen....and....

Seems like you`re "familiar" with the use of the ignore button and just further allows ALL of us to know where most all your posts have ended up .....as in........Ignored....

Tick Tock Mutherfucker...Poof...:ying:...
Growyourboat...thank you for the suggestion.

Growyourboat...thank you for the suggestion.

I search IC mag almost every day for ways to improve my grow, and your right about grows under your belt...it's like anything else...it becomes automatic after a while.....There are several ways for me to improve my GPW...and I am putting them into motion slowly.....for me...its all about tables I have available to make changes to....while keeping up with the weekly cloning, making sure my veg room has enough plants to feed the tables...and then keeping with all the day to day work assoicated with my grow.....but my good friend and the people on IC are very supportive on new things to try and get to 1 GPW....so..I have a table dedicated to a pretty major change....a week from now another table will open up and I can try some additional changes.....but once a table is planted....nothing is really changing for 8 weeks......Additionally all the testing...sexing....and always looking for the holy grail of gems in seeds It just takes time.......but I love growing and it has become my passion.

weeddaddy may I humbly suggest doing your own research and making your own decisions. The most helpful function on this forum is the search button (and ignore), not post. I think 14 pages should be enough of this thread, plus countless others, for you to come to some kind of conclusion about the benefits or drawbacks of vertical in your setup. You know what I'm going to say: do it. You know what DHF's going to say: don't do it and stop trolling with your crazy ideas. The best teacher is experience, not random dumbasses on the Internet. Be sure to post up your results so we can admire them and help others learn.

big brother

big brother

Right on......I knew the 2-600 would be perfect for those tables and your right....I will take some of those hints and put them into motion.

Your lights are too large for the tray and I say this because with sog I believe it is best to "cover" than to "penetrate."

If I had large plants then I understand large lights in a small space. But for sog we don't need to go down but 6 inches or so. 2-3 week veg. 40w per foot is fine in sog. Al b fuct is at 37 per foot.

If I had a 4x6 tray I would use two 600s. But with your 1000's I would go 5x5.

With clones that veg for 2-3 weeks and flower within 14 weeks I feel the 7x7 pots I believe 2 gallon pots are the largest that I would go with. So in your 4x6 tray I would run 60 plants and worry about the top buds. Every plant in the 7x7 pots should give you at least 15 grams of bud.

So on the low end 900 grams on my count. Almost a gram per watt. This is how I figure out my strains.

Lastly one thing that I haven't read from most on this thread is the importance of your veg light. Lucas spoke about the importance of veg light.


When I first started to grow I used a 4 bulb t5 now I use a 400w hps and my yield has increase by about 40%. Double my veg watts almost doubled my yield... I'm soon increasing this to 600hps flowered under a 600. This I know will add to my yield more then any grow pot/bag bloom booster etc...

Here's how I harvest close to a gram per watt.

-Number one in my book. Some have been growing for 20 years. On and off mind you. Some have been growing for years, fulltime. How good do you want to be, the best? Then as gardeners we need to be in the garden or a book for 10 hours and not playing around on the net, drinking beers hanging out with friends pussy or not. It is fulltime and trust me my girl knows her place.

Read other garden forums & botany books outside of weed.
Remember anyone can write a book, blog or post on the net. What I find is especially with organics is the BS spread around the forums by someone with a bigger internet personality then you so why argue?

Time with strain
- I haven't bought a new seed since Super Lemon Haze first hit the market. It took me two years to hit 1 gpw. I am very fortunate to have a setup to harvest every two week. So if you look at that time and how many harvest it took, switch ups and all of that... Man! So if anyone (self included) expects to buy a few seeds, pots, lights, special amended soil from space and hit a gram per watt within a few months. You’re kidding yourself, no matter if you follow me, Heath, Al B or Lucas (not saying it like that). It just takes time with 1 strain.

Veg light watts close to equaling flowering light watts.
-Very important as stated above. Lucas is the only person I have been able to find to start discussing this matter and I’m researching this now.

Temp and humidity.
Mold, rot, heat and we blame the seeds!! lol
-Important, but IMHO not as important as time with strain, experience, temp and humidity or veg light. People on the net have the best of everything and still can’t hit .5, yeah, your right it’s the seeds. Can’t get these best seeds started? Yeah, your right it’s the seeds.But not every seed is made to hit gpw.

