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How a Chubby Pizza-Delivery Boy From Idaho Became a Drug Kingpin



what a great read. just goes to show the amount of opportunity in this fine country. too bad the government always fucks it up!


so when is the movie coming out? it will prob be as good as blow was.


Active member
I'm tore up from tha floor up,right now,so between pickin my fat ass off the floor & hittn tha bub,well this whole op has takin like 45mins.gotta love motrabel's OGers kush :joint: :woohoo: :woohoo:


The Movie is called Alpha Dog coming out soon based on wut gypsy just typed but you know ne movie they twisted up a little


Active member
that story doesnt even sound real lol. her cat broke its back and got addicted to pain killers !!!!! jesus christ i dont kno if i should laugh my ass off or cry.


"And my cat Titty Bar Bob had broken his back, and he got addicted to these painkillers. He'd crawl up the sides of the wall to get to them. It was a weird summer."

Anyone notice anything strange about this...


Active member
Indica Sativa said:
Anyone notice anything strange about this...
a cat named titty bar bob that breakis its back and then gets addicted to pain killers.... im suprised there are not more comments on that alone. hell that could be amovie in itself but i doubt disney will do it anytime soon. i think a good name would be "the trials and tribulations of titty bar bob the cat"


raygun said:
THCezar I am with you :fsu:
How can they give a mandatory min that is greater than the min for murder? :chin: :badday: :angrymod: :jawdrop:

thats what happens when your the boss..


Active member
great read.
Alpha Dog was based on another real life event,
so I still have my eye out for the movie version.
Some how, I think Justin Timberlake will have a role.
He has that suburban psuedo-gansta...I mean Ganster vibe.


Active member
raygun said:
THCezar I am with you :fsu:
How can they give a mandatory min that is greater than the min for murder? :chin: :badday: :angrymod: :jawdrop:
well they have to make room for use bad potheads :nono: :bashhead:
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Active member
I think the kid should of keep his day job and dune the smuggling job on the side .:spank:
He would have been better off .:lurk:
Like so many of these guys the fast cash went to there head :nono:
They should have started real businesses and got out of the smuggling game!
Take all those house’s that they bought and rented them out…be the rich landlord not the broke jailbird. :spank:
I think they should have started some thing that if they got pinched they would still have a cashflow :joint:
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money can make ya and money can break ya it depends if it controls u or u control it a man has got to no his limitations .. ya have to be able to think past your next move cause u no the man will be .. trust no one and no who your dealing with .. ive come close in the begining .. but they turned around and i was gone .. you have to be willing to give it all up in a min and not look back .. ya cant grow weed from jail (or sell it) ..

peez ..

ss ..
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