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How do folks count days/weeks?


Comfortably numb!
You could do it by flowering 2 plants at a time. You'd have plenty of time to veg the other 2 to a good size in 8-10 weeks which would then be ready to immediately flip. If you want to keep running a cut you like it would be good if you're constantly growing new strains perhaps not so much. I've found it's not the number of plants that influences the yield as much as the space they have to grow in.
All great points to ponder :) I have a 2x2x3 300W veg tent and a 3x3x6 600W flower. What's the difference of growing 2 vs 4 time wise? It may be perpetual but... I'll have to see how the next grow goes wrt how much weight will the tent accommodate/provide. Time will tell though :) I may just have to do that if I can only accommodate 2. I have 3 in the flower tent now. The Tw auto is in the veg tent with my Gdp bonsai mum shhhhh :)


Active member
All great points to ponder :) I have a 2x2x3 300W veg tent and a 3x3x6 600W flower. What's the difference of growing 2 vs 4 time wise? It may be perpetual but... I'll have to see how the next grow goes wrt how much weight will the tent accommodate/provide. Time will tell though :) I may just have to do that if I can only accommodate 2. I have 3 in the flower tent now. The Tw auto is in the veg tent with my Gdp bonsai mum shhhhh :)
If that's the size of your flower tent you can easily fill that with 2 plants. Don't forget the plants that go in will have had 8-10 weeks veg so are going be quite large before they start flowering.

I don't think there is any difference timewise (in a perpetual setup) between veging 2 or 4 plants when you're waiting 8-10 weeks anyway. It would just mean if you had 4 plants you'd have to prune them several times in veg. They get pretty big in 2 months.

I'm not saying you should do this it's up to you how you do it. It's just I know sooner or later you are going to find something you like and want to grow over and over. :)

If you did it this way you'd probably have to hide the cuts because I always like to take more than I need and select the best ones.


Elite Growers Club
Thanks :) Very few channels have stated this like you have. I was able to extrapolate the info whilst combining various opinions etc... and do the math.

I was a little upset (at myself) that I started 4 different strains. Gc, Tw, Gdp and Dt. They all had unique characteristics, which made it difficult to troubleshoot a deficiency (ph), I had in the beginning. I was PH uping instead of following the advice from the hydro shop, to just feed with RO water and not worry about the PH. I am using General Organics Gobox. I didn't listen :( I decided to give it a whirl and all the girls are healthy and happy.

Yes be careful if your running strains your not familiar with. If your running different strains you'd be better off running them in soil....ya know put them in different containers and you can adjust your nute solution ph to each plant you feed. Mix you up a gal or so each plant and adjust. If your running a hydro table you might wanna stick to 1-2 strains or you might need a couple different resivoirs. MAin thing USE RO WATER. That a must indoors, but these flower times that breeders give are estimates under optimal conditions. Most the time I add a wk on to what they call for. But it all depends, it can also be different from soil to hydro and wk or so. Mainly use your eyes and when half to hairs are amber and half brown it's probably ready....at least close....give or take a wk.:tiphat:


Elite Growers Club
To keep this real simple K.I.S.S
Veg for 45 days 18/6 once seedlings sprout

Flower 12/12 and count the days/week (9-10wk) 63-70days

It may be off a little but it's easy and close

Maybe Veg longer....especially for bigger plants and harvest. Veg 60 days plus to grow bigger plants


Active member
Yes be careful if your running strains your not familiar with. If your running different strains you'd be better off running them in soil....ya know put them in different containers and you can adjust your nute solution ph to each plant you feed. Mix you up a gal or so each plant and adjust. If your running a hydro table you might wanna stick to 1-2 strains or you might need a couple different resivoirs. MAin thing USE RO WATER. That a must indoors, but these flower times that breeders give are estimates under optimal conditions. Most the time I add a wk on to what they call for. But it all depends, it can also be different from soil to hydro and wk or so. Mainly use your eyes and when half to hairs are amber and half brown it's probably ready....at least close....give or take a wk.:tiphat:
Totally agree with that. 1 strain is optimal. 2 strains is doable. 3 or more strains is like herding cats.