The more shit you have the more shit you will have.
I have a friend who has the craziest areoponic/nft/dwc setup you have ever seen. He has pumps, sprayers, hoses, air stones things that count other things and things that count those things. He is always complaining how something is messing up. But he also says when it’s all setup he will harvest 2 gpw. Well he’s been getting “setup” for 3 years now. But he’s almost there.

So I recommend all of you to learn flat gardening simple hydroponics maybe flood n drain. I know the crazy stuff it works for some, but it doesn’t work for most. I would bet those guys that have the sprayers, pumps with sprayers have the first two above point in order. Experience and time with strain.

The more nutrients a person has, I'm willing to bet they have more problems... Think about it...

Veg Length and Pot Size.

5" pots
3x3 36 plants @ 2/3 weeks veg 400-600 hps (Lucas)
4x4 48 plants @ 2/3 weeks veg 600-1000 hps (Lucas)

Only worry about top nodes, zero branching.

7x7" pots
4x4 16 plants @ 4 weeks veg 1000 hps (Earth Juice)
I allow side branching within pot.

7 gallon pots (Scrog)
4x4 4 plants @ 8-9 weeks veg 600w (Dyna Grow)

I’m in soil mind you, flat garden.

Daddy, this isn’t a bash at you at all. It’s just my being high.
You guys take care, were smokers not enemies!!

If you do go 600's you will thank yourself. I use trays myself production line method and I replace 4 1000's with 6 600's at first it killed me because I was dependent on the lights then I just became a better grower.

Now I put out a 600w tray every 10-14 days and the yield is on par with my 1000's just because I have more time/grows.

Maybe one day I'll upgrade to 6000 watts. My dream garden.

Good Luck Friend!



Build a setup like this.. (128 site - 600W - Diameter 1.2m. 3,9-4 ft)

And get a strain that yields about this in wet weight under 12/12 from a rootet cut.
-This big..


Do the math, the bud drops about 70% before dried.

I got 6 complete 110mm tubes square 3 floor coligrows under the belt and 1 failed - all with the same strain.

Before my 10th grow i would for sure like to beat the 2 gpw barrier :woohoo:

Thread on grow will come.
Lost....I hear ya

Lost....I hear ya

I have 2 tables set up with light rails....as a test setup...and
been making the bubbler setup for three tables this weekend....that will free up some time to do other things....and get the hand water out of the way and also let me feed with a top drip system.....It took me a while to figure out the system as my tables are 4 x 6 custom made on casters and I have to be able to move them to examine the plants....so finally made a short 3/4" hose setup that is 4' loop setup it give me 2' in both directions + 2' to pull out the table.....just tested the 1st one and it just killer.....really not sure why I did not do it earlier...
but should have 3 tables all set up for auto water with bubblers
on 1.....3/4hp pump....3/4" pipe to 1/4" drip tubing to bubblers.

Table 1 is B"cuz coco...table 2 is Happy frog....table 3 is Happy frog...but about 1 week away from harvest and will be coco next.

thanks for everyones help.

light rails and bubblers


Well-known member
light rails and bubblers

Of course...That is the obvious, what we were missing.. ;) Never used light rails but have seen 'em make used very very effectively. Bubblers though I have used and they kick ass for yields! Make sure your water quality is good (RO/spring) and when you think you have enough bubbles, add more.
Thanks 4 the reminder!

Ground Up

Your lights are too large for the tray and I say this because with sog I believe it is best to "cover" than to "penetrate."

If I had large plants then I understand large lights in a small space. But for sog we don't need to go down but 6 inches or so. 2-3 week veg. 40w per foot is fine in sog. Al b fuct is at 37 per foot.

If I had a 4x6 tray I would use two 600s. But with your 1000's I would go 5x5.

With clones that veg for 2-3 weeks and flower within 14 weeks I feel the 7x7 pots I believe 2 gallon pots are the largest that I would go with. So in your 4x6 tray I would run 60 plants and worry about the top buds. Every plant in the 7x7 pots should give you at least 15 grams of bud.

So on the low end 900 grams on my count. Almost a gram per watt. This is how I figure out my strains.

Lastly one thing that I haven't read from most on this thread is the importance of your veg light. Lucas spoke about the importance of veg light.


When I first started to grow I used a 4 bulb t5 now I use a 400w hps and my yield has increase by about 40%. Double my veg watts almost doubled my yield... I'm soon increasing this to 600hps flowered under a 600. This I know will add to my yield more then any grow pot/bag bloom booster etc...

Here's how I harvest close to a gram per watt.

