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How do folks count days/weeks?


Comfortably numb!
Might seem like a simple/stupid question, but it seems a lot of variance wrt when does the clock start with our girls?

My perception/contention is that IMHO there are 3 stages of growth:

  • seedlings
  • veg
  • flower
I do not count the seedling phase until they have sprouted and moved from a plug into a cup/pot. (2 weeks). Veging starts at this point. Week 3 becomes week 1 of veg. I then veg for 4-6 weeks or, until I see mature flower sites. I use feminized seeds. I switch the tent into 24 hrs of darkness prior to the flip. When the lights go to 12/12, that is when I start counting the "flowering weeks". From there I will flower based on the breeders recommendation. Approaching the guidelines, I start using a microscope (too hard too see with a 60X loop, when you wear bi-focals) to check out the trichomes for maturity.

The reason why I ask this question, is that I have seen/heard only once where someone referenced "the day" as "day 47 of flower" ect... which would represent the plant has been flowering for 7 weeks. I grow indoors.

I further understand that all plants aren't created equal and that it is the plant's performance that dictate when we flip 'em. e.g if they aren't ready at week 4 of veg, you go another week or so etc... Folks use different methods e.g when the plant is a foot tall etc... These are all understandable timelines, and all signs need to be considered etc...

Done with the explanation, I ask because I had an auto in my 1st grow. That baby was ready to flip at week V5 (I was aiming for 6 weeks) so no biggy when I flipped them. That being said, my Gdp wasn't ready (IMO) and left her in the veg tent for an extra 6 weeks. It does seem like a long time in veg, and it is but, I was experimenting. During this prolonged vegetative stage, I was able to manicure the plant (topping/fimming). The plant remained nice and compact and was a foot tall and a foot wide before I sent her into 36hrs of darkness. <--- following a recommendation of 24-36hrs of darkness before the flip to really induce flowering.

When I consider the time it took this plant to flower compared to the other 2 (the auto doesn't count) I was amazed as she budded out in 3 days. I don't remember how long it took the other 2 but, I do know it wasn't this quick. I have read here that many do not wait for "plant maturity" during the veging phase before they flip 'em so this could be a factor as well. 2nd week into flower , buds are the size of a nickel and loads of 'em. She stretched 6" the 1st week (expected), now she is concentrating on bud production. She might have grown an extra couple inches (not sure) as I have the girl in braces LOL. (LST)

Now for the 1K$ question? When does the clock start? e.g flowering 9-10 weeks! I am thinking that it means the actual flowering phase, discarding the vegetative phase, which is an important phase but, doesn't count in the overall "flowering time".

I grow strictly for myself and although time = money, I am in no rush to get the girls into jars so to speak. I am growing medicine. Not weed! (not trying to be facetious here) I am aiming at squeezing everything I can from my girls. Gdp will be an interesting experiment. My aim is like everyone else... I want 1g/W If I get 0.5g/W for this 1st grow I will be happy :)

Does this all make sense? Thanks in advance for the incoming discussion:tiphat:


Active member
The clock starts when the plant sees it's first full 12 hours of darkness. In your case it started when you did the 36 hour dark period.

Lost in a SOG

Everybody counts from the day you flip them but the maturity of the plant prior to flipping to 12/12 will really decide how fast they dive into flower. This is where the breeders advice on flowering time gets a bit skewed, if your running cuts or have really mature well vegged plants then flowering initiates faster than a seed given 4 weeks veg and expected just to flip so it takes an extra 2-3 weeks to finish its formative growth after flipping to 12/12 before it gets going on flowering.. They should get at least 6 weeks veg Imo.. So imo if you're flowering mature plants they should finish nearer to the quicker end if the breeders estimate and the opposite for seeds thrown in too young..


Comfortably numb!
The clock starts when the plant sees it's first full 12 hours of darkness. In your case it started when you did the 36 hour dark period.
Thanks :) I call this the transition phase if that makes sense (old brain LOL) Call me OCD but I like my weeks starting on Mondays. When the light went out sat night, it never got turned on until the scheduled time on Mon morning.

Everybody counts from the day you flip them but the maturity of the plant prior to flipping to 12/12 will really decide how fast they dive into flower.
... this is where I was getting confused, as the vegging period is barely discussed with the exception of make sure you veg until your pre-flowers are mature. <--- Not much discussion surrounds this important step, as it seems that most folks want to get as many grows as they can in a given year. The Gdp as expalined flipped fast, and, in retrospect it did take the others longer a couple od weeks would be accurate.
This is where the breeders advice on flowering time gets a bit skewed, if your running cuts or have really mature well vegged plants then flowering initiates faster than a seed given 4 weeks veg and expected just to flip so it takes an extra 2-3 weeks to finish its formative growth after flipping to 12/12 before it gets going on flowering.. They should get at least 6 weeks veg Imo.. So imo if you're flowering mature plants they should finish nearer to the quicker end if the breeders estimate and the opposite for seeds thrown in too young..
Thank you kind sir :) I am just trying to decipher the chaft from the wheat :) and, the aforementioned makes perfect sense. If it takes your girls 2-3 weeks to do the flip, then yes that needs to be added to the overall flowering stage.

I see I am on the right track. Thank you both )

Lost in a SOG

Yeah autos you just leave on 20 or 24 hours light and they do their thing and usually kick in after 5-6 weeks of life no matter what you do. I was referring to none ruderelis/auto genetics before..


Comfortably numb!
Yeah autos you just leave on 20 or 24 hours light and they do their thing and usually kick in after 5-6 weeks of life no matter what you do. I was referring to none ruderelis/auto genetics before..
Question about 20/24 hrs light for autos? I was of the understanding that you just left them at 16/8. She was under a 12/12 regimen as I was using my veg tent for something else.