Lost in a SOG

That makes sense I suppose. Does ruderalis have a short flowering cycle? I am not impressed with my 1st auto (tw). Therefore I don't see myself wasting 24hrs of light on them. It was my 1st fgrow so, I might have screwed something up. I will give another one a go and see what develops but, I am not impressed either as many have voice their own opinions on autos.

Yeah really short in nature. Ruderelis has a terrible high that takes away a lot of the goodness from other genetics. Personally I would only advise them to cash croppers in illegal places and that's if I would advise them at all.

Seems a waste that some risk their freedom for such lame weed.

Ruderelis genetics need weaker soil in general than normal indicas and sativas..


Comfortably numb!
Totally agree with that. 1 strain is optimal. 2 strains is doable. 3 or more strains is like herding cats.
I can relate to that :) How do they say it? No guts no glory LOL. However, it was a great learning experience. Ya got to get that under your belt :biggrin: Now that we have defined that I was/am on the right track wrt veging and flowering periods.

I ran 4 strains: Gc, Gdp, Dt, and Tw(A). The auto was by mistake as I had forgotten she was an auto as I would have never (under normal circumstances) ran an auto with the rest. Gc and Tw were supposed to be run outdoors in the greenhouse. 2 things prevented that. The date got moved to the right and, locally outdoor grows are forbidden (nuisance by-law passed (smell)) whether in open ground, green houses, balcony grows etc... Not that this really bothers me it just means adjusting to the circumstances. From what I have read, witnessed here and learned from growing Bonsai, pests and pathogens abound. One less worry for indoor grows. The tent intake is via a HEPA filter.

The other thing I have read, is that clones from other sources can and have cause havoc for certain individuals. e.g the clone were infected with x, y, z. I don't plan on growing clones from other sources.

The Gc(S) and Gdp are growing with pretty much the same profile. The Gc grew and is flowering like an Indica. The Dt grew tall and lanky which was really surprising because it is an Indica (read unexpected). Although it created havoc, I solved the problem by placing the shorter plants on pedestals of the appropriate height for even light distribution. This along with judicious LST kept the canopy height in check.

As stated the Gc was a surprise (grew like a sat) If that was the growth characteristic of this particular girl, I should have cloned that sucker and, use the clone for seeds.

Because I have the medicine I use on hand, my next grow is AC/DC (luv that stuff). I plan to strike 4 seeds and see what develops e.g M/F. I don't think I will be screwing around with breeding (at this stage) but I plan to CS one of the females for seeds. Same thing will happen with Harlequin.

BTW, I grow pills :) and e-liquid.


Comfortably numb!
Yeah really short in nature. Ruderelis has a terrible high that takes away a lot of the goodness from other genetics. Personally I would only advise them to cash croppers in illegal places and that's if I would advise them at all.

Seems a waste that some risk their freedom for such lame weed.

Ruderelis genetics need weaker soil in general than normal indicas and sativas..
Please clarify this good buddy :) I never was a fan of autos. I am not impressed with my 1st auto and, your statement here is that I probably fucked her up. My Nl is also an auto :( (my night time medicine) I will grow them out but will be replacing this strain with feminized seeds.

Growing with HP Promix.


Active member
The other thing I have read, is that clones from other sources can and have cause havoc for certain individuals. e.g the clone were infected with x, y, z. I don't plan on growing clones from other sources.
I wouldn't completely rule that out. While they can cause problems I've received clones from other people before. As long as you quarantine for a period you should be good.
Please clarify this good buddy
I never was a fan of autos. I am not impressed with my 1st auto and, your statement here is that I probably fucked her up. My Nl is also an auto :( (my night time medicine) I will grow them out but will be replacing this strain with feminized seeds.
Growing with HP Promix.
I'm no auto expert I've only grown them a couple of times. the problem I can see is the Ruderalis part of the genetic which is where the auto characteristic comes from just isn't a good strain to smoke. I'd imagine the trick is to have as little Ruderalis in the mix as possible while still retaining the auto trait. It appears some breeders have done better than others at achieving this.