-Number one in my book. Some have been growing for 20 years. On and off mind you. Some have been growing for years, fulltime. How good do you want to be, the best? Then as gardeners we need to be in the garden or a book for 10 hours and not playing around on the net, drinking beers hanging out with friends pussy or not. It is fulltime and trust me my girl knows her place.

Read other garden forums & botany books outside of weed.
Remember anyone can write a book, blog or post on the net. What I find is especially with organics is the BS spread around the forums by someone with a bigger internet personality then you so why argue?

Time with strain
- I haven't bought a new seed since Super Lemon Haze first hit the market. It took me two years to hit 1 gpw. I am very fortunate to have a setup to harvest every two week. So if you look at that time and how many harvest it took, switch ups and all of that... Man! So if anyone (self included) expects to buy a few seeds, pots, lights, special amended soil from space and hit a gram per watt within a few months. You’re kidding yourself, no matter if you follow me, Heath, Al B or Lucas (not saying it like that). It just takes time with 1 strain.

Veg light watts close to equaling flowering light watts.
-Very important as stated above. Lucas is the only person I have been able to find to start discussing this matter and I’m researching this now.

Temp and humidity.
Mold, rot, heat and we blame the seeds!! lol
-Important, but IMHO not as important as time with strain, experience, temp and humidity or veg light. People on the net have the best of everything and still can’t hit .5, yeah, your right it’s the seeds. Can’t get these best seeds started? Yeah, your right it’s the seeds.But not every seed is made to hit gpw.

The more shit you have the more shit you will have.
I have a friend who has the craziest areoponic/nft/dwc setup you have ever seen. He has pumps, sprayers, hoses, air stones things that count other things and things that count those things. He is always complaining how something is messing up. But he also says when it’s all setup he will harvest 2 gpw. Well he’s been getting “setup” for 3 years now. But he’s almost there.

So I recommend all of you to learn flat gardening simple hydroponics maybe flood n drain. I know the crazy stuff it works for some, but it doesn’t work for most. I would bet those guys that have the sprayers, pumps with sprayers have the first two above point in order. Experience and time with strain.

The more nutrients a person has, I'm willing to bet they have more problems... Think about it...

Veg Length and Pot Size.

5" pots
3x3 36 plants @ 2/3 weeks veg 400-600 hps (Lucas)
4x4 48 plants @ 2/3 weeks veg 600-1000 hps (Lucas)

Only worry about top nodes, zero branching.

7x7" pots
4x4 16 plants @ 4 weeks veg 1000 hps (Earth Juice)
I allow side branching within pot.

7 gallon pots (Scrog)
4x4 4 plants @ 8-9 weeks veg 600w (Dyna Grow)

I’m in soil mind you, flat garden.

Daddy, this isn’t a bash at you at all. It’s just my being high.
You guys take care, were smokers not enemies!!

:thank you:


Sorcerer's Apprentice
(128 site - 600W - Diameter 1.2m. 3,9-4 ft)
View Image

Do the math, the bud drops about 70% before dried.

No offense... but why would you post up a shot of the wet weight instead of the dry weight? I have never bothered to weigh wet buds. Because nobody smokes or buys wet buds.

So... 127g minus 70% = 38.1g dried?

Here's the math:

38.1g x 128 plants = 4876g from a single 600w?

4876g / 600w = 8.128g/w

You're getting 8.128g/w?

You're either:

  • The second coming of Jesus
  • Bad at math
  • Full of shit

Love to see the pics!

Ground Up

No offense... but why would you post up a shot of the wet weight instead of the dry weight? I have never bothered to weigh wet buds. Because nobody smokes or buys wet buds.

So... 127g minus 70% = 38.1g dried?

38.1g x 128 = 4876g from a single 600w?

You're getting 8.128g/w?

You're either:

  • The second coming of Jesus
  • Bad at math
  • Full of shit

Love to see the pics!
..lol.. lol.. Anti ...agreed..... However I do love the set up!!


Sorcerer's Apprentice
..lol.. lol.. Anti ...agreed..... However I do love the set up!!

Totally. The picture looks like this is Heath's little bro. Definitely a well-built room.

It's the numbers that I have issue with.

Plus, his profile has no public albums and here's his info in his description:


3 floor pvc pipe vertical collesium 78 plants
Feeding in NFTstyle with intervals
600W digital

So... in the thread, he claims 128 sites. In his profile, he claims 78 sites.

Even with 78....

78 plants x 38.1g = 2971g

2971g / 600w = 4.953g/w

I simply do not believe it based on the evidence presented.