Lost in a SOG

Yeah well where the ruderelis genetics come from, really high up in siberia, they get basically no darkness in midsummer so people often just dont give their auto plants any darkness and don't see any ill effects, they just finish faster.


Elite Growers Club
Everybody starts counting the flowering time(9-10) when they flip the lights to a 12/12 light cycle. I always counted calendar days....if it was 10wks I'd count 70days on the calendar.

Yes I'd at least have the plant 30-40 days from the seed sprouting. Or usually around the 30-45 day phase you'll notice maturity is enough to flip to 12/12. So if your seedling has seen at min 30-45 days 24/0 or 18/6. You could start the 12/12 and see how things that have flowering time of 9-10 wks will look in 63-70days from the 12/12 light cycle. Remember all flower times greater VARY. Plus some growers including myself like to let them flower a extra wk or so/ visc/vesa.....some guys prefer shorter flowering and may harvest earlier. But with a mature Vegged plant(18-6) I start counting the flowering time 9-10wks the day I flip to 12/12 in calender days .....somewhere in the 63-70 days. But you really not to understand by looking at your plants when there ready to harvest. The flower time breeders give I.e. 9-10wk is under optimal conditions and generally a estimated time. . But your eyes and knowledge of the strain and growing is the key. The breeders reference is a great estimate for normal optimal grows. Times Vary


Active member
i count 8 weeks after their first set of leaves, it's a waiting game after that, goodluck.


Comfortably numb!
Everybody starts counting the flowering time(9-10) when they flip the lights to a 12/12 light cycle. I always counted calendar days....if it was 10wks I'd count 70days on the calendar.

Yes I'd at least have the plant 30-40 days from the seed sprouting. Or usually around the 30-45 day phase you'll notice maturity is enough to flip to 12/12. So if your seedling has seen at min 30-45 days 24/0 or 18/6. You could start the 12/12 and see how things that have flowering time of 9-10 wks will look in 63-70days from the 12/12 light cycle. Remember all flower times greater VARY. Plus some growers including myself like to let them flower a extra wk or so/ visc/vesa.....some guys prefer shorter flowering and may harvest earlier. But with a mature Vegged plant(18-6) I start counting the flowering time 9-10wks the day I flip to 12/12 in calender days .....somewhere in the 63-70 days. But you really not to understand by looking at your plants when there ready to harvest. The flower time breeders give I.e. 9-10wk is under optimal conditions and generally a estimated time. . But your eyes and knowledge of the strain and growing is the key. The breeders reference is a great estimate for normal optimal grows. Times Vary
Thanks :) Very few channels have stated this like you have. I was able to extrapolate the info whilst combining various opinions etc... and do the math.

I was a little upset (at myself) that I started 4 different strains. Gc, Tw, Gdp and Dt. They all had unique characteristics, which made it difficult to troubleshoot a deficiency (ph), I had in the beginning. I was PH uping instead of following the advice from the hydro shop, to just feed with RO water and not worry about the PH. I am using General Organics Gobox. I didn't listen :( I decided to give it a whirl and all the girls are healthy and happy.


Comfortably numb!
Yeah well where the ruderelis genetics come from, really high up in siberia, they get basically no darkness in midsummer so people often just dont give their auto plants any darkness and don't see any ill effects, they just finish faster.
That makes sense I suppose. Does ruderalis have a short flowering cycle? I am not impressed with my 1st auto (tw). Therefore I don't see myself wasting 24hrs of light on them. It was my 1st fgrow so, I might have screwed something up. I will give another one a go and see what develops but, I am not impressed either as many have voice their own opinions on autos.


Comfortably numb!
i've only got an 8x4 space, i can get thirty plants in there, to get my kilo, if i veg any longer i'll run outa space, a two month veg is just perfect for me, goodluck.
Sorry ( I misread your post. I thought you meant 8 weeks total vice 8 weeks of veg. My bad :(


Active member
If you're doing a perpetual flower cycle like me and have one flower room the veg time is dictated by the length of flower of the previous cycle. Except if it's the first cycle of course. I just have to manage size until the flower box is ready to take them.

I veg 18/6 and in the past have always flowered 12/12. This year however I've been running 11/13 start to finish with no noticeable difference other than a lower power bill. I start counting flowering days as soon as I flip.


Comfortably numb!
If you're doing a perpetual flower cycle like me and have one flower room the veg time is dictated by the length of flower of the previous cycle. Except if it's the first cycle of course. I just have to manage size until the flower box is ready to take them.

I veg 18/6 and in the past have always flowered 12/12. This year however I've been running 11/13 start to finish with no noticeable difference other than a lower power bill. I start counting flowering days as soon as I flip.
I like the idea of a perpetual grow and understand the concept. Unfortunately, we can't do that here :( 4 plants max, which is more than enough for me. Perhaps down the road but I doubt I will need it. Building up a stash takes time :( I have some strains scheduled for 3 yrs from now LOL. I wouldn't mind shrinking it down to a year ROTFL.


Well-known member
If the jars are empty, I count like this:



Active member
I like the idea of a perpetual grow and understand the concept. Unfortunately, we can't do that here :( 4 plants max, which is more than enough for me. Perhaps down the road but I doubt I will need it. Building up a stash takes time :( I have some strains scheduled for 3 yrs from now LOL. I wouldn't mind shrinking it down to a year ROTFL.

You could do it by flowering 2 plants at a time. You'd have plenty of time to veg the other 2 to a good size in 8-10 weeks which would then be ready to immediately flip. If you want to keep running a cut you like it would be good if you're constantly growing new strains perhaps not so much. I've found it's not the number of plants that influences the yield as much as the space they have to grow in.