Comfortably numb!
I wouldn't completely rule that out. While they can cause problems I've received clones from other people before. As long as you quarantine for a period you should be good.
I hear ya good buddy. I have 2 tents, more than I need but having a veging tent is convenient. Having a tent for quarantine is simply not in the cards. I am not a breeder and, I have no intention of breeding. The only clones I would accept is clones from a difficult to find strain, that I wish to acquire for their medicinal value. I guess a Q would be... How much time do we save with a clone vs striking from seeds. Some clones root quicker than others etc... (so I've been informed)

I am new to all this. Having said that it doesn't mean uninformed. I am well researched. Being retired allows me the time to thoroughly research the subject, extrapolating the info and getting rid of the hog wash we sometime see. Hence the current discussion. My Q good buddy... What would you recommend? I have reg Lebanese seeds from Ace seeds. Should I allow M/F breeding for seeds or CS/STS a female? Because I simply don't have the facility to give them their own bedroom so to speak. Hence, forcing a female to have sex with herself :)

I'm no auto expert I've only grown them a couple of times. the problem I can see is the Ruderalis part of the genetic which is where the auto characteristic comes from just isn't a good strain to smoke. I'd imagine the trick is to have as little Ruderalis in the mix as possible while still retaining the auto trait. It appears some breeders have done better than others at achieving this.
Well good buddy, I am no expert either and have little knowledge or experience growing them. I am not impressed with my current auto and will give it another go (why not I have 4 seeds left). I argued the point when I was offered the autos. Sellers sell stuff and buyers buy stuff. Every point raised to the advantages of autos I shot down. The major one was cost/yield of autos. Running lights 16hrs a day vs 12. In this thread or another I am currently following, some state 24 hrs of light (mimic Siberia) Maybe they were designed for outdoor growing? The individual that recommended "autos" has been caught more than once in propagating inaccurate info. Not his fault, simply regurgitating stuff he heard. I'll be lucky to get an oz off her :( IMHO that is not performance, considering that my other girls will exceed the yield of the auto hands down. Is it this particular plant, or is it the entire strain? Maybe I did something wrong, who knows? But we all learn somehow and hopefully correct deficiencies as we move forward, IOT not make the same mistakes twice :tiphat:


Active member
I hear ya good buddy. I have 2 tents, more than I need but having a veging tent is convenient. Having a tent for quarantine is simply not in the cards. I am not a breeder and, I have no intention of breeding. The only clones I would accept is clones from a difficult to find strain, that I wish to acquire for their medicinal value. I guess a Q would be... How much time do we save with a clone vs striking from seeds. Some clones root quicker than others etc... (so I've been informed)
I've never done a side by side so this is just my guess but maybe a week or 2. Saving time isn't the reason I do it though. It's so I always get the same genetic and product each cycle. That's why every time I try a new seed now I take cuts. I don't know how many times over the years I've grown a plant (usually outdoors) and wished afterwards I still had it.
What would you recommend? I have reg Lebanese seeds from Ace seeds. Should I allow M/F breeding for seeds or CS/STS a female? Because I simply don't have the facility to give them their own bedroom so to speak. Hence, forcing a female to have sex with herself
I've grown for many years but I've never got into breeding so I wouldn't want to advise you. I'm still learning myself. There are many people on here with more experience than me.

My gut feeling is I'd always prefer M/F breeding if that's an option.
Well good buddy, I am no expert either and have little knowledge or experience growing them. I am not impressed with my current auto and will give it another go (why not I have 4 seeds left). I argued the point when I was offered the autos. Sellers sell stuff and buyers buy stuff. Every point raised to the advantages of autos I shot down. The major one was cost/yield of autos. Running lights 16hrs a day vs 12. In this thread or another I am currently following, some state 24 hrs of light (mimic Siberia) Maybe they were designed for outdoor growing? The individual that recommended "autos" has been caught more than once in propagating inaccurate info. Not his fault, simply regurgitating stuff he heard. I'll be lucky to get an oz off her :( IMHO that is not performance, considering that my other girls will exceed the yield of the auto hands down. Is it this particular plant, or is it the entire strain? Maybe I did something wrong, who knows? But we all learn somehow and hopefully correct deficiencies as we move forward, IOT not make the same mistakes twice
Autos aren't for me I decided that a long time ago. You invest so much time and effort into a crop why risk a substandard product? That's what I love about cloning you find a pheno of a strain you like and you know what the result will be every time.


