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How do I revive "dead" seeds ????


When I moved my seeds were exposed to high temps up to 100 degrees for over a month in a room w/o AC. I recently tried to germinate some they all fail to sprout, tried soaking, cracking, peroxide, paper towel, rapid rooters, coco + perlite. No success at all, the seeds are all generally white and look viable inside, but turn to white mush inside when trying to germinate. 10 years of breeding, gone, Including Outlaw's Gorilla Grape and Magic Merlin, Snagglepuss Purple Koolaid, SOL SWT3, Purple Krowberry, Ken's GDP, Nice ISS x Rom line, 4+ of my own fem'd, and many more. Wish I could have have in freezer but for security reasons, was not possible, thank god for pollen! :bashhead:


Active member
when you find a way let me know too my friend :joint:
i have a stash of very old seeds that show same thing. white inside, but go to shit when soaking and germing and do nothing. time t move on to other strains?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
soaking beforehand in 1ml / litre liquid seaweed is s'posed to help old seeds. then try germing them in 70/30 peat/perlite.

wont bring them back from the dead though. if you have plenty of seeds them up the numbers your trying to crack.

good luck



State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Bury them in the pet cemetery.... just be careful you might not like what you get.... -=P


soaking beforehand in 1ml / litre liquid seaweed is s'posed to help old seeds. then try germing them in 70/30 peat/perlite.

wont bring them back from the dead though. if you have plenty of seeds them up the numbers your trying to crack.

good luck

If they're dead, there's little chance of bringing them back, but if they're old, there are some tricks you can use to up your chances of germination.

Like VG said, using liquid seaweed is a good start. I also added aloe vera juice and liquid fulvic acid to germinate some 20+ yo seeds. I used 1 tsp/ga of the liquid seaweed-1 tbsp/ga of Aloe Vera juice-1 tbsp/ga of liquid fulvic as the soak and put seeds in soaked Rapid Rooters.

Aloe Vera and seaweed contain different natural rooting/growth hormones found in commercial rooting products. It would be worth trying anyways, at this point you really haven't much to lose.



Seeds need to be kept dry and cold and away from oxygen. If they're not they will lose vigor in my experience. So you may be able to "revive" them, whether it is worth it or not...?

I had a single seed each of platinum kush and lemon kush and the seeds were old and not kept dry and cold. I desperately wanted to keep the genetics, so I nursed those seedlings even though they were laggards. I think they are genetically damaged. But I kept the strains. Not sure if it was worth it though. I'm growing out the lemon and platinum clones right now so we'll see. Dry and cold is key. And no thermal or mechanical shocks while in cold storage.

If you really want to store seeds or a long time, keep them in a purged airtight jar in the freezer along with some dessicant packs or grains of rice. Purge with CO2 from a bike tire inflator.


I won't go into all the reasons why the seeds weren't stored with the pollen, volume had a lot to do with it. I do not live in MMJ friendly state. I also post very little since OG was shut down. Safe, Secure, Paranoid at times, ESP when choppers are hovering.


ICMag Donor
Soaking for 5 or 6 days in water..Then if they don't germinate in water..Put them in paper towels,,This often works for some reason as ,as soon as they get to the paper towel they germinate..


ICMag Donor
I've got no real tip to offer, except this: When I've had seeds that refused to crack, I would throw them, and the damp paper towel in the trash. One time, before I took the trash out, I fished the paper towel out to check it... it was bone dry, but I had half a dozen sprouts wrapped up inside. I think sometimes the seeds just get water logged and only need to dry out in order to sprout.


when you cry i cry when you smile i smile, when you see one set of footprints it was then that i carried you.

play the sprouts classical music from day 1 in water


Success, I was cleaning out the fridge yesterday and most of the seeds sprouted! They were in a jar for months in a damp paper towel and over a couple oz of hydrogen peroxide.


Active member
Try scuffing the husk with sandpaper or an emery board.

I've had great success germing old seeds by taking a ~5" square of sandpaper, rolling it into a tube, folding the ends, dropping an old seed into it, and shaking the hell out of it for a minute or two. Scuffs it up good. But be advised, even once germinated, the tap root babe is very fragile and needs the utmost care, maybe moist rock-wool under a humidifier dome of some kind with for a week or two. But once you've get her growing, you're good to go from there.


Im not sure how hot my hot tap water is
... 110-20°f .

After two weeks of reluctant germination, i figured what the hell these beans were garbage now. I had an instant idea of running them under my hot water tap. I changed the paper towel then soaked them under the faucet, removed excess water, then back on the mat.... within 24 hours all had sprouted.


Well-known member
I got some pretty good germination by soaking the seeds for several days in Kelp solution which has lots of growth enzymes I guess. I then did the paper towel germination. Those seeds must have been at least 6 years old. I don't know if it would work for fried seeds though.