Comfortably numb!
I've never done a side by side so this is just my guess but maybe a week or 2. Saving time isn't the reason I do it though. It's so I always get the same genetic and product each cycle. That's why every time I try a new seed now I take cuts. I don't know how many times over the years I've grown a plant (usually outdoors) and wished afterwards I still had it.

I am taking this under advisement :) I believe than in the long run I may be going that route. Remember in our jurisdiction, cutting = 1 plant. I believe this approach is designed for larger (unlimited) grows :( Once I have my stash built up and able to grow my medicine, without having to visit a shop ($$$), having figured out "my needs" I may eventually do that.

I've grown for many years but I've never got into breeding so I wouldn't want to advise you. I'm still learning myself. There are many people on here with more experience than me. View Image
My gut feeling is I'd always prefer M/F breeding if that's an option.
Well good buddy I have lots of time to figure that one out. The grow ain't planned until 30 Mar 2020 (grow #6). I remember blonde Lebanese, yum, yum :) That being said... I plan on running 4 plants and grow a mixture of red and blonde. It is just a matter of harvest time. I grow for CBD hence, harvesting from mostly amber trichs, although I will be also harvesting for blonde :) harvesting each plant at varying stages of maturity. By that time I should have a good handle on what I am doing, and find out more wrt sex.

Autos aren't for me I decided that a long time ago. You invest so much time and effort into a crop why risk a substandard product? That's what I love about cloning you find a pheno of a strain you like and you know what the result will be every time.
A lot of folks in my neighbourhood profess/push them. As stated previously, their recommendations were flawed with inaccuracies :( No biggy :) I simply take what they say on a variety of topics with a grain of salt, as many of their representations were inaccurate. I am not sure where they are getting their info from, but their source lacks credibility. During one of my visits, a young fellow (early 20s) fuck CBD man, THC is where it is at! At 62 I don't want to, or plan on spending my days ripped! "What's wrong with that"? Simply no longer my cup of tea. The shop owner (hydro shop) gave the young fellow the look (e.g STFU). That is why my next grow will be AC/DC! :)


Elite Growers Club
I'm kinda still on the fence with these autos. I 100% love fem seeds and used them since they first hit the market. But I kinda feel the Autos are a weird twisting of genetics. I just kinda feel it's not normal or correct for a plant to do these things. I dunno maybe if I run them a little more. But I'm sticking to fems like I have the past 15-20yrs and a few reg/standard seeds here and there


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People start counting flowering weeks from flip to 12/12 or when the first (pre)flowers are showing.


Elite Growers Club
Yes it has.....I'd also like to encourage some of the younger generation to read Jorge Cervantes grow bibles. Or any other books about growing that you can pick up on expert facts and opinions. These books can go along way in helping/ learning you to grow. It's more than just growing, it's location, soil, and tons more. Take the time and expand your mind with some info/ reading.


Comfortably numb!
Yes it has.....I'd also like to encourage some of the younger generation to read Jorge Cervantes grow bibles. Or any other books about growing that you can pick up on expert facts and opinions. These books can go along way in helping/ learning you to grow. It's more than just growing, it's location, soil, and tons more. Take the time and expand your mind with some info/ reading.
Got the book :) Great volume although some have had some choice words for Jorge on here.


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
Get yourself also a copy True Living Organics by The Rev and also Teaming with Microbes by Jeff Lowenfels.

It will give you a basic understanding about growing organic and how you feed the soil life instead of the plant directly.


Elite Growers Club
Got the book :) Great volume although some have had some choice words for Jorge on here.

Well I picked up a lot from Jorge especially on the indoor side of things. I could care less about Jorge but the info has always been solid. Everybody knows if somebodys actually doing something to help.....there's also gonna be a line trying to bring it down. I just see a lot of threads and info going around that doesn't have any factual info....just a lot of opinions swirling around that guys could benefit reading some good hard facts about stuff. I guess were I was off the forums so many yrs and got older . I just see a lot of different things from other generations. But Jorge's book really helped me....hell probably mid 99s. I learned a lot along with OG , icmag forums